13: Cordelia

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I was waiting with Lucie at the front doors of the Institute, for Harry to arrive. I was ecstatic! I hadn't seen him in three weeks, and it had been killing me. I had been very relieved when I had cleared things up with James about the kiss, but there was still something bothering me.

The drinks had made us kiss. James wouldn't have actually kissed me, if we hadn't had those drinks. Even though I was dating Harry, the thought bothered me. I still had feelings for James even now, I would never be able to get over him.

"You and James talked about it then?" Lucie asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Was it awkward?" She asked amused.

"Very." I chuckled.

"How was it seeing Jesse?" I smirked.

Lucie blushed, and hit me on the arm. "It was fine."

"Was he attractive?" I teased.

"Fine yes, can we please stop talking about him?" She whined.

Just then there was a knock on the Institute door. I squealed and rushed to open, and there stood Harry. His light brown hair was blowing in the wind, and his green eyes were bright.

"Cordelia!" He exclaimed.

"Harry!" I exclaimed, and I ran up and hugged him.

After we pulled away, he gave me a quick kiss. I then turned around to see everyone standing there. I suddenly felt very embarrassed, everyone had seen us kiss. My eyes then landed on James. He looked very distant, but he also the faintest look of sadness on his face. Why? I wondered.

I then introduced Harry to everyone, and everyone to Harry. When I introduced him to Matthew, Matthew started to tell very embarrassing stories to him, much to my dismay. When we finally reached James, it was quite awkward.

"Harry this James, James this is Harry." I said uncomfortably.

"Nice to you meet you." Harry said with a smile.

James's face was blank. "Pleasure." Was all he said.

After everyone had been introduced, Harry and I decided to go for a walk together. I lead him along London's streets, explaining the history of it. Harry had grown up in America, and only about two years ago had he moved to Paris. We decided to stop at Blackfriars bridge, and I couldn't help but think of James.

"I've missed you much, Cordy." Harry said.

"I've missed you too." I replied.

"Everyone seems nice here." He said.

"They are. Though, my uncle Will can be a bit odd sometimes." I chuckled.

"James seems different than the others." Harry said.

I paused for a moment. "There is always something going on with James. His heart is always broken."

"That must be terrible." Harry said.

"It is. I hate seeing him have to go through it." I said sadly.

After another hour, we decided go back to the Institute. When we walked into the dining room, everyone was sitting at the table. I noticed, that James was staring at Harry and I.

"Oh Cordelia, good your back." My mother said. "Come sit."

I sat in a seat, and Harry took a seat beside me. What was this about? Just then uncle Will stood up.

"So as you all know by now, Tatiana Blackthorn has succeeded in bringing her once dead son Jesse back to life. You all know that necromancy is against the law, and the Clave knows what she has done. They have taken Tatiana to Idris for questioning, and Grace and Jesse have had the choice to stay here or go with her. Grace has agreed to go with her, but Jesse has not." Uncle Will explained.

"Then where will he stay?" James asked.

Uncle Will hesitated. "Here."

"What?!" Lucie then exclaimed. "Why here?"

"He had nowhere else to go, and the Clave has decided to put him here." Uncle Will explained.

"You must be thrilled, Luce." Matthew said with a smirk.

"Shut it, Matthew." Lucie glared.

"Whose Tatiana and Jesse?" Harry whispered to me.

"I'll explain later." I whispered back.

"When is he arriving?" I asked.

"Tomorrow." Uncle Will replied.

"What?!" Lucie exclaimed, standing up. "Couldn't they give us more notice?!"

"Notice for what?" Matthew said while smirking.

Lucie then gave him a look that wiped the smirk right off his face.

"Will and I expect all of you to be on your best behaviour when he arrives." Aunt Tessa said. "Especially you, Matthew."

Matthew threw up his hands, dramatically. "What did I do?"

"Don't make us start." I said, and everyone laughed.

After that, everyone dispersed and Harry had to go back home. I kissed him goodbye, and then I went to go find Lucie. I found her in the library cuddled up with a book. Her family had always been big readers.

"Luce." I said, while taking a seat across from her.

"Harry left?" She asked, while putting her book down.

"Yes." I said. "So Jesse's coming then." I smirked at her.

Lucie rolled her eyes. "Please, Matthew was enough."

I laughed. "Oh c'mon Lucie, it's clear that you fancy him."

She got a sour expression on her face, which made her look startlingly like Uncle Will.

"I most certainly do not." She insisted.

"Okaayy" I said in a sing-song voice. "I'm surprised that the Clave is making Tatiana go on trial. They never bothered her before."

"That's because she wasn't doing anything against the law before, I guess." Lucie said.

"Still, she's always been crazy and I bet Jesse and Grace are like that too." I said.

"I'm not sure, I think Jesse may be different." She said.

I smirked at her, and she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Your so in love him with him!" I exclaimed.

"I am not!" She exclaimed.

I just shook my head, laughing at her.

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