Chapter 26: The Power of a Name

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       I am sorry it is short and for the long wait. I have had a lot going on and lost some motivation but I am back now. Also to make up for it I am telling you Raven's real name and introduced a new character ;)

     Also if one of my made upi characters has not been mentioned you can make up an interesting story of how they dyed because they will probly never be mentioned again. (If you do I would love to hear it)


Chapter 26: The Power of a Name

            “Aww…” I pouted when it was over, “That was lame…” Almost everyone jumped and stared at me. I twisted my body and jumped up onto the rail. Out of everyone Kakashi looked the most confused. I gave him my sweetest smile. There was a blur of motion to my right. Clawd tackled me and we fell into the arena. He growled at me and glared.

            “What are you doing here?” He had my shoulders pinned and honestly, I was pissed.

            “Hey! You two need to get up here know. Sensei is getting mad.” Z called from over the railing. I snarled and snapped at him when he let go.

            “What is wrong with you?” Clawd asked in a low voice. I could not look at him. He let out a quiet whimper as if he knew I was ignoring him. Do I tell him? No, I cannot. No one can know. If they did, they would all hate me…

            Sensei made sure to keep us under lock and key after that. I was in a small interrogation room with nowhere to go. That weird guy, Ibiki, from the first exam walked in with Anko at his heel. The door slammed behind them as they made their way across the tiny room. They took their seats across from me at the table. Anko looked a little scared but did her best to hide it.

            “What’s your name?” Ibiki asked. I looked at him like he was an idiot.

            “Raven Ph-“ I started to say before I was so rudely interrupted.

            “Your real name.” Anko growled. I smirked.

            “Who is to say that Raven is not my real name? I am on record as being Raven. Therefore it is my name.” She looked dumbfounded but Ibiki just glared at me. I frowned. “My real name will only bring pain so it is best no one knows.” Ibiki gave me an unearthly smile.

            “ Pain you say? Well, let’s see if pain will make you talk…” This brought my smile back.

            “By all means, please, stab me with random objects all for nothing. I never have nor never will give in because of pain. My real name is coming back and it is bringing along all of the power I left behind. It is your chose. You can stay in here with me, someone who would not deny killing you in the most brutal way possible, or you can leave. It is that simple.” She jerked back at my threat.

            “Anko, why don’t you go? I can handle this.” He said with a smile. I leaned forward onto the desk. His smile turned to a glare. “You do know you’re annoying, right?”

            “I am not annoying! I am just a problem child.”

            “Is that why your parents sent you away?”

            “Nope. But why would I tell you?” I could almost see the steam coming out of his ears.

            “If you just tell me your real name you can leave…” He started to rub his temples.

            “Why would I want to leave?” I swear, if his head could explode we would be scrapping him off the wall.

            “Because Sasuke is in the hospital. Dying. Now do you want to stay here?” He was standing over me. I looked down and then back up at him. I flashed my new and improved eyes. “So, did I hit a nerve?” He laughed an evil, annoying laugh. Within the second, I had him pinned against the wall with my hand around his neck.

            “Do not think that I would not hesitate to kill you or anyone. You made a mistake that might just be the end of Konaha.” I let go of him and headed for the door. “Just remember, I always, always, bring tragedy.” I opened the door and slowly made my way back to my house.

            An eerie air hung around the mansion as the fog curled around every corner. Cautiously, I walked up to the front door. Normally I would wonder about where the dog, that normally greets me when I get home, was, but I was distracted by the fog. It was swirly, and misty, and dark. As I marveled about the fog, the door crashed open. I could make out a silhouette of a man holding a knife in one hand and a bloody mess that looked like someone’s brains.

            “Higeki…” The man’s voice was strained. I looked around to see if anyone heard. “Higeki…” He called again in a more clear voice.

            “What…?” I managed not to stutter.

            “Higeki I…” He ran at me. The knife was covered in blood and he had ground beef in his other and. “I tried to make you some spaghetti but I couldn’t get the can open so I stabbed it and Damian got mad and-“

            “Shut it!” I yelled as I dragged him back into the house.

            Akumaru and I stood, paralyzed with fear, outside the gate. When I realized what had been said I ran for the Hokage building.       


Also i need feadback or i will die

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