Chapter 7: The Tower Of Terror And The Mysterious Vocaloid

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Raven’s POV

Sasuke and I where having An amazing time until we went to The Tower Of Terror. ANBU Black Ops where keeping everyone away. "What’s going one?" I questioned.

"The man with the chain-saw went insane. He is currently is try to kill everyone in side the building. So that means stay out." Kakashi scolded. He walked away to talk to a guard.

Sasuke looked at me and said, "Stay here, I’m going in."

"I’m going with you."

Sasuke’s POV

"No, you’re not." She didn’t protest this time.

"Be careful." She game a small smile but it was still there. I snuck around front. Surprisingly, noone was there.

"What are you doing!" I jumped and turned around. "I told you and Raven to stay out!"

"We half listened. I made Raven stay behind." Kakashi shook his head.

"I didn’t want you guys to get hurt. Go back to Raven make sure she didn’t sneak in." I nodded the ran to where I left Raven. Her backpack was on the ground and she was nowhere to be seen. Worry washed over me and panic started to set in. I picked up her bag and walked to the front of the crowd. The one girl I ever loved might die because I was stupid enough to sneak in.

Raven’s POV

Sasuke ran around to the front of the building. I waited until he was out of site and put my bag on the ground. It was time for my favorite plan; plan v. Now I have to do is call Ginta and Kira.

Sasuke’s POV

It’s been five minutes and still no sign of Raven. Should I tell Kakashi? No, if I did he would get everyone to look for her. Damn. Why did I have to leave her? She’s going to die and its all my fault. Then things got interesting. Three people ran out of the crowed, dressed like gothic super heros, so everyone could see them.

It looked like there was one girl and two boys. The girl had hair like Raven’s (witch is common so he didn’t think much of it), One of the boys had dirty blonde hair, and the other had midnight black hair. They looked like wanna-be super heros. The girl took off into the building and the boys held off the guards. When the guards gave up, the boys ran in after the girl. As they ran you could see a gold v on there back.

There where several crashes, bangs and pows before the girl brought all the hostages out and disappeared into the crowed. As the last bit of her clothes disappeared, Raven came around the corner and, as our eyes meet, she stopped. She breathed a sigh of relief but this was when things got worse. The sound of glass breaking rang through the air. I ran as fast as I could to Raven, but the crazy man’s chainsaw beat me there. She let out a blood curdling scream as it left a deep gash on her left arm, across her chest, and on her thigh. Near by people ran to but when I got there she was unconscious.

Kakashi pulled me away and shook me. "What happened?!" His face was neutral but his voice gave his fear away.

"The guy through the chainsaw out the window and. . and it hit her." I never took my eyes off Raven. They started to take her away. I said ‘no’ loud enough for Kakashi to hear. He held me in place.

"You need to go home and sleep." He sternly said.


"No buts. I will keep you posted. Go home and get some sleep." I let him win and began my slow trudge home.

Kakashi’s POV

I watched Sasuke slowly disappear. Looking at the hospital I ran towards it. But the whole time my mind was on Sasuke and Raven. She was bleeding bad when the took her away and Sasuke was worried about her. When I ran by the woods I saw a snake watching me.

This wasn’t any snake. It was one of Orochimaru’s snakes. When I get to the hospital I have to get Raven security.

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