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Since then Sofie and I were preparing for the interview very seriously. A month has been passed very quickly and the day has finally come. The Interview Day, Maybe. We woke up , dressed up. But there was a little tension in me I don't know what was that about, Not interview though. We reached the company. The moment I stepped into it gave me a ripples of excitement. While I was going to waiting room, I saw a lot of people working there. "Hello! Are you here for the interview?". An administrator there asked us. "Yeah" I said her. "Okay ! So would you please follow me, I will take you there". We followed her, looking around the company.

Ah! My bad luck again, I forgot my resume near the waiting room where I and Sofie sat. By the time I noticed that my resume was not there with me, when we were near the elevator. "I forgot my resume near Waiting room , I will go get it". sofie said " Oh god el, We will be late". "It's okay let your friend get her resume by then we will go to the interview room, Call her and say the directions once we reach". The admistrator said it clearing our confusion. "Yeah Thanks, Sofie I will call you". I said that and left from there.

I took my resume. I went near the elevator and was waiting for it. In the mean time, I was about to call Sofie but then hoistway doors were opened and the first person I saw in there was unexpected. It was him, Ryan. I don't know but I had some kind of intensity just by looking at him. At first he didn't look at me but when he was coming out he did. But that was a 0.01 second eye contact. I gave a smile to him in that fraction of seconds. He didn't mind that at all, maybe he didn't recognise me. I entered the elevator.

I was feeling little woeful. Then I saw that Sofie was waiting for me near the interview room. I walked to her and asked " We prepared?". She hold my hand and said "We are. We gonna rock this" giving confidence . "Ms.Stella Jone White" a employee from there called out my name. I walked to her and said "I am Stella". She said " Your interview starts , go in" showing the room. "Thank you" I said her.

As I stepped into the room, I was very nervous. I was looking at people sitting over there to interview me. There were total of three members. I walked in and sat on a chair. Then the interview started. I have kept in my mind all the way here that whatever is the question I am going to answer it confidently. Even though the answer might be wrong.

Companies usually offer jobs to the ones who are confident in their communication skills.

I introduced myself saying "Hello my name is Stella Jone White. I am studying Master's in finance, Final year at The University of Chicago. I am looking for a internship position". One of the officials asked " Why have you chosen to work in finance?". I tripped at first but was able to manage " I chose to work in finance because I enjoy numerical puzzles. I enjoy how financial equations may have a single answer, but there are many ways to approach it. Finance increase the chances of upgrading skills. Sometimes coming at a problem from the right angle is all it takes to increase available funds at a critical moment. I find it very satisfying when I can find that approach."

Another official asked " What are the different ways that you can value a company and which is most appropriate for our line of business?". The questions they were asking are intricate. But I have read it in some website about this so I could answer it properly "You can evaluate a company using assets, historical earnings, discount cash flow or future maintainable earnings, among other methods. I would use historical earnings for a business with the longevity of yours to assess long-term trends." The session continued for another Ten minutes. The interview went well.

I came out with a great enthusiasm and energy after the interview. I got to know a lot more things and also enhanced my skills. It was Sofie's turn now. "All the best darling" I said and hugged her. She went in. I walked out from there to look around the company.

I went to cafeteria. I ordered "One Iced Americano" . After that I took my drink and was going out. But then some guy ran into me and the drink spilled upon me. I was literally angry "What the ...." I was about to shout but when I looked at him, it was Ryan. "Hey! am sorry" Ryan cleared the air. "That's okay" I said him giving a soft smile . He took me near the table gave me tissues to wipe. We sat there and he ordered the drink again."What are you doing here?" he asked me. I replied "I have an interview". "Oh! I am sorry, I didn't know that" he said that pointing towards the dress.

I understood what he wanted to convey. "Uhm... My interview is done, you don't have to worry" I gave him assurance by saying that. "Thank god" he sighed. "And what are you doing here?" I said in funny way how he earlier said. "I......I work here" he replied.

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