Chapter 3: The Survival Exercise

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The next day, all of us meet at the training grounds except for Kakashi. He didn't show up till 10 making him an hour late. "YOU'RE LATE!" yelled Sakura and Naruto in unison.

He scratched the back of his head and said, "I am aren’t I?" She glared at him.

"Would it kill ya to be here on time?" Raven snarled.

"Umm. . . .probably." He said tilting his head. I looked at Raven. If looks could kill Kakashi would be screwed right now. He shook his head and pulled out three bells. "You guys need to get these bells if you want lunch."

"But sensei." Sakura stated, "There's three bells and four of us."

"That's why if you don't get a bell you get tided to a post and I get to eat your lunch in front of you." He smiled under his mask. "You'll start when I say go. Ready. . . set. . . " Me and Raven crouched down. "GO!" Raven and I pushed of the ground at the same time. As soon as her foot hit the tree she was gone. 'Hmmp. She's fast'

Raven's POV~

I watched Naruto and Kakashi fought. 'Hmmp. What an idiot.' I thought. I was in the tree above Sasuke. There was something different about him. 'I would love to fight him.' I looked up to see Naruto fly through the air. I grinned. 'Well, looks like its my time to shine' I jumped from the tree and behind him with out making a single noise or miss placing a single leaf.

Sasuke's POV~

I watched Kakashi launch Naruto and before I knew it Raven was sneaking up behind him. I held my breath and secretly hope she would get a bell. I watched with a little to much anticipation. Kakashi caught me watching something over his shoulder and spun around. Seeing her, he kicked her in the gut to push her back

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