10. Aw Nuts!

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I wake up an see that Bellamy is gone. I get up and walk around the camp, I can't find him. Octavia walks past me, "Hey have you seen-" she interrupts me, "He left. He and Clarke went to get some supplies."
"I should-"
"He also told me he didn't want you to come. Don't know why though, especially with all the fun you had last night." My eyes widen. Octavia bursts out in a fit of laughter, "So, he a good kisser or not?" I put a hand on my forehead, "You did not see that. Right?" She continues to laugh, "Oh yeah, went to see how Finn was doing, and then well-" I exhale deeply, and walk away.

I go over to where Jasper and Monty are eating nuts. Monty throws a nut into Jasper's mouth. He catches it. Then they do that weird handshake that they do sometimes. I never understood why they did it. "Mera, want to give it a try?" Monty asks. Jasper scoff, "You can try but there is no way you could beat me. I am Jasper king of nuts!" He shouts. "Let's just see about that." I say. Monty throws a nut. I catch it in my mouth. Jasper an Monty applaud me. "You shall be my queen." Jasper says. He takes a handful of nuts and slings an arm around my shoulders. I smile. This was what it was like before all of the madness. Before Earth.

We walk away from the table of nuts. Monty is trailing behing, stuffing handfuls of nuts into his mouth. "So Mera," Jasper says, "How'd it go with Bellamy last night." I roll my eyes. Did everyone know what happened, "Um, ok I guess. Is their anyone who doesn't know what happened last night?" Jasper looks behind him, "He doesn't know." he says indicating Monty. I look at him confused, "And I suggest that you do not tell him."
"Why shouldn't I. He is one of my best friends after all." Jasper sighs, "Just trust me, don't tell him." I nod, "I've always trusted you. I guess.... I won't tell him." Jasper smiles. I hear Monty's foot steps catch up with us. "Nuts?" He asks me. I smile, "Sure, why not." He hands me some. I pop them into my mouth. The flavor of the nuts is strange. It's sweet but salty. And the after taste is somewhat sour. I smile.

For once I have nothing to distract me from spending time with my best friends. For once I don't have Bellamy. I'm not saying that's a good thing, it's just nice to spend sometime with Jasper and Monty. "Earth is scary." Jasper says when we reach their tent. Monty smiles, "It's awesome, I'd like to give Earth a giant hug." I chuckle, "Your acting weird today." I say. He smiles, "Yeah, but in a good way." He winks. Jasper nods, "Duty calls guys, I'll be back." I smile at him, "I don't know if you're a king but you are definitely a nut." He shrugs and walks out of the tent.

"Mera, are you hearing this?" My vision goes a little blurry then. "Hearing what?" My voice sounds a million miles away. "The sun. It wants me to change the tide. But the moon is lost. Sorry Mera I got to go find it." I nod, "Right. Yeah, ok." my head hurts like crazy. What was happening to me. I walk out of the tent. The whole camp is chest deep in water. When did this happen. It doesn't matter. The trees around me are on fire. Trapping me. "Help!" I shout. Nobody comes to my aid. I'm going to die. Right here and now. "Help! Please help me." I scream again. Jasper runs over to me, "Did the grounders get to you too. I think I got luckier than you. Octavia have me an anti-grounder stick. You can use it if-if you want." I look at him confused, "Jasper do you not see the freaking ring of fire around me." he shakes his head. What the heck. I must be going crazy. Then the fire disappears. The water too. Now I'm not in the camp. I'm somewhere else. The Ark. Someone comes after. No, not you. He holds a metallic knife in his hands. I run as fast as I can. Threw the hallways and rooms, "He's going to kill me!" I shout. I see Octavia up ahead, "Octavia, help me. Please, help me. That man over there. He's got a knife. He's gonna kill me." She nods. She picks up a pinecone. "Here. When you hold this pinecone, nothing can hurt you." It looks like a normal pinecone. But if she says it will help me, I trust her. I sit on the ground holding the pinecone. The man with the knife stops running. He turns around and walks the other way. I sigh. I see Monty running down the hallway. "Mera you got to give me that pinecone." I shake my head, "Get your own pinecone." I say. He turns and runs back from the way he came. Feeling somewhat safe now. I put the pinecone in my lap and rest my head on the wall and fall asleep.

When I awake the camp is in chaos. Raven is helping a boy, and Finn is talking to a girl. Another boy dances around the camp with nothing but his underwear on. Monty sits shaking and curled up. Jasper sits on a rock curled up with a stick. He looks utterly adorable. Octavia sits next to the fire. "What happened." she smiles, "The whole went crazy. You know totally normal." the nuts. Of course. They must've caused hallucinations or something. Monty comes to sit next to us, "That was horrible. And a side note, I think that I ate a pinecone. Because it told me to." I laugh, "Only you, Monty, only you." I look around camp. I'm looking for Bellamy. He's no where to be seen. "He's not back yet." Octavia says. I sigh. He's still looking for supplies with Clarke. Am I jealous of her. No, well I don't know. I should never have gotten involved with him. He's a player and I don't deal with those sort of people.

"Who you looking for?" Monty asks.
"Um...Jasper. I hadn't seen him since the whole anti-grounder stick thing." Octavia bursts out in laughter, "He was hilarious! He actually believed that a stick would protect him from grounders." I laugh, "Well you know, I believed that a pinecone would protect me from a knife wielding maniac. So, I guess we all did some stupid things." Monty smiles, "You can't control what you do when you're high on nuts that give you major hallucinations." I smile. "No, no you can't."

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