2. Ground

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"In peace may you leave this shore"

The dozens of teenagers that crowd the drop ship look towards the door in confusion. Some of us are frenzied, terrified that what lay behind those doors would kill us in a heartbeat. Other are excited, hoping that the ground would be their chance to start over, to earn redemption for whatever terrible thing they'd done on the Ark.

I don't know what I was feeling. My eyes are glued to the bodies of two innocent teenagers. They were given a second chance. And they'd wasted it by making a dumb mistake. I sigh, and turn around from them, instead looking to Jasper.

He can obviously tell that I'm feeling anxious and gives me a calm smile. His smile was soothing. Since the day I'd met him it was able to calm me down.

Monty unbuckles his seatbelt, and stands next to me. He puts a hand on my shoulder, causing me to turn and fade him.

"You ok?" He asks. I look into his hazel eyes for a second and then back to the ground, nodding. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say. I was only half lying.

I wasn't ok with any of this. Being sent to Earth, realizing I could die in a few moments, all of it. But I couldn't feel my anxieties. I only felt-


My eyes turn towards the large metal door, as an older boy walks towards it. He's staring at the blonde girl, his eyebrows furrowed. His eyes narrow as he listens to her speak. I hear her say that the ground could be dangerous, but the crowds of people make the rest of her weds blurry.

The older boy is dressed in a guard's outfit. Most likely someone they sent down here to make sure we don't kill each other. His hair is slicked back with hair gel, revealing his freckled face and dark, stubborn eyes.

When he gets to the front of the drop ship he steps by the door and turns to the crowd of teenagers. "I say we open the doors!" He yells. This earns him the attention of the entire room, as his deep voice bounces off of the metal walls, causing it to echo.

We stay silent for a minute, all of us debating inside our heads whether or not opening the doors was a good idea. Nobody speaks up about their opinions. They, most likely, felt the same way that idea. Numbed by the situation and confused on what was going on.

A girl pushes through the crowd stopping in front of the guard. Her mouth drops open a little when she sees him. I've seen this girl before. She has long brunette hair that hangs in her face, and solemn blue eyes. Her eyes widen at the sight of the guard and her expression is mixed with both sadness and joy.

My initial thought was that the girl would argue with the guard and the blonde girl, stating her opinion on the ground.

But now my thoughts about her have changed. She knows this guard. Somehow, this girl had a personal connection to him.

"Bellamy," She says. She walks closer to the guard and wraps her arms around him, embracing him.

The blonde is obviously not impressed with the situation and rolls her eyes, "We need to decide whether or not to open those doors." I look at Monty in annoyance of the girl, wishing these three people would decide on something. The room was getting crowded, and unbearably stuffy. My body was ready for adventure.

"Would you mind," The brunette says, backing away from the guard, Bellamy. "I haven't seen my brother in years."

Brother? I look towards Monty in shock. On the Ark, it was illegal to have more than one child. This was because if our population grew, that'd mean less air for the rest of us.

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