38: James

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I woke up the next day, feeling happier than I had in months. Cordelia loved me. Cordelia loved me. I still couldn't believe it. After we had left the bridge we had returned to the wedding, and Cordelia had awkwardly explained the situation to Harry. He had been very disappointed, but he understood. After, we had all portaled back to London.

I got up and got dressed, and walked down to the dining room. Everyone was already sitting and eating. I took my seat next to Matthew, and then looked up. Cordelia was looking at me, with an amused expression. I smirked at her, and she blushed and looked away. I noticed my father watching us and when I looked him he gave me a smirk.

Breakfast passed by quickly, and a few hours later Matthew and I went to the training room. It had been awhile since we had both trained together.

"You and Cordelia could not stop drooling over each other, at breakfast." He said.

He said it so casually, that I had to stop halfway through throwing my knife.

"We were not." I said.

"Whatever you say, Jamie." Matthew said while throwing a knife.

It landed in just off the centre, and he cursed under his breath. Throwing knives was one of the few things I was better at than Matthew.

"Not very impressive." A voice said from behind us.

"Do you think you can do better, Lucie?" Matthew said, while turning around.

There stood Lucie and Cordelia, both in their gear. My eyes were glued to Cordelia and she blushed as soon as she was me looking at her.

"Yes, I can do better." Lucie challenged.

Matthew jerked his head. "Let's see it then."

Matthew was in for a surprise, our father had taught Lucie and I how to throw knives until we could do it with our eyes closed. Lucie stepped up to the target, and lifted the knife. She suddenly let it go with a snap of her wrist, and it landed in the dead centre of the target. She turned back to Matthew.

"Was that good, Matthew?" She said with a superior smile.

Matthew looked annoyed, clearly angry that Lucie beat him.

"Well, at least I can beat you with a sword." He said.

"Is that a challenge?" Lucie said.

"Yes, unless you would like to go and spend time with Jesse." Matthew said.

He knew he had her by saying that. Lucie looked annoyed, and went over and grabbed two swords. She tossed one to Matthew.

"Alright. Don't cry when I beat you, Mr. Fairchild." She said, with a smirk.

"I'll try not to, Miss. Herondale." He challenged.

I went to go stand with Cordelia. As soon as I neared her, she reached out for my hand and took it. I smiled and squeezed her hand. Meanwhile, Lucie had just lunged at Matthew with the sword. He barely dodged her, and he turned swung at her, but she dropped to the floor dodging the blow.

This went on for about ten more minutes, until Lucie had Matthew pinned to the ground. His sword a few feet away from him. Lucie had won.

"Ha! I won!" She exclaimed.

"That was so unfair, my arm was hurting." Matthew lied.

Lucie laughed, still on top of him. "Sure it was."

"What is happening here?" A could said from behind us.

I turned around to see my father standing there. He was looking at Matthew and Lucie with an amused expression.

"Father, I beat Matthew." Lucie said, with a superior smile.

"Yes yes we all know, get off me." Matthew said.

Lucie got off of Matthew, and he stood up mumbling to himself.

"Supper is ready." My father announced and then he left.

Cordelia and I walked out of the training room, still hand in hand.

"I didn't think she would beat him." She laughed.

"I didn't think so either." I chuckled.

We both walked into the dining room. Everyone was staring at our hands. My mother was smiling at me, and my father was smirking. Matthew and Lucie joined us a second later and as soon as Jesse saw Lucie he brightened up a bit.

She went and took a seat beside him, and they instantly started to whisper to each other. Something had happened between them, though I wasn't sure what it was. Dinner flew by, Lucie, Cordelia, Matthew, Jesse, and I all decided to go for walk.

I held Cordelia's hand as we all walked out the doors. We all walked to Hyde Park and sat underneath a tree. I noticed that Jesse and Lucie were holding hands.

"Spots, are you dating Jesse?" I asked Lucie, with a smirk.

Jesse and Lucie both blushed very hard.

"Yes I am. And I am guessing you are dating Cordy?" She asked.

"Yes he is." Cordelia replied, while squeezing my hand.

"You better treat her well, Jamie. Or else I will have to hurt you." Lucie said.

We all laughed, and I looked around. Finally, things were perfect and everyone was happy. I was happy for once. All of us had come such a long way and it seemed crazy to think about how we all ended up here. But this was just the beginning, we all had many happy years to come. I looked over at Cordelia and smiled.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you, too. " She said with a smile.

Yes, I had been right. Things were perfect.

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