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I usually don't stay at my home. Sofie and I live together in dorm in our university.
I had no Idea why that Man was coming near me. He came and took my hand and started walking near to his car. I went blank for a second and then took my hand out from his and asked him. "hello? where the hell are you taking me? ". He slightly smirked and said " Will you be my girlfriend?" . Did I heard him right?. Did he just ask me out?. " What?" I replied to him in a huge confusion. He then said "I mean will you pretend to be my girlfriend for a while? ". What the actual f***

I was already drowning in the thoughts of his words and couldn't process what was actually happening." Why should I pretend to be your girlfriend?" .

He was thinking to answer me. I asked him "If I will pretend to be , Will you do whatever i ask you to?" . He quickly replied with a smile "Yes".
He took me near his car and said me "Did you see her? well she's my ex". I know her because sophie and I come here almost every weekend . "Isn't she club owner's daughter? she must be very rich" . He then said the actual reason " I asked you to pretend for her , When she met me earlier I said I came here with my new girlfriend So". I don't know why but this was fun actually like pretending ."Okay So want me to pretend from now on?" I asked him.He nodded his head saying yes.

I hold his hand like how couples usually do. While walking over there he said" I forgot to ask you. What's your name? " I said him " Stella , Yours?" . He said "Ryan".

His friends were looking at me as if I come from a totally different planet, seriously their looks were annoying. Ryan introduced me to them "So guys meet Stella , my girlfriend". I was very nervous looking at all of them but somehow I managed "Hey I'm Stella, Happy to see you all". Ryan looked at me as if i said something wrong but I don't know what to say to all of them , he neither said me to say something nor to shut up.

Noone wished me back, except two boys who came out of nowhere said " Hey Stella , will you have a drink with us?" . I thought it will be embarassing when noone wished me back but it wasn't that bad. "Oh! hey, No thanks"..
The Girl who was his ex said "Hey I'm Miley , Ryan's ex". I just gave a soft smile to her raising my eyebrow in a greeting manner. "When did you start dating Ryan?"she asked. I think they gonna find out we were pretending , I was literally giving a nervous smile to Ryan So that he might say something. When I was about to say he interrupted me saying " Three months now". I could sense a slight jealousy in Miley. Ryan hold my hand and gave me a hint saying don't worry. By the time I look at him he was already looking at me. I and him were looking into each other's eye for a moment , I don't know why but his eyes are very deap as ocean. I don't know what was going through his head while he was looking at me. That very moment any girl would fall in love with him. And his eyes were very seductive.

Then someone interrupted saying loudly "Let's play spin the bottle and kiss" . I don't know what that game means so I asked them " Can someone tell me how to play the game? I never heard of this game ". Miley said "The one who spin the bottle and on whose side it has stopped they should answer a truth if not both should kiss" . I nodded my head saying okay. Someone in the group started the game , my luck was so bad that it stopped right infront of me. I don't know what type of question they will ask. Miley asked the question "Does Ryan like smoking?". What the hell , to be honest that was a senseless question .By looking at his personality I thought he might smoke so I said " He does".

Miley quickly answered me saying "No he doesn't, Ryan I guess Stella don't actually know much about you , so you should kiss that guy now" I was literally got slammed infront of everyone and it was little embarassing to give somebody a kiss infront of my so called boyfriend . Ryan said her. " I started smoking, Miley don't think too much Stella knows me way better than anyone". Ryan pulled me towards himself and gave me a kiss.

Even before I realise what was happening he was kissing me.
I was little shocked by his instant behaviour. I could see everyone around us were little disguised when he kissed me.

And then he took me from there to near his car. " Why did you kiss me? You just asked me to pretend to be your girlfriend and You did that without my permission ". I literally shouted at him. He looked at me and said" I have no intention to kiss a girl like you , the situation there was out of our control so I thought this might solve and you are so interested to give kiss to a unknown guy there". I know He insulted me and then even wanted to roast me. I said him " It's none of your business whether I want to kiss someone or not".

He left me there and went inside the car to drive out. I went near his window and reminded him "You said You will do whatever I ask for ? Did you forget?" . He grunts and asks me "what do you want Mam? ". I asked him very politely " Can I get a ride?". He was confused at first but said he wouldn't. I said him "Remember I saved your ass there infront of your friends, I am your saviour!". He keeps a annoyed face and answers me " Yeah you did. So I should give you a ride right? come in". I was standing there without even moving a bit. He saw me and said "Should I come open the door for you or what?". I replied "Yeah sounds good".

He grunts a little and talks to himself, which i could hear him saying "This MAD BITCH!". "Are you coming or not". I said it in a happy tone . I could see his face it was burning , I was laughing inside but sadly couldn't express it out.

He came out took my hand walked me till the car door and opened it. And gave a look to seat inside with a grumpy face . Then he started driving. He then asked me "Where should I drop you?" . I literally have no where to go I mean I can go to my house but my mom would be mad seeing me at this time. Sofie wouldn't have gone to her house, probably she will wait and go to university in the morning.

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