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Some tragic pasts can burn our whole personality because it makes us believe that the whole world is like that. It makes hard for us to trust.

I didn't answer to him , but was waiting for his reply to my silence. He looked at me but didn't say anything.

After a long silence I asked him out of nowhere "You don't smoke? " . He didn't answer that and stopped the car near a Convinence store. He went inside and brought 2 beer bottles . But he was not drinking it but just driving the car. He stopped the car near a beach.

Not a single person was there , it was dark and time was Almost 3am . He looked at me saying" Get down". I was confused but he also got down along with me. I was enjoying the view. It was looking so lovely with moon and the sea. He sat down on sand and opened the package of beers. "Want one?" he was looking at me and asking if i want a beer. I nodded my head saying yes. We were drinking , it was best drinking a beer in the midnight near a beach view...... ahh the best combo. "I don't smoke cause I gave a promise to my mom" He suddenly answered the question I asked him earlier in car. He didn't say me what caused him to give a promise but seeing his eyes I could sense he is going through a lot of stuff.

I didn't said anything. I looked at him wondering what could be the reason behind it. I asked him"Does Miley know about this? Like earlier she was so confident about that". He looked so dull when I took out her name but he answered me " She does. But she don't know how to keep it silent". I did a disbelief sigh and was drinking beer.

"Thank you for today!". It was so random but he was heartly thankfull to me. I was happy he said that. "If You want a girlfriend, you can come to me". I said that and smiled. He looked at me and then he too gave huge smile. "For pretending" . I gave him clarity. "Yeah mam, Thank you for the service". We both laughed at seeing eachother.

I woke up by the sound of sea waves. When I totally came to my senses I was resting in the car and Ryan was sleeping in the driving seat. When I saw the time it was 7 :30am. Oh god my class will start in 30minutes Fuck!! . "RYAN! Wake up. I need to go ". He didn't listen at first I again shouted"RYAN! RYAN! Wake up". He slowly woke up and was saying in very low tone " What happened?". "I need to go, Can you please drive ?". I asked him. He was looking at me in confusion. "I need to go to class , If I miss this I am dead. Please!". I said it very in pleasing manner. He sighed and started driving, after crossing the 3rd street from the beach he asked "Where do you want me to drop you?".

The beach was 3 streets away from the university ."Near that patrol bunk, from there I can walk by myself". He dropped me there. "Thank you for the ride." He then nodded his head giving a soft smile to me.
He went off. I quickly got back to my dorm and I saw sofie. I was so happy seeing her , I went to her and gave long hug saying I missed you. Crying like a small girl, Just kidding. I Didn't wanted to say her what had happened yesterday because it's only a burden listening to it.

We then quickly washed up and came to class. While the class was going on I couldn't listen to the class but remember what happened yesterday with Ryan. "Hey, What are you thinking? About that guy?". Sofie asked very quietly by coming near to me. " No one I was thinking about the food, What should we eat for lunch?". I made her change the topic. "Don't change the topic el". she said it with a annoying face. Sofie loves to call me el. That's practically my nickname now maybe.

"We have a work based trip next month , do you remember el?". sofie asked me while I was doing my laundry. "Oh yeah, I remember. So what is the company we going for?". We usually have a trip not actually trip to enjoy but enhance our skills in finanace. It totally means our job depends in finanace industry . So firstly we go to companies which offer us jobs and look around in the company. "So basically we're going to an interview el". Sofie said me in a very serious tone. "Yeah and What was the company name?". "Steward Hatheway & co". Sofie said, which made me think that I heard of it but couldn't remember.

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