18: Lucie

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I was walking around Hyde park with Jesse. We had been become quite good friends, and I think that I was catching feelings for him. He was very sweet, and kind. He was also nothing like Tatiana or Grace, which had surprised me at first. I didn't even want to know what my father would say if he found out that I fancied Jesse.

"Okay your turn." I said to him.

As we walked, we were asking each other questions. Anything that we wanted to know about the other person.

"What is your favourite colour?" Jesse asked me.

"Pink." I replied.

He laughed. "I thought so."

"How?" I asked with an amused smile.

"I'm not sure, you just seem like a girl who likes pink." Jesse said, his green eyes twinkling, and I laughed.

"Okay, what is your favourite colour?" I asked.

We had found a bench, and we both sat down on it.

"Green." He said.

"Like your eyes?" I said.

"Yes, like my eyes." Jesse laughed.

"Why do you always laugh at everything I say?" I asked curiously.

"When you say things, you say them in a specific tone. I'm not sure, it just makes me laugh. It is also very cute." Jesse said.

I looked away and blushed. Jesse had just called me cute.

"It's your turn to ask me." Was all I said.

Jesse then got a wicked smile on his face. "Do you like Cordelia, or James more?"

"Jesse! You know I can't answer that." I exclaimed.

"Ugh fine, I'll ask you another one." He said dramatically, and I giggled.

"Have you ever been in love?" He asked.

"Not yet." I sighed. "What about you?"

Jesse shook his head. "Nope, although, I think I might be."

"With whom?!" I exclaimed.

"You don't know her." He brushed it off.

Jealousy went through me at once. How badly I wished that I was the girl that Jesse loved. Wait, did that mean I loved Jesse? Oh by the angel.

"I overheard Cordelia saying that her birthday is coming up." Jesse said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes it is." I replied. "You'll see Uncle Gideon and Uncle Gabriel at her party."

Jesse then looked a bit nervous. I knew that he felt quite nervous about seeing them. He feared that they would hate him, just as they hated his mother, Tatiana.

"They don't hate you, Jesse." I said comfortingly. "I really don't think that Uncle Gideon or Uncle Gabriel are capable of hating anyone. Well, except for my father, but that was years ago."

He then chuckled a bit, and I smiled, pleased. It was true though, Uncle Gideon and Uncle Gabriel were always kind to everyone, so I doubted that they would be rude to Jesse.

"Have you heard anything about your mother or Grace?" I asked quietly.

Jesse sighed. "No I have not. I do know, that my mother was starting her trial in front of the Clave today. Sometimes I just wish she never brought me back to life."

"Why?" I asked, startled.

"Because, then she wouldn't be going through all of this. Sure I don't love her, but she is my mother and I do care for her in a way." Jesse said.

"I understand." I said.

Suddenly a ladybug landed in between us, on the bench. I aimlessly picked it up, and it lay on my hand lazily. I then noticed that it was twitching in my hand.

"What is it doing?" Jesse said.

It then stopped twitching, and went limp. I realized that it had died. I had never been good with death, even if it was a bug. I thought that everyone and everything deserved a life.

"Oh poor thing." I whispered.

I suddenly felt something strange inside of me. A spark that came from my chest, and I have no idea where it was coming from. All I knew, was that I still wanted this ladybug to live, as stupid as it sounded. The spark circulated my entire body, until my veins felt like they were on fire. Suddenly the ladybug in my hand fluttered its wing, got up, and flew away.

"Lucie." Jesse said very alarmed. "Did you just--"

"I've found it." I whispered, shocked.

"Found what?" He asked confusedly.

"My power. My mother passed down power to James and I, and James can turn into a shadow. I can bring things back to life." I explained, shocked.

Jesse just looked very surprised, and he paled quite a bit.

"C'mon, I must go tell my parents." I said while standing up.

We practically ran back to the Institute. I pushed open the doors to the Institute frantically, and found my parents in the drawing room. I burst in the room, with Jesse still at my side.

"Hello Lucie, Jesse." My mother smiled at us.

"I've found it." I said.

"Found what?" My father asked.

"My power. I can bring things back to life." I explained, rushed.

My mother and father stared at me, open mouthed. It was my father who recomposed himself first.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Positive, Jesse saw it happen too." I said.

"How did it happen?" My mother asked.

"I was holding a dead ladybug, and I felt this spark going through my body. It felt like fire in my veins, and then all of the sudden the ladybug came to life in my hand." I explained.

"By the angel, that's-that's necromancy. That's against the law." My father said, while turning very pale.

I felt my heart drop a bit. By the angel, that was necromancy. Necromancy was against the law. The Clave would be after me, if they ever found out.

"I-I need to go." I stuttered.

I then stormed out of the room, and I heard Jesse call my name but for once, I didn't look back.

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