19: Tessa

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"By the angel, Tessa." Will said, astounded.

Lucie had just walked out of the drawing room and Jesse had gone after her. I could not believe Lucie's power. I knew that she would get one, just like James had, but nothing like this.

"Will, this is all my fault." I whispered. "I gave her this."

Will was at my side at once. "No Tess, it's not your fault. You couldn't have controlled this."

"The Clave is going to want to question her, and use her for their own investigations." I said, numbly.

"Not if Charlotte is still Consul." Will said. "You know that she wouldn't let anyone touch Lucie."

That thought comforted me a bit, but not much.

"I have cursed her, Will. This is something that she has to live the rest of her life hiding." I whispered, while tears ran my down cheeks.

He pulled me into his lap, and held me. I was suddenly reminded of the time when he had held me in Cadair Idris, when we had thought that Jem had died.

"You have not cursed her, Tessa. This is something that we both knew would happen." Will said.

"I did not think it would be this, though." I said hoarsely.

"We knew that James and Lucie would different from other Shadowhunters. You cannot stress over it, Tessa, Lucie will be okay. She is just in shock right now." He said.

"I should go after her." I said, trying to untangle myself from Will, but he held me tight.

"I think Jesse has that covered. Quite a pair they make, don't they?" Will said, amused.

"You think they fancy each other?" I asked.

"Yes I do. They've been spending a lot of time together, lately." He said.

"Who would have ever thought that our daughter would fancy Tatiana Blackthorn's son?" I chuckled a bit.

Will laughed as well, and it was music to my ears. "Well, at least he isn't mad like Tatiana."

"That is true." I said.

Just then, the doors to the drawing room opened. In walked in James, followed by Matthew. When they saw us, James looked very uncomfortable.

"Um, we can leave if you--" He started.

"That is quite alright, Jamie." I said while detaching myself from Will.

Will gave me a smirk, and came over hugged me from behind, playfully and I rolled my eyes, amused. The boys, however, looked quite uncomfortable.

"Lucie has found her power." I announced.

"What? What is it?" James said surprisedly.

"She can bring dead things back to life." Will said, after letting me go.

"What? That's necromancy isn't it? Isn't the Clave going to take her?" James said worriedly.

"My mother would not let that happen." Matthew said right away.

"Still, would she still have to go for questioning?" James said, his golden eyes filled with worry.

"Questioning for what, though? They know how Lucie got her power." Matthew said.

"That much is true. Who knows about it?" James asked.

"Us, and Jesse." I replied.

"Figures." Matthew said with a smirk.

Just the door opened to the drawing, and Cordelia walked in. She looked quite frazzled.

"Has anyone seen Lucie?" She asked.

I watched as James's eyes were glued to Cordelia. Oh, he fancies her, I thought to myself. I then remembered that Cordelia dating someone, and I instantly felt very bad for James.

"Lucie can bring dead things back to life." Matthew blurted out.

"What?" Cordelia looked very shocked.

"Yes." Will said.

"Isn't necromancy against the law?" Cordelia said, concernedly.

"Yes it is." James said.

"Where is she now?" Cordelia asked.

"With Jesse." I replied.

"I thought so." Cordelia smirked.

James then turned back to Will and I. "Are you going to tell the Clave about this?"

"Well, we will obviously tell Charlotte, but no, we are not going to tell the Clave." Will said.

We didn't have to discuss it, Will and I knew exactly what we both wanted to do.

"Aunt Charlotte won't tell them." Cordelia said.

The door the opened again, and to my surprise, in walked in Jesse and Lucie. As soon as she saw Cordelia, Lucie's eyes lit up.

"Luce." Cordelia said while going to hug her.

"Are you okay?" She asked, after pulling away from Lucie.

Lucie forced a smile, and nodded her head. My heart broke for her.

"If you all would not mind, I would like to have a moment alone with Lucie." I said.

Everyone left the room, including Will, to my surprise. Only Lucie and I were left. She came over and sat beside me, on the armchair to my left.

"I'm so sorry Lucie." I said to her.

"It is not your fault, mother." She said.

"I know, but I feel responsible for this happening to you. I just want to protect you, Lucie." I said while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"And you have, mother. You and father both have. But this something you cannot protect me from." Lucie said.

"I wish I could." I sighed.

"I'll be fine. I'll get used to it over time. Besides, it is quite a cool power." She said with a smile.

I laughed. "That it is."

"I love you, mother." She said.

"I love you too, my Lucie." I said.

Lucie then stood up and hugged me, and I happily hugged her back.

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