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Life is always unexpected. It never goes as planned and gives a trauma, which is hard to forget . As a human tendency we never understand why it actually happens. And yes it also happened with me.

I, Stella work as a part timer in a library and am studying masters in finance final year (University)

My Dad (Daniel Jone White) does a wine business and is very introverted person. He always says that no one ever put so much effort like my mother did to marry him. It's not like he never put any effort but he didn't show it. He never take any credits he did to us. That's where I like him the most he never shows his emotions out even though there is a serious problem with him he just give it off with a simple yet cute smile.

My mom loves gardening so she had put up a small nursery near our home. (Eyelvn jone white)

The unexpected turn in my life was when i am dating. Dating is what everyone does why does it effect me? Oh yeah my ex boyfriend Steven Patterson, he is a dentist. We met in tinder and went on a few dates after getting to know eachother we officially started dating and broke up after 2years.

It's 11 am in the morning and my mom was knocking on my door for past 5 minutes. "Honey wake up, it's already 11am. aren't you going to work?". I took a leave. I opened the door and said " Mom I took a leave" . she was confused as it was very rare me taking a leave. " what happened? are you okay? you took a leave?" . I smiled and said. " Yeah, thought of going out with you and dad".
" Dad has a important meeting so I think he might miss this outing" . Mom said it with a low tone.

I saw him. my ex-boyfriend. So I took a leave. Not because I am afraid of him but I don't want to see him.
He was always a bookwarm so frequently visit the library. I was working there so I have seen him , he didn't see me but he was a total stupid.

I went to a book cafe with my mom. She is a huge fan of novels. I took her on a date because I miss being my oldself where I used to take my parents out every month. It's always used to be a Family date. perfect and simple. "stella are you okay? ". "uhm......Yes mom. why do you ask?" . I understood that she saw the pain I was hiding from them soo long. " You can share anything with me honey, I will always love you " . I couldn't stop my tears falling so I laid on her shoulder and said." Mom, You don't have to worry. Am okay I think i just need a long hug". And I hugged her and cried the shit out me.

In the evening I went out with my best friend Sofie Brown. " Stella I know you have been going through a lot. Now atleast chill tonight". She is my childhood bestie. we were going to a club near our university ."Ofcourse let's enjoy sofie. Thanks for bringing me here " I wore a black dress with a matching chain, earrings and high heels. Sofie wore a red dress which literally matched her vibe. So we were dancing and drinking.

By the time we realised it was already past 12am and we know the university gates are closed so need to go to her house for today. When we were looking for cabs, I saw a Man wearing black shirt with half sleeves and black jeans a chain around his neck and watch I couldn't see the brand But somehow he was looking effortlessly handsome to me. While sofie was checking for cabs and she said." Go flirt with him" . I was lil confused. " What? No I was just looking at the car". It was him. i was looking at him. He had a black Porsche which was even stunning than him. His car. "stella go ask him for a ride,I think I will go with my new boyfriend". I know she always does this it's not new to me. she has a boyfriend everytime we go to club. It was never a serious relationship. "No sophie, it's okay I will book a cab and go. have fun with new fling!!" . "Okay then. Text me when you reach home, don't forget if you I will kick your ass" . I smiled and said " Okay darling I will not forget" .

Then I was seeing my phone to book a cab , when i tilt my head up to see sophie if she has gone or not I saw that He was coming near me.

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