7: Matthew

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"Invite the Penhallow's?" Aunt Tessa said, surprised.

Right now Uncle Will, Aunt Tessa, James, and I were all in the library. Aunt Tessa and Uncle Will were planning their yearly ball they threw. I had decided to ask them to invite the Penhallow's so I could see Amelia, but I didn't tell them that of course.

"Yes." I replied.

"Why?" Aunt Tessa asked thoughtfully.

"Well, we never invite them and I thought it would be nice." I lied.

"I suppose I could get Charlotte to ask George." She said.

"Yes! My mother would ask him." I said pleased.

Aunt Tessa laughed. "Well okay Matthew, if it means that much to you."

She then left the library after kissing Uncle Will on the cheek. Speaking of Uncle Will, he was smirking at me.

"Why the sudden interest in the Penhallow's Matthew?" He asked.

"No reason." I lied.

"It doesn't have to do with a girl? Amelia perhaps?" Uncle Will smirked.

I felt my face heat up, how did he know her?

"How do you know her?" I asked.

"I had to go to the Penhallow's once for a meeting. I met her there." He explained.

I just blushed, and James started to laugh at me.

"She looks an awful lot like Alexa." Uncle Will said, while smirking at me.

At that I blushed very hard. A pang also went through me at Alexa's name. Even now it still happened.

"Why though?" I said.

"I am not quite sure but I remember Isabelle telling Tessa that the Lightwood's were cousins with the Penhallow's so maybe that's why." He said, his blue eyes bright.

Just then I heard the door open to the library. Cordelia then walked in, and James's expression immediately shut like a door. Cordelia walked up to all of us, ignoring James's presence.

"Miss Cordelia, what are you up to?" Uncle Will said, amused.

"I was going to get a book, but if you all are speaking--" Cordelia started.

"No you can stay." James suddenly blurted out.

Cordelia didn't even as much as glance in his direction. Uncle Will was looking at James's with a surprised expression.

"Thank you, James." She said coldly.

She then walked towards the huge book shelves to go pick out a book. Uncle Will turned back to us.

"What was that all about?" He asked quietly so Cordelia wouldn't hear.

"It seems that James and Cordy are fighting." I said with a frown.

"About what?" Uncle Will asked curiously.

I looked over at James, who was struggling for words. He looked as if he was going to tell his father about his feelings for Cordelia.

"It's just that she will not stop talking about her boyfriend. It is annoying me very much. I mean, that's all she talks about!" James said finally, a bit loudly.

Apparently is was a bit too loud, because Cordelia stormed out from where the book shelves were. She was red faced, and she didn't look amused. By the angel this isn't going to be good, I thought to myself.

"Excuse me James?" Cordelia said angrily.

"You heard me! It's bloody annoying." James complained.

"James." Uncle Will tried to cut in.

"Well sorry about being excited that my boyfriend is coming to London!" She exclaimed.

"Yes we've heard it a million times." James retorted.

"You're just jealous!" Cordelia shouted angrily.

"What? Of your precious boyfriend? Oh please Cordelia don't be ridiculous." James laughed dryly.

"Jamie don't--." Uncle Will tried to say but Cordelia cut him off.

"Not of him. You're just jealous that I've finally found someone to love, while you're here moping around the corridors crying about Grace Blackthorn." She shouted.

James looked taken aback."Well guess what?! I don't love her anymore!"

"Thank the angel for that." I muttered under my breath.

"Well you're always moping around sadly over something. You can't let anyone else be happy!" Cordelia exclaimed angrily.

"No!, I just don't want to hear you talking about your boyfriend all day long! I have no idea how Lucie handles it." James snapped.

"Maybe because Lucie is actually a nice person!" She shouted.

James was about to say something, but Cordelia cut him off.

"I didn't say anything when you kept going on about Scarlett! So you shouldn't say anything about me!" Cordelia shouted angrily.

"You didn't say anything because you wished that you were her!! I knew that you fancied me Cordelia!" James shouted.

I almost slapped James for saying that. He wasn't supposed to tell Cordelia that he knew that! Now she was going to kill me.

"I may be have fancied you then James, but now I can't imagine how I liked such a worm like you!" Cordelia shouted angrily.

James looked shocked, and his voice went serious. "You can't mean that."

"Oh I do." She said fiercely.

"You mean, you don't fancy me anymore?" James asked, stunned.

Cordelia burst out with a dry laugh."After this? No. No I will never fancy you again James."

She then stormed angrily out of the library, but not without shooting me and icy glare. By the angel I was in for it after supper, I thought. The door slammed shut, after she left. James looked stunned and took a seat on an armchair that was closest to him. Uncle Will be my down beside him.

"You love her, don't you?" He murmured.

"Yes, and now I have wrecked everything." James sighed.

"I'm sorry Jamie." Uncle Will said sadly.

He then left us two, so that we could talk. I sat down on the armchair beside James, and we were silent for a moment.

"For what it's worth, I thought you had a good few shots there." I broke the silence.

James then chuckled a bit, and I was pleased with myself. His face then went blank again.

"I have truly messed everything up." He said.

"Not yet. Just go and apologize to her." I said.

"She probably won't even look at me now, Matthew. She's never going to talk to me ever again." James said sadly.

"Oh and will." I said.

He gave me a confused look. "How can you be so sure?"

I then smiled a devilish smile. "Because I have a plan."

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