Chapter 15

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Trigger warning for this chapter: mentions of violence, past child abuse, emotional, and physical abuse. Please take care when reading if these are sensitive topics for you. 

"Jesus Christ Jeon. What the hell have you been doing out here? Playing house." Mingyu called from the side of the ring when Yugyeom landed another hit to Jungkook's side.

Yugyeom himself was surprised that he had managed to get the amount of hits in on Jungkook that he had. Yugyeom dropped his hands to his sides.

"Let's call it a day. Your head is obviously not in the ring with me right now."

Jungkook let out a frustrated sigh because as much as he wanted to tell both to go fuck themselves, he knew that they were right. His head wasn't in the ring right now. Jungkook took his gloves off throwing them against the ring mat in anger before he unwrapped his hands doing the same with the hand wraps as well. Right after, Jungkook ducked between the ropes and made his way down the small set of steps that led into the ring. He didn't even bother grabbing his shirt or acknowledging the calls of Mingyu and Yugyeom whom he left behind in the gym as he shoved the door to it open walking out of it.

Jungkook pushed the door to the rehab building open and once outside stopped for a moment to take in a deep breath running his fingers through his sweaty hair. Jungkook ran his hand down his face as he let the breath, he'd taken out slowly in a bid to calm his anger. Taking another deep breath in Jungkook made his way down the boardwalk. Instead of heading for the house he headed for the lake. Jungkook stepped down the familiar slope that led right onto the dock. He walked to the end of it and once there sat down only to lay back against its worn wooden grain ignoring the scratching of it against his bare back.

Jungkook lifted his arms threading them beneath his head and stared up at the cloud strewn sky. It was a bright blue. One of those blue hues that his brother would always get excited about whenever he would photograph the sky alone. Jungkook swallowed thickly screwing his eyes shut to prevent them from releasing the tears that had begun to gather as he took in that brilliant blue. Jungkook feeling his emotions simmer down reopened his eyes. Except this time, they weren't met with the brilliant blue of the sky, but Jimin's concerned eyes.

Jimin watched Jungkook reclose his eyes before he leaned back into his chair. Jungkook's eyes remained closed as he lowered himself from his chair onto the dock's wooden planks. Jimin pushed his chair away before he shifted himself closer to Jungkook and tapped his shoulder. Jungkook lifted his head and after another tap to his shoulder lowered it. Jimin cradled Jungkook's head in his lap lips frowning as he gazed down at Jungkook. Jimin knew better than to push by now knowing that it would only cause Jungkook to clam up so Jimin did what he could to comfort him running his fingers through his hair.

Jungkook felt himself tear up again at Jimin's comforting gesture. It had Jungkook swallowing thickly the urge to cry no longer able to be contained. Jungkook turned on his side clutching at Jimin crying into his lap wholly consumed with the storm of emotions that had been brewing inside him since the other day. Since he got the call from his lawyer that his parents were trying to contest Junghyun's last will and testament. It didn't help that Junghyun's death anniversary was nearing. The same week as his match with Seokmin. And while he had managed to push that out of his head in a bid to concentrate on his upcoming fight, the fact that his parents were trying to take what they had no right to just brought all of it to a head.

Jimin felt his own eyes burn as he hugged Jungkook as tightly as he could at the angle he was sitting. He had known something was wrong, but Jungkook wouldn't speak about it. All he did know was that Jungkook's whole mood had shifted two days ago when he got a call from his lawyer. And while at first Jimin thought it had to do with the fight, that thought was quickly pushed aside at the rage he saw overtake Jungkook's features as he listened to his lawyer speak about whatever it was, he had called Jungkook about.

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