Chapter 23: Chunin Exams (Part 3)

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     I bolted from the gate with Clawd and Zurui close on my heels. It felt great to run as fast as I could, plus I did not even half to worry about them keeping up! They stayed right on my heel. It was like all the things that where holding me back slipped away, freeing me from a curse. A grown escaped my lips.

     "What?" Clawd asked, coming a little closer to my side.

     "I miss all my old clothes." I pouted. Back when I lived with my dad I had the sweetest outfit ever. It was a black shirt with a red breast plate pulled over it, black shorts, a red belt, and a red mask (kinda like Kakashi's). I looked soooooo awesome in it...

            I stopped suddenly. Someone or Something powerful was close… “Hey Clawd,” I said over my shoulder, “You and what’s-his-face head towards the tower. I’ll meet you there.” They nodded and took off. I slowly crept toward the edge of the branch, taking care not to shake it too much. When I reached the end, I crouched down and looked over. A smirk crept onto my face as I looked down and spotted a familiar black hood. 

            As quietly as I could, I jumped from the branch. The good news: he didn’t see me and I scared the crap out of him. The bad news: Gaara saw me. The great news: He didn’t do anything! As I tried to contain my laughter, he swung at me. I grabbed his fist as I whipped tears from my eyes. Once again, he tried to hit me. This time I grabbed his fist and glared.

            “Look,” I said in my creepy voice, “I didn’t come here to fight. But if you insist.” With a smirk, I pushed him into the farthest tree, which snapped and fell down. He laughed.

            “Like you could beat all of u-“

            “Kankaro!” Gaara said in his stern and scary voice. “Shut up or I will kill you.”-He got quiet and Gaara turned towards me- “Please forgive him Lady Dark.”

            I turned towards the tower. “Of course! If I killed him now, who would I annoy?” I started to walk away but stopped. “Oh, and Gaara… The way you acted in the village… was perfect. I must thank you for not saying my true name.”

            “It was nothing. Oh and Lady Dark?” I turned slightly. He threw and “Earth” scroll at me. “There’s someone in the bush.” They walked away. I turn back around and caught sight of white fur. With a glare I yanked Kiba and Shino up by the collar.

            “I swear to God if you even say my last name I will kill you!” I let go of them.

            “Wait, Raven! Are you saying that Phan-“

            “Not a word about it, Kiba!” I snarled. “You’re a good boy and I would hate to see something happen to you.”

            It didn’t take me long to catch up to the others. “Sooo…” Clawd said as I walked up to them, “How do you plan on getting us an Earth scroll?” I held it up. “How did you..?”

            “Gaara. But we are not going in tonight. Right now I have to… uh…. Speak to someone. You guys stay here.” Then I went back into the woods.


Sorry its short. i could publish a few short ones soon or one long one later so i thought you guys would like this

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