26: Cordelia

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It had been a few hours since Amelia Penhallow had shown up with an unconscious Matthew, and everyone was very worried. Jem-well, Brother Zachariah-had said that the demon venom had gone very deep into Matthew's veins, and that it would very hard to get it out of his body, but he would try.

It had taken him about an hour, but he had managed to get all of the venom out of him. Though, Jem said that he did not know when Matthew would be wake up. Everyone had been overjoyed, at the news. Thank the angel Matthew would be okay.

Currently, Lucie was with Jesse and I did not know where James was. Bored, I decided to go see how Matthew was doing. I walked into the infirmary, and surprisingly, there was no one with Matthew. I walked over to his bed, and took a seat beside his bed. Matthew's face was set, peacefully. He had a few scratches on his face, but other than that he looked. His blonde hair had bits of dirt in it.

I thought back to the first time I had met Matthew. It was the first time I had gone to the Institute to visit Lucie, Lucie and I had been eleven and James and Matthew had been twelve. Matthew had been very friendly to me, and I had liked him right away. Back then, I had also thought that he was handsome, he still was, thought I would never admit it to him now.

"Oh, Cordelia." A voice said from behind me.

I turned to see James standing there. He looked a bit distressed, but nevertheless, he looked beautiful. Stop it Cordelia, I said to myself, you are engaged to Harry.

"James." I said. "I can leave if--"

"No its fine, you can stay." James waved a hand.

He came over and sat on the edge of Matthew's bed, in front of me. James was looking at Matthew, with an affectionate expression.

"Thank the angel he's okay." He murmured.

"I know." I said.

"I do not know how my father survived without Uncle Jem. I could never imagine losing Matthew." James said while still looking at Matthew.

" I know, I could never imagine losing Lucie." I replied, truthfully.

It was true, my life would be horrible without Lucie. She always knew how to cheer me up and she always knew when I was feeling upset without asking me.

"Do you remember the day we first met?" He asked me suddenly, while turning to look me.

I thought back to then. Lucie had come to Paris to visit me, and James had come along, as well. I smiled at the memory.

"Yes, you were just a little boy, then. A very shy little boy at that. I remember you had a book in your hand, and you looked very uncomfortable. Your mother had to push you through the door and into my house." I chuckled, fondly.

James laughed as well. "I remember you, as well. You were wearing this bright orange dress, and you had daises in your hair. That's where I got your nickname you know, from those daisies."

"Really?" I asked, surprised. James had never told me why he called me Daisy.

"Yes. I also remembered feeling very annoyed when Lucie would not stop talking about you." James chuckled.

I chuckled as well. "I also remember this first I saw you do your power."

"I remember, as well. You screamed when I disappeared." He laughed.

"In my defence, I was only eleven when that happened." I said, while laughing.

James then got a mischievous look in his golden eyes, and I knew exactly what he was going to do.

"No James, don't do--" I started.

But it was too late, James had already turned into a shadow. He knew that I hated it when he did that. I crossed my arms over my chest, half annoyed, half amused.

"James Edmund Herondale, stop that this instant." I demanded, playfully.

I heard someone laugh from behind, and then I felt my hair being pulled. I turned around and swatted my hair from his grasp.

"Jamie!" I whined, but he only laughed more.

I went to chase him, but being me, I tripped over the leg of the chair and fell. Luckily, James had been standing in front of me, and he had caught me. We both landed on the floor, with a thump. I looked up, to see James' golden eyes staring into my brown ones. Our faces were centimetres apart. I felt myself leaning closer, and so was James.

"Well, well, well, can't keep your hands off each other, can you?" A familiar voice drawled.

James and I pulled away immediately, and I looked up. Matthew was sitting up in his bed, smirking at us. I immediately got off of James and stood up, and so did he. Dear god, I had almost kissed James. Again.

"Matthew, how are feeling?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Quite entertained, at the moment." He smirked at me.

I flushed, and I didn't dare look at James. Just then Lucie bustled through the door.

"Oh Matthew, your awake!" She exclaimed, walking towards us.

"You just missed quite a show, Luce." Matthew smirked.

"Shut it, Matthew." I snapped, but he only laughed.

"What happened to you, Matthew?" James asked.

"Well as you all probably know by now, I've been stepping out with Amelia Penhallow." He blushed when he said her name. "And we got attacked by demons, and I got bit by one."

"By the angel." James groaned. "You need to be more careful, Matthew. You know that your mother's going to kill you, right?"

Speaking of Matthew's mother, Aunt Charlotte then burst through the doors of the infirmary.

"Matthew! I portaled straight here from Idris, when I heard what happened!" Aunt Charlotte said, while coming and sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Are you okay? Are you still hurting?" She fussed.

"I'm okay, mother." Matthew replied.

"Then what do you think you were doing?! Walking around London unarmed?!" Aunt Charlotte exclaimed.

"I think we should leave them alone." I murmured to Lucie and James.

The three of us then walked out of the Institute, and James stormed down the corridor. Lucie watched him leave, suspiciously.

"What's wrong with him?" She asked.

I sighed. "I wish I knew."

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