StoryFell Blizz

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This is meh Oc from StoryFell, she's more or less like Chara and Metta from that Au

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This is meh Oc from StoryFell, she's more or less like Chara and Metta from that Au.

~Basic Information About This Blizz~

Name: Jezebel ( JEH - zuh - bel ) (Jezebel is her Au nickname, but Blizzaria is her real name, just like every other Oc.)

Why: ???

Nick Names: Jezebel, Blizz, Blizzaria, StoryFell!Blizz, StoryFell

Gender: Female

Soul Type: [Unknown type]

Age: About 15 or so???

B-Day & Zodiac Sign: June 13th Gemini

Height: About 5'9 without heels or so? With heels it makes about 6 feet exactly. (She's tall enough without the heels, they are unnecessary-)

HP: 78/78

Attk: 49 - 99999999999999x (Only on rare occasions)

Special Attk: About 17

Def: 09

Special Def: 51

L o v e: 04 [?]

Rank: B

Danger Level: Normal 25/100 mad ???/100 sad ???/100 Power U.B.D 73/100 [?]

Alignment: True Neutral/Neutral Evil (Exact alignment unknown.)

Fighting Type:

How she FIGHTS in a battle basically depends on how she's feeling, and ESPECIALLY if she's mad or annoyed while FIGHTING. Her normal FIGHTING style when she's in her normal mood is a lot of basic movements and attacks. When she usually attacks like this, though, she's very dramatic about it, to the point that it's just... goofy. And she knows it. And she doesn't care. 

She does have really good reflexes, which help this a lot, and she does often use a combination of that and her magic to do a sort of "moon jump," shall we say? You'll see her just jumping (Or bouncing, I guess?) around a lot normally outside of battle as well. But she does do this in battle a lot as well, which is why it's so hard to hit her with an attack. Now notice I said hard as in not impossible. It's very possible to hit her, just take into consideration that it's hard to attack something that's in constant motion.

Because of her constant movement in a battle, she usually just slips out of most attacks and sticky situations unharmed. Most of the time anyway. Now, as for the attacking she does normally in FIGHTS. For that, she doesn't really do anything special at all other than a few basic attacks, such as a quick slash or jab with magic here and there. 

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