15. Lost

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I can't say anything. My mouth is frozen open. It's so dry. He's in love with me? I can't tell if he's telling the truth or not. I mean this was Bellamy Blake. He could be flat out using me. After all that's what he'd done to so many girls before. I want to say something like 'I don't feel that way' but that would be a lie. I've loved him since the day he rescued me from the grounders. I did everything I could to keep it hidden to keep it secret, but deep down I knew that I couldn't deny it. I do something, that surprises me. I kiss him. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close to me. Bellamy freezes. He seems surprised, but loosens up a moment later. He smiles, "Well that's an anvil sized weight off my shoulders." I pull away from him, "Yeah, me too. We should um...get back." As we're walking back to camp I see Finn, Clarke, and another boy whom I don't know walk out of camp. The boy walks up to me and smiles, "There's no more food. We're going hunting. I'm Miles by the way." He puts on a friendly smile and Bellamy rolls his eyes, "Ok great," I say, "I'm..." he cuts me off, "I know who you are Mera. Everyone knows who you are." Finn pulls miles away from me and they walk into the dense trees. We walk into the camp and Jasper smirks. I glare at him indicating the annoyance in my eyes. "I should go...check on Murphy. Make sure he hasn't killed anyone yet." I nod, "Yeah, you do that." He smiles and leans down to kiss me on the cheek. Color rises in them. I feel like everyone in the camp is watching us. Probably because everyone is watching us. He steps away from me and walks to the direction of the drop ship. Jasper walks up to me a smirk on his face, "Aw, that's just adorable. don't you wish you be like those two, Monty?" Monty looks from Jasper to me, "Not really. You're blushing by the way, Mera." I cover my face with my hands, "Was everyone watching that." Jasper nods, "Yeah, pretty much." Monty looks at the ground, "I thought you said you weren't a thing?" I look at him, "We weren't, until now. If I say so myself, you seem jealous." he shakes his head violently, "What?! No, of course not. I'm happy for you. Really." I feel someone grab my shoulders. I jump, "Gotcha," Sterling says, "So...congrats. You and Bellamy finally admitted your feelings for each other." I look at him confused, "Finally." he chuckles, "Oh c'mon everyone knew it was going to happen. You can give me that chocolate bar now, Jasper." I look at Jasper, he pulls a small bar of chocolate out of his jacket pocket. It looks melted and sticky, but Sterling snatches it out of his hand, "I stashed it before we were arrested." I look at the sticky chocolate in disgust. Sterling pulls off a piece and plops into his mouth, "That is amazing. So much better with the taste of victory." Jasper rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Monty speaks up, "Hey, shouldn't the others be back by now?" I look up at the sky. The sun slowly sets in the east, "Yeah. I'll go get Bellamy." Monty rolls his eyes. Jasper smirks and Sterling chuckles, "Go get him Mer." I roll my eyes and turn to the drop ship.

I open the drop ship door to see Bellamy grabbing the collar of Murphy's shirt, "You killed him didn't you! Didn't you!" Murphy looks at Bellamy fear in his eyes. I look at Bellamy, Murphy turns to look at me. Bellamy turns his head and sees me. He throws Murphy to the ground. Murphy crawls back away from Bellamy, "What the hell, Blake?" He walks over to me, "You always call me Blake when you're angry. It's cute." I step away from him, "What happened?" He sighs, "I found Connor dead when I came in. He," he says pointing to Murphy, "says was the sickness. I know he did it." I roll my eyes, "Are you sure this isn't personal? Besides we have other problems. Clarke and the others are still not back." He looks at me confused, "What?" I sigh, "I think you heard me Blake." he shakes his head, "We should go get them. get Raven and Monty, they can come with us." I nod and walk outside. Raven sits on a log sadly, "Since the others aren't back yet, we're organizing a search party. Bellamy said you'd want to come." she nods, "Raven," I say, "Are you ok?" She sighs, "I ended things with Finn. I realized he's more in love with Clarke than he is with me. I'm fine though. Really. I'll be there in a minute." I nod and walk away to find Monty. He's propped up on a table and him and Jasper are chatting away. He looks at me as I approach. Jasper turns to look at me and rolls his eyes. I look at Monty, "Bellamy wants you to come with us. We're going to look for Clarke and Finn." Monty smiles, "Of course. I'm glad to help you and you're boyfriend anytime." He says it somewhat sarcastic and I shrug. I look at Jasper as he begins to open his mouth, "Don't even think about coming." he closes his mouth and I grab Monty's wrist. as we walk back to Bellamy I look back at Jasper, "And don't follow us either." he makes a pouty face at me and I laugh as we walk over to Bellamy. Octavia stands with Raven and her brother and I let go of Monty. "We can work better if we split up. Everyone get a radio. I'll go with Mera. Octavia you go with Raven. Monty do you mind being alone?" He glares at Bellamy, "Personally I think I should go with Mera. She is my best friend after all." Bellamy looks at Monty smirking, "Jealous I see. I'm going with Mera." Monty sighs, "Alright. I'll go alone." we all take radios and walk into the forest. We all head in separate directions. The sun is completely down now as bright stars loom in the north. I hear a rustle in the trees and instinctively grab Bellamy's hand. He smiles calmly and takes my hand in his. "Bell." I hear Octavia's voice on the radio. "We found Miles. He's been shot with an arrow." Bellamy clicks the radio and holds it up to his mouth, "Ok. Carry him if you can. Don't remove the arrow yet. Get back to camp. We can take it from here right Monty." I hear the other side of the radio click, "Whatever you say boss." We walk a little farther and I ear the radio click again, "Something's wrong. I think I'm getting another signal. I don't know where it's coming from I-" i hear the sound of something hitting the ground, "Monty?" Bellamy says. my heartbeat speeds up. No. Not Monty too. I'd already lost Jasper once. I can't loose both of them, "Monty!?" I scream into the radio, "Monty?! Answer the radio, dammit." still no answer. I put my head in my hands. "No, no no no." I say. I feel Bellamy put an arm around my shoulder. tears begin to blurt my vision. This was all my fault. This couldn't happen. "Don't worry. We'll find him. I promise." I look at him my eyes red and filled with fear. "He could be dead for all you know." he smiles slightly, "It's Monty. You know better than anyone that he not dead. I promise we'll find him."

a/n thnx for 391 reads!!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. And if you like this story for forget to check out Rockiewholovessnow 's the 100 fanfic called Open My Eyes. Thnx again. I'll update again when I have the chance!!!

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