4. Love at first fight

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a/n I decided to post a new video on here. And maybe do some editing. The video is AMAZING, by the way. The person that made it did a fabulous job. And I love the song it plays too. So watch the video. It's really good.

My eyes flutter open slightly before the bright light of the sun makes me close them again. I groan, the pain in my head throbbing immensely.

Slowly, I take a deep breath and open my eyes again, forcing them to get used to the light.

My eyes move upwards and I see the Bellamy carries my body in his arms, the rest of the group walking next to him.

He looks down and makes eye contact with me, before looking back towards where he's walking. "Good," He says, "you're awake."

I take a deep breath and in a groggy voice say, "How long have I been out?"

Bellamy chuckles, "Around thirty minutes. We're almost back to camp."

My eyes widen, "Thirty minutes!?" I try to thrust myself out of his arms, hoping that I can begin to walk on my own but my body is too weak. I wince at the pain the re-enters my skull.

"Don't know if you're gonna be able to walk any time soon, princess. That wound on your head is pretty bad." Bellamy says sighing. My heart sinks, and I allow myself to accept the fact that I'd just have to let him carry me.

"Do you know how bad it is?" I ask him hesitantly, assuming he wouldn't know the severity of my wound.

Bellamy looks down at me and then to the gash in my head. "Clarke said you've probably got a concussion. Might need stitches too. Apparently her mom was a doctor on the Ark." When he finishes talking, hope begins to swell inside me. If Clarke knew anything about medicine, maybe she could help Jasper. Maybe Jasper could survive this. A slight smile crosses my face.

I'm silent the rest of our journey. As we enter a clearing, crowds of teenagers begin to surround us. Bellamy helps me to my feet and slings my arm over his shoulder. He hunches significantly lower to reach my height and delicately wraps his arm around my waist.

"Are they alright? Let me through! Everybody move!"


I catch a glimpse of his matted hair as he tries to push through the crowd. For a second, I hate him for not coming after us. But all of my anger fades when his brown eyes meet mine.

I see relief flush over his body as he shoves people out of his way.

"Mera. Thank god." He says, reaching for my hand. I squeeze his hand lightly and smile, "I'm ok." I say quietly.

"Jasper, is he-"

Monty looks at Bellamy for some indication that his best friend was ok. Bellamy uses his free hand to point towards the back of the group. Monty looks at me as asking if he can check on his friend. I nod to him and watch as he runs towards the makeshift stretcher that Jasper is sprawled across.

Bellamy guides me to a dull orange tent. Beads of sweat from my forehead drip onto the ground. I take a deep breath, but little oxygen enters my lungs.

"Is it-" I start to hyperventilate, and my knees begin to shake uncontrollably. "Is it hot to you?" I ask Bellamy as we arrive at the tent.

He looks at me concerned as I start to wobble.

"C-can we stop walking for bit, let me just catch my..."

My knees suddenly give out as black spots enter my vision.

"Mera!" I here Bellamy call my name but his voice sounds distant. I feel my knees drop to the ground and my hands are suddenly covered in mud.

I blink, trying to get rid of the black stops but they just get bigger. Before I know it, my vision is dark. I hear a thump as my head hits the dirt.

Clarke dabs a wet cloth into my forehead. I wince at the pain. "It's going to need stitches." I scoff, "Of course it does." Clarke looks solemnly into my deep blue eyes, "Look, I know you probably hate me for leaving you and Jasper-" I interrupt her, "You got that right." I say rather rudely.

She sighs, and puts a needle to my forehead. I wince, "Ow! Jeez Clarke, I was kidding." I smile, trying to get some reaction out of her as as she stitches the wound on my forehead back together, "I don't hate you. Honestly, I probably would have ran away screaming too if it were you." I chuckle, and notice Clarke smile slightly at my joke.

When she takes the needle away from my head, I stand up. My head throbs but I push through it. Clarke reaches her hand out to stop me, gently touching my forearm, "You should rest." I move out of Clarke's way. "I'm good. Really." I walk out of the tent. I hear aloud groan coming from the drop ship. I walk in and see that the door to the upper floor is locked. A boy named Murphy is banging on the door trying to get in, "I'll kill him, let me up there, right now!" He shouts. Something inside of me snaps. I grab his body and throw it to the ground. I straddle him and grab the collar of his shirt, "What the hell did you just say?!" I scream at him, "Say it! I dare you to say you're going to kill him!" I continue to scream at Murphy his stunned eyes trained on mine. Then someone lifts me off of him. I kick and struggle to get out of the grasp of the person holding me back, "Mera stop, it's not worth it." Bellamy. I scream back at him, "He threatened to kill Jasper." Bellamy sighs, "Are you kidding me, he's going to die anyways." I lunge at him. Miller tries to hold me back. I elbow him in the jaw. He stumbles back in pain I jump on top of Bellamy, slamming his body to the ground. "Get the bitch off of me, Miller!" He screams. My fist connects with his nose, "You son of a bitch! You always have to have the last word don't you. God, why do I even find you attractive." I immediately regret the last word. Bellamy smirks, "Attractive, huh?" I scoff, trying to play it off cool. "Well, don't get any ideas Blake. I thought I did. I was wrong. You're just a know it all, sarcastic, bitch with a huge ego." I get off of Bellamy. "You thought Murphy wasn't worth it? Well your just as bad as him." I storm out of the drop ship, leaving Bellamy stunned on the floor.
-  -  -
I sit on a log next to the camp. I put my hands in my head. Jasper was dying. He couldn't die. He couldn't. I hear footsteps and someone sits next to me. I loom over to see Monty. I roll my eyes, "I was just leaving." Monty looks at me with sad brown eyes, "I wanted to come after you," I
avoid his eye contact. "I wanted to so badly. Clarke pulled me away, she said that you were dead. That if we didn't run we be dead too." I look up at him, "She said that." I couldn't believe that Clarke would say that. "Monty he's dying. Everyone says he's going to die." Monty sighs, "He won't die. I can't allow myself to believe that." I lean my head into his shoulder. The tears come before I can stop them. He puts an arm around my shoulder and comforts me. Jasper can't die. I can't loose him.
-  -  -
"You're coming right?" Jasper asks. I shake my head, "It's just a lame party. It's not going to be any fun anyways." Jasper pouts, "Please, please come. Johnny will be there." This gets my attention. Johnny was one of my other friends. I also had a massive crush on him. That was before the...incident. This was when I was about 14 or 15 years old.

I blush when he says that, "Fine. I'll go." Jasper laughs, "I knew that'd get you to go." I punch him hard in the arm, he howls in pain. "And Monty won't be there, I'll leave you alone, so I guess it'll just be you and him." I glare at him, we walk down the metal hallway to the party. The music is loud and sweaty teenagers dance around the room. Johnny stands at the corner of the room. He waves. He has straight dirty blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. He wears a black shirt with a red and white skull in it. His pants are a little tight but they look nice on him. I sigh. Jasper chuckles. We walk over to where Johnny is standing. Jasper plants the goggles onto his eyes. He smiles as he looks at the door. I look over to see that a dark haired girl I hadn't seen before comes through the doors. Jasper takes off his goggles, "Who is that?" Johnny smiles, "Just another girl who won't notice us." That laugh. I decide to chime in, "Ooh someone's got it bad." The girl begins to dance. I turn my attention away from her and back to Jasper. I notice that Johnny is gone. "Where did-" Jasper sighs, "I'm sorry Mer." He says. I look at him confused. He looks somewhere in the direction of the other girl. I see Johnny dancing with her. My mouth drops open. "Oh," is all that I could get out. I walk away from Jasper, "Mera." He calls after me. I ignore him and storm out the door. I regretted doing that, because only three days later, the incident happened."

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