37: Lucie

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I watched as Cordelia and James stared at each other. What is she doing? I thought to myself. Suddenly, I watched as she ran down the aisle, away from the alter. I was amazed at how she managed not to trip over her wedding dress.

James then got up from his seat, and bolted after her. I felt myself moving down the aisle as well, but someone grabbed my arm. I turned around to see Matthew tugging me back.

"Let me go!" I exclaimed. "I have to go after her."

"Let James. You saw what just happened between them." Matthew said.

I was to object, but Matthew was right. Something big had just happened between Cordelia and James, and I didn't want to ruin that. I looked over at Harry, who was still standing at the alter, with a shocked and disappointed expression on his face. I walked over to him.

"She loves him, doesn't she?" He asked me, clearly defeated.

My heart broke a bit for him. "Yes she does."

Harry didn't say anything, he only walked away to stand with his parents. I decided to do the same thing. I found my parents speaking with Aunt Cecily and Uncle Gabriel. They all were wearing worried expressions.

"Luce, do you know what that was all about?" My father asked as soon as he saw me.

I hesitated. Should I tell all of them about what had happened between them yesterday? James might be angry, but I couldn't lie to them.

"Yesterday, James finally confessed his feelings for Cordy but she told him that she did not return them. Though, she actually does. I guess just right now, she realized that loves James too much to marry Harry." I explained.

"Oh I knew it!" Aunt Cecily exclaimed.

"Do you think Cordelia will tell him that she loves him?" Uncle Gabriel asked.

"I would think so." I said.

"It was good that Matthew pulled you back. Cordelia and James need to talk." My mother said.

"Well I am known for doing good things." A voice said, which I recognized as Matthew.

He walked up and stood with us. I rolled my eyes amusedly, and my mother only laughed.

"Oh really now? What about that incident at the Shadowhunter academy involving Christopher?" My father smirked.

Matthew reddened. "That was one time."

"Oh! Let's not speak of that. Dean Ashdown would not let us hear the end of it. Christopher had no idea of what he did wrong." Aunt Cecily said.

"To be fair, does he really ever?" Matthew joked.

Speaking of Christopher, he was walking up to us with a very confused expression.

"Mother, whose wedding is this again?" He asked, confusedly.

"Cordelia's, darling." Aunt Cecily answered in a strained voice.

"But father said it was Lucie and Jesse's. " Christopher said, very confused.

At that I burst out coughing, and my father looked very amused.

"I said that one day Lucie and Jesse would get married." Uncle Gabriel laughed.

"Oh thank goodness, I thought I was losing my mind." Christopher said.

"You lost that years ago." I heard Matthew murmur jokingly, and I laughed.

Suddenly I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned to see Jesse standing there. He looked very attractive in tuxedo, and I tried not to stare.

"Would you like to go for a walk, Lucie?" He asked a bit nervously.

"Alright." I agreed.

I turned back to everyone. Matthew, my father, and Uncle Gabriel were all smirking at me. Aunt Cecily and my mother were smiling at me. Christopher was dreamily regarding a tree in the distance. By the angel that boy was always in his own world.

I turned back around to Jesse, and we walked away from everyone. I had never been to this part of Idris, so I had no idea where we were going.

"Do you know how to get back there?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied. "I used to come here all the time, when I used to live here in Idris."

"Do you miss living here?" I asked him.

"Sometimes." Jesse said. "But that would mean I would have to live with my mother."

"Are she and Grace back in London now?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied.

"You know, James and I saw something the other day which was quite a shock." I said.

"What was it?" He asked curiously.

"Christopher Lightwood and Grace were um, enjoying each other's company quite a lot, in an alleyway." I said.

Getting my hint, Jesse's eyes widened in surprise.

"Christopher and Grace?" He said shocked.

"I know, that's what James I thought." I said. "It was quite surprising. They asked to keep it a secret."

"Of course. My mother would have a fit if she found out." Jesse said.

"Do you ever feel like going back and living with her?" I asked softly.

"No." He said right away. "I do not. I could never leave you."

The words seemed to fall from his mouth, before he could stop them. I felt my face heat up, and I blushed.

"You couldn't?" I asked shyly.

We had stopped and sat down at a bench in front of a pond with ducks in it. My father would have been terrified, I thought amusedly.

"No, I could not." He said. "Lucie there's something I need to tell you."

"What is it?" I asked.

I turned towards him. His green eyes were filled with nervousness, and he took a deep breath.

"I think I've fallen in love with you." Jesse said.

I felt myself freeze. Was this actually happening?

"What?" I asked, shocked.

"I'm in love with you. I know that you don't love me back, but--" He started.

"What? Of course I love you back." I said.

"You do?" He asked shocked.

"Yes." I said. "Ever since you came to the Institute."

Suddenly, I wasn't sure how it happened, Jesse's lips were on mine. My hands found there way around his neck, and his around my waist. I had dreamed of this way for weeks now, and now it had finally happened.

"I love you, Lucie." He said.

"I love you too, Jesse." I said, and then I kissed him again.

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