Chapter Forteen: The Crazy Wedding (Theresa Pov)

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Today was the day of the wedding, Bobby was happy for us and had booked us a church. Which Dean wasn't the happiest about, but he didn't mind. Sam and Dean were already at the church dressed in their suits, Bobby and I were still back at the house. I had gotten the dress on but couldn't get the zipper up and Bobby was downstairs getting everything prepared, I walk down the stairs and Bobby was just about to walk past when I caught his eye. He was completely shocked and was blankly staring at me, I stopped on the staircase and smile softly.

"Do I look okay?"

"You look beautiful"

"Thanks Bobby... do you mind doing the zipper up?"

"Of course"

I stand in front of him with my back to him and felt his rough fingertips against my skin, once he zips me up and grabs his phone. I take his hand and walk to the rusty car, it was nerve wracking. I was about to get married to two men that loved me back and were waiting at the altar, Bobby drove to the church and parks by the doors.

"Bobby wait"

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing, just need a minute"

I look at the front doors and realised that the Winchester brothers were past those doors. Once I go through those doors, there was no turning back.

"Theresa, I'll be here with you every step of the way"

"Thank you, Bobby... let's do this!"

Bobby gets out the car and walks around to open my door, I smiled taking his hand and get out the car. We hooked arms and walk up the stairs, I gasped as the doors opened by itself as we walk in. Sam and Dean were standing there with black suits, I smiled as their shocked faces stare at me and as Bobby walk down the aisle. Our eyes met in a trance like state and Bobby hands me over to the boys, I stood in the middle over the boys and hold their hands.

"You look absolutely beautiful"

"Yeah, you look gorgeous"

We listen to the officiator and nod along, I put the ring on Dean and Sam's fingers. The boys each place a ring on my finger and say their vowels, I smiled at them as the officiator speaks.

"You may now kiss the bride"

I giggled and kiss them both, Bobby cheered and claps. Dean and Sam chuckle as Dean throws me over his shoulder, I bursted into laughter and Sam was arguing with Dean. I was placed down gently when we were in the next room with the big white wedding cake and a table full of food, Dean was almost drooling and Sam had slapped his arm. I held the knife with Dean and Sam's hands covering mine, we cut the cake and I end up taking a piece to shove in Sam and Dean's mouths. They laughed and I licked the icing off my finger, Dean and Sam wiped their faces off before taking a piece of cake. We all sat at the big table and ate cake together, it was the most fun that everyone has had. They all were happy, Sam and Dean were laughing a lot with Bobby who was drinking whiskey.

"I love you, my husbands"

"And we love you, our beautiful wife"

I giggled and take another bite of cake, it was an amazing atmosphere with soft music playing in the background and the lighting set the mood perfectly.

"Let's dance"

Sam and Dean look at each other before Sam gets up and takes my hand, I was pulled into his embrace as we swayed to the music. My arms rested on his shoulders, Sam had a soft smile across his face and Dean was watching from afar.

"I love you and Dean so much"

"I love you too, Tessa"

"I should probably dance with Dean now"

"Yeah I think he's getting jealous"

We laughed and pulled away, I stood on the dance floor and outstretched my arm to Dean who stood up and tags in for Sam. He wraps his arms around my waist and I place my arms around his neck, we swayed together and kissed softly. Sam and Bobby were talking.

"Hey Dean"

"Yes sweetheart"

"I love you"

Dean smirks and kisses me hard, I kissed back and push my hands into his hair. There was a cough that interrupted our kiss, I broke the kiss to look over at Bobby and Sam. Dean kisses my neck and pulled away as Bobby approaches, I smiled taking his hand and dance to the music with him.

"Thank you for supporting us and letting us stay in your house, you are amazing"

"It's alright Theresa, your family now and if you need anything then please don't hesitate to ask"

"Will do"

I hugged him before pulling away to walk back over to the table. Bobby sits down too and Dean stands up with a glass, I smiled at him as he clears of his throat and everyone went quiet.

"I would like to make a toast... when Sam carried you out the vampire nest and you were wounded, I thought we were going to lose you even though we didn't know you... it was like love at first sight and as we spent time together, Sam and I fell hard for you and we never thought we would be marrying you... so here's to our wife and our years together"


We all took a sip of our drinks and I stood up wanting to say something.

"I just want to say something short... I never thought I'd be in love with a man let alone two and it scared me at first knowing that I thought I was going to choose between you two, but I realised that I wanted both of you and that you guys had the same feelings towards me... you both spoiled me with so much love and I couldn't be more happy... so here's to all my love to my husbands"


I smiled sitting between my husbands and talking about random things, I looked at Sam and Dean with so much love.

To think I was stuck between two...

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