12: James

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I woke up the next morning, with the feel of Cordelia's lips on mine still. A smile crept up on my face at the memory. I had finally done it, I had kissed her. Then my smile disappeared as I remembered what Magnus had said. The drinks that Ragnor gave us, made people do things they normally wouldn't.

I got up out of bed, and got dressed. It was about ten o'clock, and I thought that everyone should have been at breakfast by now. As I walked into the dining room, I saw that I was correct. There was a chair open for me beside Matthew, and I went and sat down in it.

"Good morning." Matthew said, and he ate his eggs.

"Good morning." I said happily, and he gave me an odd look.

I looked up, to see Cordelia sitting across from me. She was staring at me with an unreadable expression, but as soon as I looked at her, she looked away. She regretted it, I thought immediately and my heart sank.

"Did you enjoy the ball yesterday, Jamie?" My father asked.

At that, Cordelia burst coughing. She was blushing, and I felt myself blush as well.

"Um yes, it was nice." I said, and my father gave me a strange look.

"What happened?" Matthew then whispered to me.

"I'll tell you later." I whispered.

Breakfast then went by quickly after that, and once we were finished, Matthew and I went to my room. I told him everything that had happened the night before.

"You kissed her?" He said after I was done, bewildered.

"Yes." I blushed. "But it was only because of the drinks."

"You don't know that." Matthew smirked.

I just rolled my eyes amused. "How was Amelia?"

"I think I really like her." Matthew said seriously.

"Did you kiss her?" I asked with a smirk.

He laughed. "No, I'm not like you."

"It was the drinks." I insisted, but he still laughed.

"Tatiana, Grace, and Jesse Blackthorn showed up last night." Matthew said.

"I heard. Apparently Lucie got into it with Tatiana and Grace." I chuckled.

Matthew laughed. "I would have loved to see that. I cannot believe Tatiana actually brought Jesse back to life."

"I know, I didn't think that--" I started, but then there was a knock on my door.

I opened it, to see Lucie and Cordelia standing there. Cordelia was looking at the floor, but Lucie was standing right in front of me. She probably knew that I had kissed Cordelia.

"Do you two want to come on a walk with us?" Lucie asked.

"Okay." I replied.

Matthew and I started to walk with Lucie and Cordelia. I made sure to walk the farthest away from Cordelia. As we walked out of the Institute Matthew said:

"So Lucie, I heard you got into it with Grace and Tatiana." He smirked.

"You should have seen the way they were speaking to my father." She said disgustedly.

"What about Jesse?" Matthew asked with a smirk.

Lucie then blushed the slightest bit. "What about him?"

"C'mon, we all know you fancy him." He said.

"No I don't." She said, blushing.

"Yes you do." Matthew taunted.

"No I do not, speaking of fancying, Cordelia when is Harry arriving?" Lucie changed the subject.

"Tomorrow." Cordelia replied.

I almost gasped. He was coming so soon? By the angel, I wasn't ready for this. Matthew looked over, and gave me a sympathetic look. We all walked around for about a half an hour more. Cordelia was very quiet, and so was I. It was clear something had happened between us. Thankfully, Lucie and Matthew kept the conversation going.

After about an hour, we walked along Blackfriars bridge. I might as well do it now, I thought to myself. I then mustered up all the courage I had.

"Cordelia, can I speak with you for a moment?" I quickly asked.

"Yes." She said without looking at me.

Matthew and Lucie kept walking, to give us some privacy. Cordelia and I stood along the edge of the bridge. There was an awkward silence for a moment.

"I'm very sorry about last night. It was all my fault." I blurted out.

Then for the first time today, Cordelia shifted her gaze to look at me. Her eyes were filled with anxiety.

"I am sorry as well, James. It was not your fault, it was the drinks that made us do that." Cordelia said.

Maybe for you, I thought, but not for me. We were then silent again, but it was less awkward this time.

"Did you enjoy it?" I asked, and I almost slapped myself.

Cordelia looked surprised. "Pardon?"

"Did you enjoy it? The kiss?" I said, rushed.

She turned very very red. "If you must know, yes I did. Did you?"

I blushed fiercely. "Yes."

After a moment she said. "James, could you please promise me something?"

"Anything." I said at once.

She turned to look at me. "Could you please not say anything to Harry, when he comes, about our kiss? I feel terribly bad about cheating on him and...." Cordelia trailed off.

My heart sank. She regretted our kiss, I had known it. But I couldn't blame her, she had cheated on her boyfriend. Though, it still hurt. Cordelia probably wished she had never kissed me.

"I promise I won't." I said dryly.

"Thank you James." Cordelia said, relieved.

She then did something I did not expect. She walked towards me, and embraced me, her arms around my neck. I put my hands around her, and hugged her back. As I hugged her, I silently wished that I could stay here like this forever.

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