12. Exodus

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I didn't see anything. I kept looking up into the trees but from what I saw, nothing was there. "Jasper are you sure?" I say. I think he may be hallucinating again. Maybe he accidentally ate more of those nuts. "Of course, I'm sure. Don't you trust me Mera?" I nod. I guess I trust him. I mean he had to be telling the truth right,"They're going to shoot!" Jasper screeches. He jumps out of the bushes. "Jasper don't!" I scream. I grab hold of his wrist but he shakes me off. "Octavia get out of there! There's grounders in the trees!" I hear the click of the machine gun and the fire of bullets. Then I see millions of arrows rain down on us. I feel the tug on my hand and see that Bellamy is grabbing my hand and pulling toward the forest. I run after him. More arrows come from the direction of the camp. We sprit off into a different direction.

He pulls me into a small cavern. It's narrow only one person at a time can go in. By we fit. "Are you okay?" He asks concerned. I nod, "Besides the fact that my legs hurt from running so damn much." he chuckles. I roll my eyes, "And here I thought you were avoiding me." Bellamy looks at me confused, "Why in the world would you think that?" I shrug, "I don't know, maybe it was the fact that after we kissed the only time you talked to me, was when you were drunk." Bellamy looks at the ground, "Mera," he says. He doesn't finish, "You know what, let's just get back to camp." I say. I didn't want to talk about this. I stand up and start to walk away. He grabs my hand. I shake him off and walk out of the cave entrance.
- - -
When I return to camp and see that Jasper sits by the fire, a crowd of girls swarm around him. I chuckle and go to sit next to him. "I saw the grounders in the trees," I interrupt him, "You're telling this story. that literally just happened. And it's not that big of a deal." I say. He smirks, "Not a big deal?! I'm a hero." I laugh, "Right go ahead and think that." I pat his shoulder. One of the girls looks at me weird. I laugh to myself. All these girl don't have any idea what their getting into.

I go to sit next to Monty who is watching Jasper from afar, "Jealous are we?" I say. He shakes his head, "No, it's actually great. I mean he may be a jerk for the time being but we got a bigger tent." I smile, "And you don't mind the 'I'm a hero, I get anything I want' thing?" He shrugs, "Guess I'll learn to deal with it."
"And what about the swarms of girls? You're not jealous of that?" He shrugs again, "Nope. I was, but then I thought 'wouldn't it get annoying to have everyone praise your presence. So, no." he opens his mouth to say something but closes it again. I stand up and walk over to Bellamy. He again looks busy. I'm starting to think he's making himself busy so that he won't have to talk to me. He looks up at me and then back down, "It's not really a good time." He says, "Well sorry, I was just-" I'm interrupted by a sound. I look up and see something hurtling through the sky. A drop ship. Bellamy looks up and stares, "It's going to fast." he says. I nod. It is encircled in a bubble of fire. I see it come down to Earth only to explode in a fiery ring. I stare not knowing what in the world to do next.

a/n sorry I haven't updated lately. I got writers block. And the product of writers block is a short chapter. I thought this episode itself was short and didn't really have much plot to it. I'll try to update again shortly. Thank you for your patience.

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