Chapter 20: Oh, Shit....

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hey my dearist readers! sorry this took so long you write but it involved a lot of quotes....


I opened my eyes to see Sasuke with an evil look on his face. "Things are starting to get interesting. This chunin exam is bringing things to a boil!" We all agreed with young Uchiha. "Naruto? Raven? Sakura? Let’s Go!"

"Yeah!!" Naruto yelled.

We walked to room 301 to find Kakashi standing in front of the door. "Glad you made it after all, Sakura." Kakashi said catching us all off guard. "This way you all qualify to apply for the chunin selection exam." A light went off in Sakura’s head.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"The way the test is set up, it can only be taken by the whole team. If one of you didn’t show, no one else on the team could enter.

"But master Kakashi, you said it was up to us to decide whether or not to apply. Where you lying?" Naruto inquired.

"It was up to you weather you where to enter or not. I just never told you if you chose not to enter, you also chose not to let anyone on your team enter." Kakashi smiled.

"So, If Sakura decided not to enter... We all would have been rejected and have to wait till the NEXT exam?" I was a little mad.

"Yup!" I rolled my eyes. "Now, get in there!!" He stepped off to the side and Sakura and Sasuke pushed the doors open.

"Look out everybody, ‘cause here we come!!" Naruto shouted as we walked in. When we stepped into the room, there was a ‘holy shit’ moment as we looked at our opponents. The room was filled with people older then us.

"Sasuke! Where’ve you been, cutie?" Ino yelled as she glomped Sasuke. "I could hardly wait! It’s so exciting, seeing you again after all this time!" I gasped.

"Oooo~ What dat?" I whispered to myself. Unnoticed, I walked away.

Sasuke’s POV

"Ino, you pig!! Get your hooves off Sasuke!" Sakura yelled.

"Hello to you, too, Sakura."

"Why don’t you three save yourselves the embarrassment of flunking the test? Go die, ok?" Shikamaru is as boring as ever.

"Well, if it isn’t the three stooges!" Naruto said, peering around me.

"Stop calling us that! What a pain in the ass..." why is he so damn lazy? Or better yet... WHY IS INO STILL TOUCHING ME!

"Hey! There you are!" I looked over to see Mutt and his crew walking over to us. "Looks like the gang’s all here. So... I guess all of this year’s newbies decided to apply, hunh? I wonder how far we’ll all get. What do you think... Sasuke?"

"Trying to psych us by acting all cool, Mutt?" He looked right past me.

"Where’s Raven?" A confused look crossed my face and I turned around. Of corse the spot Raven was standing had to be empty... great...

"Would you guys.. Do us all a favor and just shut up?" A man stood off to the side. He had long silver hair, pulled back in a pony-tail, and glasses. "You three gangs of would-be hotshots are all genin, right? Kids barely out of the local ninja academy? All wet-behind-the-ears and runny-nosed! This isn’t a school field trip, you know."

"Who the heck do you think you are?" Ino had finally let go of me.

"Name’s Kabuto. So what?" He sneered, "You kids need to open your eyes." We all turned around to find a LOT of people staring at us. "Watch out for the group behind you. They’re Amagakura- those-who-hide-in-the-rain -and they’ve got very short fuses. Everyone’s on edge, I wanted to give you a heads-up before someone snaps and beats the crap out of you. But it’s probably unavoidable. Like all rookies, you think you already know everything."-I do know everything, thank you- "I remember what I was like."

"Kabuto?" Sakura asked.


"Are you saying this is the second time you’ve applied?" He laughed.

"Not second... seventh, twice a year for... hm, going on four years know."

"Wow–" Sakura looked amazed as she spoke. "Then you’ve got experience with what we can expect!"

"I guess so." He looked so argent right now.

"All right! Kabuto, buddy... you are the man!!" you could practically hear the love in Naruto’s voice.

"Cute. Ok... the least I can do is give you sweet little babies some vital intelligence on what you’re in for..." He held up some cards. "With these Shinobi cards."

Raven’s POV

I am so lost right now!!! Where in a square room, how in hell did I get lost! I huffed.

Sasuke’s POV

"Do you also have dossier cards? Cards for each individual applicant?" I asked. Time to get some answers...

"Ha ha... why? Someone here you have a particular interest in?"

"Gaara from Sunagakure, Rock Lee from Konoha, and Raven Phantomhive also from, Konoha."

"You know there names? No sweat, then!" He shuffled the cards around and pulled out three.

"Let me see them." I demanded, a little worried as to what I would find out.

"First up is Rock Lee. He’s a year older then you three. Missions to date: 20 D-ranked, 11- C-ranked. His team’s mentor is Might Guy... and hit taijutsu physical skills have grown exponentially this past year. He has no other talents worth mentioning. He was considered a standout among last year’s genin... but he didn’t apply for the chunin exam. He’s a first-timer like you three. His team mates are Hyuga Neji, and Tenten.

"Next is Gaara of the sand. Eight C-ranked missions... one B. Wow! Not many rookies get B-ranked missions! Since he’s from way out in the desert, I have less on him... but it’s interesting. He’s come back from every mission completely unscathed. Without a scratch...

"Raven Phantomhive... I don’t see why you need information on her she’s on your team... But damn! She’s got beauty, grace and enough power to give Lee a run for his money! That’s weird... that’s all that’s all that’s on the card. So either ‘Raven Phantomhive’ Isn’t her real name or her history has been covered up." Wow...


Ok, so this is not my best chapter... but you learn more! TEE HEE!

Also, I'm starting a new story! It's a vampire one (i couldn't help it!) called 'Spider's Thread' you should read the Prologue

also i need some characters for Spider's Thread.

So if you would like to have a character, email me at     with the subject as "maid" if you would like a part as a maid (theres more open spots for this) or "top" for a vampire or demon (not as many spots for this)

*WARNING* i can not promise everyone will have a character.

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