11: Cordelia

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I stood alone in the ballroom, with dozens of people all around me. I had lost Lucie about ten minutes ago, and I could not find her anywhere. I had seen Tatiana Blackthorn walk in earlier with Grace, but also with a boy. Right away, I had figured out that it was Jesse Blackthorn. So Tatiana had succeeded in bringing him back to life.

Just then I saw James walking up to me, from a distance. By the angel I hope I look okay, I thought to myself. He took my breath away, as he came closer. He was wearing his evening clothes, and he looked beautiful.

"Hello Cordelia." He said, when he had reached me.

"Hello James." I said with a smile.

"You look very pretty tonight." James said rushed.

I blushed immediately. "Thank you, you look very nice as well."

He blushed as well. How odd, I thought, James never blushed. Just then a man with green skin came up to us. I knew suddenly, that his name was Ragnor Fell.

"Good evening Miss Carstairs, Mr. Herondale." He nodded his head at us. "Would you care for a drink?"

The two drinks in his hands were a yellow colour, and they were fizzing. But why would Ragnor give these to us?

"Um thank you." I said, not wanting to be rude.

Ragnor then walked away from us. James and I then took a sip of the drink. Surprisingly, it was very good and we both finished it quickly.

"Would you like to dance Cordelia?" James asked.

"Okay." I said while blushing.

He took my head, and lead me onto the dance floor. I was suddenly reminded of last years ball, when we had danced as well. Things had been so much different then. He put his hands on my waist, and I locked my arms around his neck.

"I saw Tatiana and Grace here earlier. I am pretty sure Jesse Blackthorn was with them." I said.

James looked surprised. "She brought him back to life?"

"I guess so." I said.

"Lucie must be thrilled, she talks about him all the time." He chuckled, and so did I.

"I never got to ask you, how was Paris?" James asked me.

"It was well. Though, I missed Lucie, Matthew, and you." I said truthfully.

"I think we all missed you more." He said, and I just smiled.

There was something strange about the look James was giving me. He was smiling slightly down at me, and his golden eyes were very bright. I felt myself blush automatically, by the angel I still loved him. But I couldn't, I was dating Harry.

After a few more minutes of dancing, we decided to out onto one of the many balconies to get some air. The balcony was over looking most of London, and it was breath taking. It was night, and all the stars were shining brightly.

"This is beautiful." I breathed.

"It is." James agreed with a smile.

"Did you mean it when you said you didn't love Grace anymore?" I asked, surprising myself.

James turned his head to look at me. "Yes, that was true."

"Then who do you fancy?" I asked with a smirk.

He blushed immediately. "No one."

"Yes you do. Who is it?" I asked again.

"Well I'll give you a hint, it's someone who I cannot have." James said a bit sadly.

My eyebrows creased. Who was that? I couldn't think of anyone who fitted that description.

"Who?" I said puzzled.

He just laughed. "You'll figure it out one day, Daisy."

My heart leaped when he called me Daisy. No this couldn't happen, I was already seeing Harry. But as I looked James, I forgot about Harry. James was just so perfect. His golden eyes, his black hair that was always messy.

"You know James," I started. "I really am sorry for saying all those to you in the library. I did not mean them."

He turned to face me, with a soft smile on his face. "I know Cordelia, I am sorry and I did not mean what I said as well."

"You will find love one day, James, I am sure of that." I said confidently.

James's smile disappeared, and he looked away from me.

"I don't know, Cordy." He said.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked him.

"I'm afraid, the girl I have given my heart to, does not return my feelings." James said, still not looking at me.

I started forward to get closer to him, but of course being me, I tripped over my dress. Luckily, James caught me. His hands were gripping my waist, and my hands were around his neck. He was staring down at me, intently.

"Be careful, Daisy." James murmured, not breaking his gaze with mine.

I couldn't say anything. I was too mesmerized by James's stare. He then suddenly pulled me closer to him, and I locked my hands around his neck. By the angel, what is happening?! I shouldn't be doing this, but I couldn't find it in me to stop.

James then started to lean in, and so did I. Our lips touched, and as soon as they did, I felt fire ignite inside of me. His mouth was soft against mine. James pulled me closer to him, until there was no space between us. I had dreamt of this moment for years, and now it was finally happening.

"Jamie, you do not have to be so gentle." I said as he kissed me.

He made a sound, and kissed me a bit more roughly. My hands were tangled in his hair, and James had me pressed up against the ledge of the balcony. As he kissed me, James was saying my name over and over.

"I've wanted to do this, for so long." James said against mouth.

What? I thought. He had?

"Cordelia, I-I have to ask you something." He said as he kissed me.

"Yes?" I said as he pulled me even closer to him.

"Do you--" but then a voice rang out.

"My, my, what do have we here?" A voice said from behind us.

James and I sprang apart, and I turned around. Magnus Bane stood behind us, and he had a very big smirk on his face.

"Did you two, by any chance, drink a drink that a green fellow gave you?" He asked.

"Yes, why?" James asked, embarrassedly.

"It makes you do things you normally wouldn't do. It has warlock powders in it." Magnus said with a smirk.

By the angel, this is humiliating, I thought. I didn't dare look at James, even though I knew that he was looking at me. Then I had a horrible thought. I had just kissed James, while I was seeing Harry. I suddenly went cold, this was not good. Oh god, this was not good.

"Do not worry, once I caught your mother and father doing this at a party once, as well." Magnus said to James as if it were no big deal, James meanwhile, looked horrified.

"Um excuse me." I said quickly, and I walked briskly back into the ballroom.

I headed straight to my bedroom, and locked the door. I threw myself on my bed, and just sat there frozen. I had just kissed James. I had kissed James. That was something I had wanted to do ever since I was ten. But I was seeing Harry, and now I had cheated on him and now things would be very awkward with James.

But there was one thing that was troubling me the most. Why didn't I feel like, when Harry kissed me?

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