8: Cordelia

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I woke up the next morning, still fuming from James and I's argument, yesterday. He had been so rude and cruel, and I would not have it. I got up and dressed myself, and walked down to the dining room. I was dreading having to face James.

I walked through the doorway, and everyone was already there. Of course, the only spare seat was beside James. Just my luck. I gingerly walked over to the seat beside him, and sat down. Lucie sat across from me, and she gave me a sympathetic look. I only shook my head.

At one point during breakfast, my arm accidentally brushed his. I felt James tense, and I felt my heart beat a lot faster. I was too happy when breakfast was finished, and Lucie and I decided to change into our gear and train. We both walked to the training room, and opened the doors.

"So, what would you like to do?" Lucie asked.

"Hmm, what about knife throwing? I haven't gotten it perfect yet." I said.

Lucie had been teaching me how to throw knives better. Uncle Will had taught her and James when they had been young, and now they both were amazing at it.

"Alright." She agreed.

Lucie went over to the weapons rack, and grabbed a few knives and handed them to me. I weighed the blade in my hand, and stepped up to the target. Throwing knives wasn't my weapon, I liked the whip the most.

"Remember what I taught you. Focus, aim, and snap your wrist." Lucie coached.

I took a deep and did what she said. I aimed the knife, and quickly snapped my wrist and threw it. It landed only a bit off the centre of target.

"That was better than most of your tries. Here, try again." She said, while handing me another knife.

We did this for a about an hour, and by the end I could throw the knife in very centre with my eyes closed. We then practiced with the bow an arrow, and Lucie I were very skilled at it. My father had made sure that Alastair and I were fairly good at a wide range of weapons.

Speaking of Alastair, he had come in the training room. He was wearing his gear, and I was surprised at seeing him here. He had been in Idris, visiting Charles Fairchild, his best friend.

"Alastair, I thought you were still in Idris." I said.

"I got back only about an hour ago." He explained.

"Well, would you like to train with us?" I asked politely.

Lucie and Alastair both looked at me with surprise. Alastair and I did not usually get along, and this was me being very nice to him.

"Okay." Alastair agreed.

We all decided to practice with the bow and arrow. Alastair was clearly the best at it, and Lucie the worst. About halfway through, someone opened the door to the training room. In walked James, looking a bit awkward. My heart leaped at the sight of him, but then I felt angry all over again.

"Um Daisy, can I speak with you?" He asked.

I wish he hadn't of called me Daisy, because he always got whatever he wanted from me if he called me that. I knew I shouldn't have, but I nodded my head. I followed James out of the the training room, leaving Lucie and Alastair. James and I walked in silence.

"Where would you like to go?" James asked.

"I don't care." I replied stonily.

He sighed, and lead me out of the front doors of the Institute. I could tell that James was going to apologize to me, so I thought of what to say. I was going to get very angry at him first, and then I would finally forgive him. Not to my surprise, James lead me to Blackfriars Bridge. By now, I considered this our place. We both stopped and leaned against the bridge, silently. After a few more minutes of silence, James finally broke it.

"I'm sorry for what I said to you yesterday." He said.

I turned my head to look at him, prepared to chew him out, but then I stopped myself. James had the most sorry and sad expression on his face, that I couldn't possibly imagine getting angry at him when he looked like that.

I sighed. "I'm sorry, as well. I should not have said those things."

"I deserved them." James said. "I was being rude to you for no reason, and for that I am sorry."

"I forgive you. You know I really can't stay mad at you, James." I said with a bit of a smile.

He smiled too, and we were both silent. James was looking at something in the distance, his golden eyes intense. His eyes had always reminded me of cities or burning, and I never knew why.

"You know, I didn't mean what I had said about Scarlett. Her and I never kissed." James said suddenly.

I felt a bit shocked. "Why would you make that up?"

"To be honest, I don't even know. I was quite a mess last year." He chuckled.

I laughed. "Yes, that is true."

"You must be very happy that your boyfriend is coming." James said, his smile faltering a bit.

"Yes, I am. I haven't seen him in weeks." I said.

"How did the both of you meet?" His question surprised me.

"My father hosted a party at the Paris institute for all the Clave members, and I first met him there. He asked to see me again, and we started dating from there." I explained.

"I see." Was all James said.

"Yes." I said. "Did you meet anyone while I was gone?"

"No I did not." He sighed.

I felt ashamed of myself, when I felt myself feel relived at his answer. I had to stop this. James was allowed to see whoever he wanted, that didn't concern me. You don't love him anymore, I told myself. James then cleared his throat.

"We should probably go back now." He said.

"Yes, let's go." I agreed.

We then walked back to the Institute in silence.

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