Prologue. Young and Reckless

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"Oh, c'mon Jas, you're no fun." I shout across the room.

We stood in the metal greenhouse on the Ark. It was a little ironic that a place so full of life was surrounded by cold, lifeless, metal walls.

The greenhouse was small, covered from end to end with different varieties of plant life. I was looking for... one plant in particular.

Water droplets sparkled on the thin leaves, showing that the sprinkler system that hung above had just finished up.


If the system had just finished, the greenhouse attendants wouldn't be back for another five minutes. That would give me plenty of time to find what I'm looking for.

It had been twenty minutes since I'd been sent out from a party by a jackass. Twenty minutes since I'd been told to 'find something we can smoke' in the greenhouse.

I take a deep breath, "What's it called again, Monty?" I look over to my friend who stands in front of the doorway keeping watch in the hallway outside.

"Cannabis sativa? The people on Earth used to use it to well... get high, basically." He says turning in to the room to look at me. I widen my eyes and point to the door, insisting that he continue to watch the hallway. Monty turns his head away from me.

Cannabis sativa. I walk slowly up and down the aisles of plants, looking for a label that matched the name that Monty had told me.

The light of tiny stars shines through the large glass window.

"You can't say I'm no fun, Mera. We're only here because you refuse to let Brick win. I'm just saying that this is a bad idea because this time, your stubbornness could get you thrown in jail." Jasper says, his eyebrows furrowed. He examines a leafy green bonsai tree.

Ah yes, Brick. The 'jackass who threw me out of the party'

Jasper rolls his eyes at me. His dark hair comes past his ears, and he brushes it out of his eyes with his index finger. He was tall, and sort of handsome. But aside from the nice figure, he always wore goofy goggles on top of his head that made it almost impossible to take anything he said seriously.

"You're being paranoid. First of all, I don't always let Brick win. He just... he was being an ass today, ok? And second of all, if you want me to think you're fun, help me find this damn plant." I reply.

Jasper looks up to me and begins to search the aisles on the opposite side of the greenhouse, an annoyed look on his face.

I smile, proud of myself that I got him to comply. At the end of the row of plants on my left, a small bush with pointy, triangular leaves sits. A label in front of the plant reads Cannabis Sativa.

"Got it!" I say rather loudly, to my friends. Jasper walks over to the aisle and a goofy smile crosses his face. "Nice. Now the fun starts."

He takes out a pocket knife from the pocket of his jeans and flicks it open, beginning to saw off the leaves of the plant.

"Don't take too much." Monty says. "Technically, that plant is used for medicinal purposes now which means... taking it is technically illegal. Not to mention we're stealing, and are here after hours so just... be cautious."

I click my tongue and look sideways at him, "We'll be fine. We still have," I look down at my watch, "Three minutes until the attendants get back. Why don't you get in here and smoke something. You sound like you need to calm your nerves."

Monty hesitates, and then laughs walking into the room. I pull out a lighter from the large pocket of my sweatshirt and roll some of the leaves in a discarded sticky note. I light the paper on fire and put it to my lips.

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