An undevoted holy woman's guidance

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DISCLAIMER, JJK does not belong to me, all rights go to Gege Akutami


“Ms Olga, I need to speak with you for a bit,” The principal’s voice called out.

Olga halts in her step, turning to face him. “Sir, what do you need?”

Sensei~! Sister Olga and I were just about to meet with Yuji and Megumi. You’re going to make us run late,” Satoru whines but Olga doesn’t pay attention to him and starts walking to the principal.

“Shut the hell up, Satoru. This’ll only take a while,” The principal chastises his former student.

With that, Satoru waits for Olga at a distance away from where Olga and the principal’s conversation was taking place.

“This is about your request, isn’t it?”

“Let me be straight with you. You’re not really a devoted woman, Olga. Or should I say you’re not as religious as I had expected you to be.” He stated outright.

“Meaning?” She asked in a monotone voice.

“But you’re still a holy woman. Even if you’re not exactly faithful, I believe that to some extent you are, so I want you to help guide my current students.”

It was an odd request.

Compared to advising married couples going through messy divorces during one of her probono services, guiding suicidal teenagers was a new can of worm unraveled.

Brushing three fingers on her lips, she thinks about the request.

At the very least, this presents as a new change of pace.

“On-field therapy? Well, this is a very interesting request. I'll warn you that I have a bad personality. Although I feel like the main reason you ask me of this is because I am considered a holy woman. But I think you confused a nun and an exorcist as if they're the same thing. I can't help but wonder, if it is because I am a woman?”

She tried to sound sarcastic about the last part.

The principal sighs, realizing that his request may have come across as presumptuous or based on stereotypes. He responds sincerely to Olga's concerns.

"I apologize if my request came off as presumptuous or based on stereotypes. I do understand that being a holy woman and an exorcist are not exactly the same thing, and I respect the unique role you have within the Secret Church. However, it's not just because you are a woman that I'm asking you this. It's because I believe you have experiences and insights that can benefit my students, both as an exorcist and as someone who has found solace in serving God."

He pauses for a moment, gathering his thoughts. "You see, these young sorcerers face a world filled with darkness and danger. They are constantly exposed to curses and the horrors associated with them. While Satoru and the other mentors can train them in combat and technique, I believe there's a need for someone who can guide them spiritually, to provide them with a sense of grounding, peace, and understanding in the midst of chaos."

The principal looks earnestly at Olga. "I'm not asking you to be their therapist or to replace any mental health support they may need. But I believe your presence, your wisdom, and your unique perspective can make a difference in their lives. It's about imparting a sense of balance, compassion, and inner strength to help them navigate this world of curses."

Olga tilts her head, considering the principal's words. While she still has reservations, she recognizes the value in his request. She finally nods and gives a small smile.

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