18. Seperated

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The gates barge open. I see Miller fall to the ground. I rush to his side. An arrow sticks out of his chest. He groans. I pick him up and heave him into my arms. I see Bellamy in front of me. Shooting any grounder that starts to come near me. I lift Miller into the drop ship. I see Jasper running toward me. He runs past me but I grab his wrist, "Aren't you supposed to be a scout?!" I yell. He nods, "Raven and Clarke need my help. They said they're going to fire off the drop ship rockets. We're gonna blow these bastards to the moon!" He runs into the drop ship. Clarke comes over to me and looks at Miller, "He was shot. He needs help. Badly." she nods and takes Miller into the drop ship. I go back to stand next to Bellamy. A grounder comes at me and I fire the gun. It's something nice never done before and it feels really good. Like all of my anger was channeled into shooting one bullet. Another grounder comes from behind me. I don't see her. She tackles me and slams me to the ground. I gasp and the wind is knocked out of me. She punches me in the jaw. I gasp in pain. She takes a long silver knife out of her belt. I grab her wrist and grunt as I pull her arm away from me. She's strong though and I can't hold her off forever. She pushes the knife closer to my chest. I feel the blood start to pool in my chest. It drips out of my body and I can't do anything. I'm going to die here. I'm going to die. I scream as the knife penetrates my skin. It burns more than ever. Then I hear a gun shot. The girl falls to the ground and I see a bullet wound in her chest. I lay on the ground in pain. I see Bellamy in front of me. He pulls the knife's tip out of my chest. I grunt in agony. He picks me up and I lay in his arms. He runs to the drop ship and I curl up against him. His body is warm from sweat and it feels nice. Probably the last thing I'll ever feel before I die. I smile. He looks down at me, a worried expression on his face. He sets me down on the drop ship floor and I look at him. He looks at another girl in the drop ship, "Get her to Clarke, please." the girl nods. I watch him turn to leave, "Bellamy," I say hoarsely. He turns and looks at me solemnly, "Please, don't leave me." he walks over to me and smiles, "I'll be back soon, promise." he kisses my forehead and turns around. He looks back at me one last time before running out to fight more grounders. I see Jasper running over to me, "Oh, dammit." he says. He runs mover to Clarke and the next thing I know both of them are coming over to me. Jasper leaves to go help Raven and Clarke stays by my side. It's ok. Once this is over, I'll help you. But we're ready to launch now. Just hold on, "Clarke!" I try to scream it, but it comes out as a whisper. She doesn't hear me. I get up and watch as Bellamy fights a strong grounder. He won't make it. The doors begin to close and tons of us race in the drop ship. Bellamy tried to fight off the grounder but he's too strong. I use all of my strength to call out to him, "Bellamy! Leave him! You have to go! C'mon don't be an idiot!" I scream at him ignore the pain in my chest. Clarke grabs my wrist and starts to pull me into the drop ship, "No!" I scream at her, "Bellamy! Bellamy, please!" Clarke looks solemnly at me. Tears start to run down my face. I couldn't leave him. I just couldn't. "Please, Bellamy. Come back with me. I can't loose you too. I need you. I love you." The tears come faster. I take a deep breath as Clarke pulls me into the drop ship. A grounder girl jumps in after me. I sit in the corner as Jasper fires the rockets. All I feel is a rumbling. But all I can think of is Bellamy being burned alive. He's gone, dead. I'll never see him again. Monty's probably dead too. I'd lost hope. I couldn't hope for anything ever again. All that hope gets you is loss. And I can't lose anyone else. Jasper sits next to me. He wraps an arm around my shoulder and I lean into him. I cry into his shirt and he smiles, "I'll always be here for you, Mera. Always." I look towards Anya. She looks angry. But I would be to if I was her. All of her people were just killed. Every last one of them. Clarke argues with a couple boys but soon enough they open the doors. Charred ash rests on the ground. The ash is mixed in with the bone and charred flesh. The smell of burnt rubber fills the air. This just makes more tears fill my eyes. What a horrible way to die. There was no way to escape it. No way. I cry and fall to the ground. Suddenly a thick smoke clogs my throat. It feels dry. I try to breath in but the gas makes it so I can't breath. I feel drowsy like I'm ready to fall asleep. The last thing I hear before I'm out is Anya say, "Mountain Men." then I collapse into the pile of flesh and ash.
- - -
When I awake I'm in a room that is completely white. Was I dead? I don't think so, but I can't be too sure. I stand up the first thing I notice is the lack of pain in my chest. I lift my shirt up to see stitches in my chest. Someone had healed my wound. Thinking about wounds I remember the knife wound in my head. I touch it and feel stitches there too. I walk around the room. The only thing that makes the room colorful is a painting hanging over a chair. It's got all sorts of colors, mostly white and yellow though. I look out of the circular window to se another room across the hall from me. Suddenly a familiar face appears in the window. I would recognize the dark hair and almond shaped eyes anywhere. But it's almost impossible. The person across from me I never thought I'd see again, "Monty?"

a/n well that's it. I may do a second book for the second series. What do you think? I really hoped you liked this one. I worked really hard on it and stuff. Yeah that's all. Hope you liked it!!!

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