11. Bringing Unity

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The next morning everyone is in a hurry. People are crowded around a small screen. I hear Jaha talking, but I don't want to listen to him. Today is Unity Day. The day when all the countries remaining formed an alliance. Everyone says that it's the most important event in our history. That the Ark wouldn't even exist without it. But to me, it's just a bunch of crap. I think that it's just a way for people to drink and celebrate. And that's perfectly fine with me.

Monty comes to stand next to me, "Mera," he says. I look at him in question, "When you get a chance, we need to talk." I smile and nod, "No problem," I look around, "Have you seen Bellamy?" He rolls his eyes, "I think he's over there." he says pointing in the direction of the drop ship. I thank him and start to walk in that direction. I look at the ground, I soon realize that this is a horrible decision because I stumble and run into someone. I look up to see a young boy. He has dirty blonde hair, and pretty blue eyes. He hair is ruffled and he looks startled. "I'm sorry, I-" I begin. The boy looks at me like I'm crazy, "You don't have to apologize. It happens a lot. I'm Sterling by the way." a big goofy smile appears on his lips, "I'm Mera." He nods, "Yeah, I know. You're the girl that Bellamy has a thing for." I guess everyone does know about that, "Yeah, I guess." I say. He nods and walks past me. He turns around, "I'll see ya, Mera." I smile, "See ya, Sterling." I walk toward the drop ship where I see Bellamy talking to someone I don't recognize. I decide not to bother him right now. I'll talk to him later. When he's not busy.

It seems like Bellamy's avoiding me. Avoiding what happened. I can't avoid it. I think about him all the time. I guess he doesn't want to talk about it. I'll let him come to me. Whenever he's ready.

I feel someone grab my shoulders. I jump. "Gotcha." Jasper says. I elbow him in the stomach, "Whatcha doing? Thinking about your boyfriend?" I roll my eyes, "Shut up. I'm not even sure what he is." I say. He pats my shoulder, "Cheer up Mer. There's plenty of fish in the sea." he says this suspiciously, "Are you hinting something?" I ask. He laughs, "Of course not. I just don't like seeing you like this. You looked wrecked Mera. Maybe you should have a drink. I made something of my own creation." He hands me a glass of purplish liquid. I swish it around. The liquid seems thick I look at it in disgust, "I call it Unity Juice. Just drink it." Jasper says. I take a deep breath and swallow the dark alcohol. I choke. It tastes amazing. Spicy and salty, with a bitter sweet after taste. I take another sip. And before I know it I'm drowning down the drink within seconds. "Give me another." I say. Jasper laughs, "Slow down speedy. Here." He gives me another drink. I drown it again, "Where is it?" I ask. Jasper points to the table behind him. I push past him and fill my cup up again. I swallow. Now I feel dizzy. I probably shouldn't drink anymore.

I sit down. I look over to see Bellamy fall face forward onto someone's tent. He gets up and walks over to me, "Hey, sugar." He says. I laugh, "You're drunk Blake." He smiles dazed, "Why yes, yes I am." He sit next to me, bumping into my shoulder. "Unity Day. My number one holiday. All the celebration and only with the cost of you're peace. To bad I don't have any." he bursts out in laughter. He was acting ridiculous. "Oh, I almost forgot," he slurs, "I need you to come with me tomorrow. Finn, that idiot, set up a meeting with the grounders. Clarke wanted me and some others to follow her. My first choice was you." I smile slightly. He nods and gets up. "I'm gonna get s'more juices." I smile and rest my head down on the log. My eyes drift close.

I hear a clang. My eyes snap open. Bellamy lay face down on the ground. I chuckle. I go over to him and sling his arms over my shoulder. I help him stand. "C'mon big guy. Let's get you to your tent." I heave him to the big orange tent. When we enter the tent, he collapses on the blanket. He groans. "Mera," he moans. I go over to him and kneel next to him. He kisses me on the forehead. I blush, "Thanks for everything." He says. That's all he gets out before collapsing into a deep sleep.
- - -
The next day comes too quickly. I open my eyes and my head hurts immensely. Hangover. I didn't even realize I had a little too much. I get up off the drop ship floor and close my eyes. I put a hand on my hand trying to dull the pain. Jasper comes in quietly and tilts his head in question, "Well you coming, or should we find a replacement." I shake my head, "I'm coming, I'm coming. Don't get your panties in a twist." I walk out side to see that Bellamy and Raven sit outside the drop ship, "C'mon princess we're all waiting on you." Bellamy huffs. I roll my eyes. I grab a gun and follow the group into the woods. Raven stands next to me, "So...why do you think Finn arranged this meeting. It's not like there's any hope in becoming besties with the grounders." I say, "I don't know. He's done me a lot of things that I couldn't predict lately." Raven replies. I can't imagine how she feels. Coming all the way to Earth just to find out that the person she came down for, is into someone else. Jasper chuckles slightly, "Yeah no kidding about the grounders. The speared me and captured both of us. I don't think they're going to be so nice or forgiving, speaking that we captured and tortured one of their own." Bellamy interrupts our conversation, "All of you, shut up. Someone could hear us. I'm pretty sure no one wants to die." I look at him confused, "Jeez Blake, no need to get grumpy, we'll stop talking." We arrive at the bridge and decide to hide in the bushes and wait for Clarke and Finn to return. We see a large black horse and about ten grounders. The grounder on the horse is female. She wears a long fur coat and her hair is braided in so many places I can't count how many. He stern eyes are covered in a black paint, and she looks annoyed. "Grounder princess looks pissed." Raven says. I nod, "I think that Clarke has that effect on people." after a minute Jasper goes still, "Jasper are you ok?" His eyes stay locked on the trees above us, "Be quiet, there's grounders in the trees."

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