6. Charlotte

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When I wake up I see that Jasper was no longer in the bed. My eyes widen, he's ok. I walk around the drop ship. He's not there. I walk out side and see him standing next to Octavia and Monty. I stare at him for a moment. He doesn't look like the boy I knew before. He looks different. His eyes are sadder and the signature goggles are no where to be seen. He catches my eye contact. He smiles, and I run over to him. He wraps his arms around me and I hug him back. "Hey." He says. I let go of him. I smile for a while.

Clarke comes over to the group and talks to Monty, "I'll do it." I hear her say. I stare blankly at Monty, he smiles. "I think that I found out a way for us to contact the Ark. But I needed someone's wrist band. Clarke volunteered to get back at her mom." I'm still confused but I nod anyways.

Clarke looks kind of upset, "Clarke are you alright." She nods, "Of course. Everything is fine." I still feel uncertain. I look at Monty confusion showing in my expression. He waits until Clarke walks away to talk to me, "You remember Wells, right?" Of course I remember him. What happened to him. "What about him." Monty sighs, "He was found dead this morning. Clarke was pretty messed up about it." My mouth opens slightly. Dead? So many of our people are dying. I'm just glad Jasper made it. I couldn't begin to know how Clarke felt. Guilty, sad, angry, and tons of other feelings.

Clarke walks out of the camp. I turn around, but something catches my attention, a scream. I rush out of the gate doors and see Bellamy, Octavia, and Clarke huddled around something. I look over and see three fingers wrapped in a silk cloth. I gasp. Clarke holds a knife in her hands. She looks angry. She rushes back inside the gate as if the sight is too much for her to take in. Frankly the sight was to much for me to take in. I run after her as does the rest of the group. Clarke runs into the drop ship. Me, Bellamy, and Monty follow her inside. Octavia stays outside to help Jasper. Clarke looks really distraught. "You know what this means right?" She asks. I shake my head. She scowls, "It means that the grounders didn't kill Wells. One of us did." I look at her confused. Clarke takes one look at the knife and growls. She runs in the direction of the door. Bellamy's voice stops her, "You don't even know who did it." Clarke nods, "Yes, I do. J. M. John Murphy." She pushes past me and through the door of the drop ship. Murphy sits on a log fiddling with a stick. Clarke hoists him up by the collar of his t-shirt and points the knife I'm the direction of his face. "You son of a bitch! You killed Wells didn't you." Murphy looks startled, "What? The grounders killed Wells." Bellamy walks out the drop ship door and stands nest to me. "It was your knife, Murphy." He says. Clarke continues to yell at Murphy. A thought comes to my mind, "Clarke, maybe-" Another boy's voice interrupts mine, "I say we float him!" He yells. Soon other people start to chant, 'Float him! Float him!" People come towards Murphy. They start to kick and punch, making Murphy's body fall to the ground.

I push past Bellamy and Clarke and look to see Murphy bleeding and swollen on the ground. "Stop!" I scream. Nobody listens. The whole camp has turned into chaos. I look to Bellamy, pleading in my eyes. He looks at me sadly and follows the mob, dragging Murphy's body, into the dense forest.

Murphy's hands are tied together and he is stood on a box. Some other boy ties one end of a rope to a tree, the other around Murphy's neck. Then he turns and looks at Bellamy. "Bellamy, should do it." My head whips in the direction of Bellamy. He can't do this. He wouldn't. I walk over to him, "You can stop this. Please, Bellamy don't do this. Nobody else needs to die." He shoves by me and looks at Murphy. Murphy is shaking his bloodied head and tears comes down his swollen face. He turns and looks at Clarke, "This is on you, princess." He kicks the box away, leaving Murphy's body to hang from the tree.

Suddenly a young girl steps forward. She had light blonde hair and dark eyes. She looks terrified, Bellamy looks at her, "Charlotte, get out of here." She doesn't move, "Stop!!" She shouts, "Murphy didn't kill Wells, I did." When nobody does anything I walk over to the boy holding the axe and take it out of his hands. I cut the rope down and Murphy falls to the ground gasping for air. Then I realize what I had just witnessed. How could such an innocent girl kill someone. Especially Wells.
- - -
We are in a tent. Bellamy's tent. It feels strange being in a guy's tent. Especially Bellamy's. Not that I minded it.

Charlotte looks stunned. Tears stream down her face, "I was just trying to slay my demons like you told me." She says, indicating Bellamy. I roll my eyes at him, "So this is your fault." He shakes his head violently, "No, he misunderstood me." He turns to Charlotte, "That is not what I meant." I hear Murphy screaming outside for us to bring out Charlotte. She's just a kid. She couldn't die. She shouldn't even have been sent down here. "I have an idea." Bellamy says. "Finn, Clarke take Charlotte out the back. Hide her. Mera come with me." I hesitate at first but he grabs my hand , an pulls me out of the tent.

Murphy stands looking at me, "So you finally learned to follow the rules haven't you princess." I scoff, "What happened to whatever the hell we want?" Murphy gave me a cold hard glare. "Now, that's the reason we're in this mess to begin with, isn't it?"

Murphy takes a few other boys and takes them into the forest. He shouts for Charlotte to come out. I just hope that Finn and Clarke hid her well.

All of my hope diminishes when I hear a cry. "Murphy, I'm over here." She's giving herself up to him. I grab Bellamy's hand and run after Murphy and the sound of the little girl's voice.

We stop running at the edge of a cliff. Charlotte stands next to Finn, and Clarke. Bellamy rushes over to her, dropping my hand.

Charlotte's face was streaked with tears. Murphy is no where to be seen. Just then someone grabs me from behind. I feel the cool metal of a knife against my neck. Bellamy looks at me wide eyed, "Let her go, Murphy. She's not part of this." Murphy looks at me a sly smile on his face. "Of course she is. You don't think I've seen the way you look at her. Just give me the girl and she won't get hurt." Charlotte's mouth opens, "Please, don't hurt her." Bellamy grabs Charlotte's wrist. "Murphy stop this." Murphy glares at him, "I don't remember you stopping when I was hanging from a tree by my throat." Bellamy is speachless. "I'm sorry." Charlotte says. Before anyone can say anything, Charlotte runs toward the cliff and dives of the edge. I would gasp but the metal at my throat makes it impossible.

"You got what you wanted Murphy. Let Mera go." Bellamy says. Murphy lets me go. I spin around and punch him in the nose. I walk towards Bellamy. he lunges at Murphy knocking him to the ground. "Stop! You're killing him." I yell. Bellamy stops and looks at me, "You know that he deserves to die. What should we do if not kill him." Clarke speaks up, "We banish him." Murphy looks me dead in the eyes. Bellamy hoists him up by the collar of his shirt. "Don't ever come back. If I ever see you again. I won't be so generous." We walk away leaving Murphy on the ground.

a/n sorry this chapter took so long. Wattpad everything I updated and I had to restart 3/4 of the chapter. It's also longer than the other chapters because this is kind of tense and action packed. Tell me what you think so far. Thx love you all!!!

Oh! BTW, I know that advertising while writing fanfiction is pretty low, but I'm going to set it aside for just this once. 

So my cousin who is amazingly talented just released her first self recorded album! She's only fourteen but her voice is freakin amazing, and I'm sure that both of us would appreciate if you listened to it. https://cameronlane.bandcamp.com/releases  So yeah, Bye!

Earth Bound ~ The 100 Fanfic~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now