Chapter 12

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Ella's PoV

My mouth dropped open in shock, and I pointed a disbelieving finger at Patil.

"A- Alpha? You?"

I shook my outstretched arm for emphasis.

Once I got over the initial shock, my mind clicked and I freaked.

"You kidnapped my brothers, blackmailed me, and told the oldest known wolf to step in for you! And that's completely disregarding the fact that you sent people to force me to cooperate against my will! If you're truly an Alpha, then you are the worst!"

Patil sighed. "Yes, our methods were cruel. But a pure wolf is dangerous now days. If you had stayed with your parents, there would be a high chance of you killing them. I told Elder Thasro that he didn't need to go, that another elder could step in for him, but he insisted on taking this role. The spell was to make sure that you had no intention of running. Again, people could die. Of course," he paused to glare at the couple, "that was a last resort option. And I'm not the worst, but we'll get to that later." He said.

I opened my mouth to contradict him, but bit my tongue in time to stop myself. I was dangerous?

"How could I kill my parents?"

Sahnn answered, "Every pure wolf has a strong power in them. They could take the lives of a lot of people in the blink of an eye. But you have both types of pure wolves, so that power is even stronger. And, currently, unbearable for tainted wolves. You haven't learned to control it."

I squinted. "If that's true, why couldn't you tell my parents?"

"Because, for reasons unknown to us, when tainted wolves know a pure power, the less control the pure has over it. That's why no one really knows where we are. They think we are dead." Patil replied.

I sighed. How was I supposed to hate him if this is true? Like, come on! I can't hate someone if they had a reason to do everything. Of course, they could've just explained everything from the start, but still.

'They're not lying.' Isis said.

'Gee, thanks for finally chiming in here.'

Patil cleared his throat. "As for your brothers, they're fine. They were sent back to your family with a lot of money. I know it won't compensate the loss of you, but it will help them get through some problems in the future."

Okay, I've decided. I'm going to strongly dislike everyone here until they give me a reason to like or hate them. Patil's managed to get a few points back in my eyes.

'Although, in my eyes he's a-'

'Iona, I really don't want to know.'

I could almost imagine the black wolf doing a wolf-like pout.

Patil nodded to the couple (who have no points) and said, "Oscar and Amanda will escort you back to your room. There are a few hours before the pack dinner. If you want to do something, just find a guard and tell them where you're going or ask where something is."

I nodded and turned to Amanda and Oscar. We walked out of the room in silence. I was thinking about the gifts my parents gave me, until Amanda broke the peace. "I'm really sorry about earlier."

I shrugged. "It's fine." Shut up for a bit, I'm trying to think.

Amanda continued. "I didn't realize that Alpha said that using that spell was last resort."

Cool. Now shut up. "Like I said, its okay."

"I guess that just shows how consulting your alpha is better than going in without knowing the other half of the plan." she mused, tilting her head upward slightly.

Does this woman shut up? I'm trying to think of something my parents gave me. I can't do that with someone talking.

Finally, we reached my room. I quickly walked in and jumped onto the bed.

My trail of thought derailed quickly, and it took a bit of concentration to get it back on track.

The gifts.

Hummingbirds are cool.

I shook my head.

The reason the gifts were stressing me out so much is because my brothers all got some sort of magical gift when they turned 18. That was also when the first traces of magic showed in them, but since I've already preformed a magical act back when I attacked Sahnn and Patil, I'm thinking that I shouldn't look forward to that aspect of my birthday.

Speaking of which, my birthday is tomorrow. I forgot that these were early birthday gifts.

I took off my necklace and started messing with it. The letter probably said what the magic was, but I wanted to find it myself.

Eventually, I put my fingers on the saxophone, and the tube transformed. It was elongated, the chains being sucked into it, and it formed the design of a saxophone.

I grinned and fingered through a simple song, an old lullaby my mother had taught me.

Suddenly, a picture came up of my parents. They were walking around in the garden.

I heard my mother gasp. The picture moved to show my parent's faces.

Happiness twinkled in their eyes as they exclaimed, "Ella! It worked!"


What is this madness?

Is the world ending?

Did I really update two chapters in two days?

For once, I DON'T have to apologize for a late chapter!

I can officially say that I can write for now.

Entire chapter written and published in a few hours. Not edited, but its 3:00 AM here. You can't blame me.

I haven't felt this good in so long! I managed to write a decent (I think) chapter and do what I love as well (don't judge, but staying up late is one of my favorite things to do in summer)!

So I decided that I'm going to try the two week update thing, and the deadline will be every other Wednesday. If the chapter sucks or is really short, it's still going up. Do you guys like this idea?

I should probably go to sleep, but who knows. If I stay up I could write another chapter.





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