Chapter Six: Quiet Day (Sam Pov)

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Dean and Bobby were out for the day getting car parts or something, Theresa and I were alone in the house. I was reading up about certain legends and demons, Theresa was in the garden out front cleaning it up and trying to make it better. I noticed she was struggling with trying to reach the branches and to pull them away, so I closed my book and get up from the couch. I make my way over to her and take my jacket off, Theresa turns around and gets a fright.


"It's alright"

"Did you want help?"

"Actually, yeah... can you cut the branches off and take them around to the side?"

"Sure thing"

I started cutting the branches and Theresa started cleaning up the lawn, she had her hair tied up in a messy bun with bits of hair falling in her face and she wore some really small denim shorts along with a white crop top. Her skin was tanned and her long legs were covered in dirt, I moved onto the next tree as she throws the trash bag to the side and begins to plant little plants that Bobby had brought for her. I couldn't help but watch her. The sun was shining and the sky was blue with no clouds around, I began to sweat and get hot in my shirt. So I unbuttoned my shirt and throw it to the side exposing my ripped torso, Theresa was staring at me until I looked at her then she coughs and goes back to what she was doing. I rub the dripping sweat from my forehead and slick my hair back, Theresa heads inside and comes back out with two beers. I smiled at her whilst putting the trimmers down on the grass and taking the beer from her.


"You need and deserve it"

I laugh lightly before cracking it open and taking a swallow.

~ Theresa Pov ~

I watched as Sam took a swallow of beer and noticed some beer running down his chin to his neck, I swallowed harshly and look away from him. Sam throws the empty bottle to the side and picks up the trimmers, I was still drinking my beer as I watched him cut the branches off. His back muscles tense and tightened when he reached up, I place the beer to the side and clean up all our off cuts. Sam puts the trimmers away once he was done and helps me throw the trash away, I stood with the hose and gave the plants some water. Sam comes back and stands beside me, I smirk alittle and pointed the hose at him. He yelps and tries to get away, I ended up laughing and watched him approach. Sam grabs the hose and I gasped at how close he was, I could feel the water dripping on my head. Our eyes connected and my heart beat increases, Sam suddenly sprays me with water and we slipped on the wet grass. He falls ontop of me and I laughed, Sam holds himself up as he gazes down at me. I felt little water drops hit my face as his hair was drenched and hanging low, I could feel our trance pulling us closer but it was broken by the hose going crazy and spraying us. Sam gets off me and helps me up, I turned the hose off and Sam rolls it up.

"I'm going to go have a shower before I get sick"

"Oh yeah, good idea"

I walked in and go straight to the shower, I discard my wet clothes in the hamper and get in under the hot water. It was a quick shower, I got dressed into my short cute pink pjs and went back downstairs. Sam was sitting at the table holding a beer while looking at his computer, I walked over and put my hand on his shoulder. Sam looks up at me with a smile and turns his body a little bit to face me, I decided to get on his lap facing him and put my arms on his shoulders. He leans back and rests his hands on my thighs, I smiled and place my head against his shoulder. Sam put his arm around my waist and uses the other to continue researching, I inhaled his sweet musky scent and relaxed. I loved being in his arms and feeling the warmth of his body, Sam didn't seem to mind either.

-| Sam Pov |-

Theresa's legs dangled either side of my legs and her body was slumped against mine as her soft breathing hits my neck, it was ticklish. I had my arm wrapped around Theresa to prevent her from slipping off my lap and to give her security, Dean had called to say they were on their way and Theresa was sleeping. I didn't want to disturb her, so I left her to sleep and quietly read about demons and the bad omens that have been happening. I hear the door open and close.



I turned off my laptop and close it, Dean and Bobby walked in.

"Sh, she's sleeping"

Dean nods and sits down opposite me, Bobby grabbed himself a beer before sitting down.

"Hey Dean, can you hold her? I wanna research more"

"Uh- yeah- sure"

-| Dean Pov |-

I put my beer down and became very awkward, I've never really held a sleeping girl and never been asked either. I hold my arms out whilst Sam slowly stands up and walks over to me, I held Theresa's waist as Sam sets her down in my lap. Her body shifted and she hums as I watched her get comfortable, I stiffened feeling her hands against my chest and her head nuzzled against my shoulder. I put my arm around her and pick up my beer, Sam smiled and takes his things. Bobby was in the kitchen to make us something to eat. I opened the sides of my jacket and semi covered her, Theresa moved closer as her lips grazed my neck and her ticklish breathe hits my skin.

"Bobby, what do I do with her?!"

"I dunno, ask Sam... put her to bed or something?"

I groaned quietly and put my empty beer bottle on the table, I stand up slowly and put my arms under her bottom to prevent her from falling. Theresa moves slightly and continues to sleep, I quietly walked into the lounge where Sam was sitting doing more research.


Sam turns his body and looks at me.


"What am I meant to do?"

"Cuddle her, put her to bed or enjoy her presence"

I clenched my jaw and adjusted Theresa, I used my one arm to hold her up since she was light and used the other to shove Sam.

"Move over, I'm going to watch the game"

"Don't be loud okay?"

"Yeah yeah"

I sit down on the couch next to Sam and adjust Theresa to make it more comfortable for the both of us.

"Do you think she likes us?"

"Of course she does, Sam"

"Like, like us like us?"


I have no idea...

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