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Gibran and Sofie were one of the best couples in the town. Both of them were always outgoing so they have more friends that in every house party they were invited Or more like involved. I and Sofie met Gibran in the middle school. So we three were more like bestfriends. Gibran and I always pulled pranks on Sofie, they were best. I always knew they had a thing. Yes they did. Both of them dated for like half of a decade bit then due to long distance they broke up. It's not like they would break up over a long distance but they had their reason for that.

I was pretty sure Sofie is going through sad phase due to that. I have known both of them very well, Sofie always says she had a new fling everytime we go to club. But she never slept with anyone of them. I was sure. Damn sure. I know Gibran wouldn't do that to. We changed to new apartment from the dorm as Sofie was working in her dad company and she wanted to move out from there. So we both did. Anyhow I was also working so we thought off. "Everything okay?" I slightly tapped on Sofie's shoulder. "hmm — don't worry go to work" she said with no intention to speak. "See you in the evening" I kissed her cheek and went out. I didn't want to disturb her by asking the reason.  We had some furniture to be done so Sofie took a leave.

I was working on my table with files I need to get signed by CEO from almost three days. I didn't want to face Ryan after that. I just didn't,  I don't have a specific reason for that. Whenever I see him anywear I would run from there or more like escape the place within seconds. I knew he noticed that onetime. "Stella?" someone from back called my name.  When I turned around it was my team manager. "Yeah" I answered him quickly. "You asked me other day to get signed those files by CEO. Am going to his cabin hand me the files" he asked. "Thank you! Mr.Richard" I handed him the files. "uhm — well am going to cafeteria. Do you want something" I asked him. "One cold-Brewed coffee" he said. I nodded my head and moved out from there.

Richard was a very interactive and cooperative Team manager.  His work has no errors. I always admired the way he was so dedicated to his work. He is in his mid thirties. I was on my way to Cafeteria and someone grabbed my hand from back, pulled me into a dark room. I could see nothing except the hands of the person who pulled me in. "Who the fuck are you?" I pushed my hands towards him for a self defence. But it didn't work he was strong enough. "Quiet. Sweetheart" a deep firm voice said. "What do you want? leave me" I shouted. Then suddenly a slight ray of light from the window on top of the wall falling on his head. It was clearly a man. I couldn't see his face yet. when he moved his head towards right then I saw his face. It was Ryan. "Ryan? what the fuck are you doing?" I shouted by pushing him. He fell back. I couldn't think of anything why he was doing this to me.

"Why didn't you call me?" his voice became deeper. "What?" I asked him in confusion. I thought of it when he asked me to do that. Oh it was that day when my ankel hurt. I looked at him. He was already looking into me. His hands were on top right of my head. There was only inches between us. "I didn't want to" I said him. He came nearer and said "Okay then—Why are you avoiding me?". I knew he noticed. He did. I don't know if I should say him the truth or just say something and move out from here. His eyes wants me to say the truth but his lips wants me to do something else. No. I mean did I just wanted to kiss him. His lips were kissable. He was so close to me that my heart was blushing somehow. "Am not" I looked away from his lips. "You were—You are" he said looking in my eyes and then at my lips. I bit my lower lip out of the tension between us. I think am gonna lose my mind if I don't kiss him now.

He was looking at me for answer. But all I could was just stare at his eyes and then at his lips. I kissed him. I closed my eyes and kissed him. I thought he wouldn't be doing it back. But he did. His hand was on my back wanting it more and one my neck . I couldn't even stop myself so I was giving in mine. My hands were still. All the intrusive things were hitting in my brain at once. Especially about my ex. I pulled out from the kiss and walked out of the room. I just couldn't do it. I needed time for that. Mental trauma sometimes hits hard that whatever we doing is meant to be not done.

I didn't want to go home after what had happened today. Sofie was already dealing with her problems now I can't be another one. I just took some extra files which can be done tomorrow but I wanted to work. Or maybe overwork to avoid what was happening. I was on my 5th or maybe sixth round for coffee. Even then my eyes were closing so I thought taking a five minute nap would solve. I took nap on my table pushing all the files away. Something fell of my table, it was not a strong nap. When I slowly opened my eyes to see what happened. I saw Ryan.
𝘏𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘺 𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘴. 𝘍𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘩.

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