Part 11 - Home

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The Next Morning..

Zoés POV
I woke up in Bojans arms.
He was still sleeping. His arms were wrapped around my waist.
Bojan was woken up by my awes.
"oh hi pretty girl"
"Hello Bojan" I laughed.
"What time is it?" He asked, yawning.
"Jeez, i don't even know.." i said laughing.
Bojan leaned over to get his phone, his arm still wrapped around me.
"You're very cuddly." I said looking at Bojan
"What! No im not!" He said immediately removing his arm.
I laughed.
"It's 1pm" he said to me.
"Really?! I swear it's like 6am."
I cuddled back into Bojan.
"Don't start something you can't finish gorgeous".
"Butttt cuddlesssss" i said.
"Just five more minutes Bojci" i begged.
"Fine. But only because you're cute.
I smiled at Bojan.

We got up out of bed, and we were greeted by Jan laying over the kitchen counter.
"Someone had a long night.." I said to him laughing.
"Tell me about it.." Jan groaned.
"Where's Kris?" Bojan asked.
"I don't know. I can't remember." Jan shook his head.
We then heard groans coming from the hallway.
We found Kris on the floor.
"Oh dear" i said.
Bojan went over to get Kris.
"You okay buddy?"
"Yeah I'm absolutely fine.. don't worry!" Kris said, face planted on the floor, pointing at Bojan.
"Are you okay to get up yourself?" Bojan asked Kris.
"Yeah! Like watch.."
We watched as Kris tried to get up.
He failed and eventually Bojan helped him up.
"You're a good friend Bojci" Kris laughed.
"Maybe you should go up for a nap" Bojan suggested.
"Maybe i should."
"Love you sweetheart" I said, laughing.
"Love you too mom." Kris replied.

"I'll go make breakfast gorgeous." Bojan said.
"Okay! Do you have a shower by any chance?" I asked.
"No". bojan said.
"What?!" I said shocked.
"Im kidding. If you go into that room over there"
Bojan pointed.
"The bathrooms just the room on the right."
"Thank you handsome."
Bojan winked.
Jan went upstairs to go find Nace and Kris.

I went into the shower.
I turned music on, Bojan had sent me the link to his unreleased album, so i listened to that.
I sung the words to Padam, it was my favourite song.
"♪♬ Zdaj padam in padam, a me bo kdo ujel?
Z zaprtimi rokam, z obrazom nasmejanim
Zdaj padam in padam, a bo kdo razumel? ♪♬"
I screamed the words out as I coated my hair in shampoo.
I thought I heard someone come through the door, as i didnt lock it.
But i didnt think it was anyone, i thought i was hearing things.
Until I heard the shower curtain open.
I was having a full on concert when it was opened by Bojan.
"Having fun there, Thomson?" Bojan laughed.
"Well yeah until you came and crashed the concert. I said awkwardly.
My face went as red as a strawberry.
"I see you're listening to the album."
"I am actually."
"Heard you screaming your lungs out to 'Padam' and 'Gola.'
"Don't be embarrassed, it's cute." Bojan smiled.
"Oh yeah shit. Sorry"
Bojan shut the curtain and was about to walk out the door.
"Oi! I never said you had to leeeaveee.."
"Oh really?"...

Bojan joined me in the shower.
"Do you have conditioner?"
"Why?" Bojan asked.
"To drink it." I said, rolling my eyes.
"Thats not a good ide-"
"Oh?" He laughed.
"Pass me the conditioner please." I smiled at him.
Bojan did as he was told.
The music was still playing as we were in the shower.
Bojan started mocking me from my singing from what he heard before.
I splashed water in his face.
"OI" Bojan pointed at me.
"That's what you get Bojci."
He rolled his eyes.
"Anyways, i was only coming in here to tell you breakfast is ready, and to check up and see how the concert was going."
I flicked his head.
"Don't act as if you don't love me"
I rolled my eyes.
Bojan got out of the shower and put his clothes back on.

I turned the shower off, got into my towel and went back into Bojans room to get changed.
"Shit. I dont have any more clothes apart from my dress, and black booty shorts that I put under my dress.
What was I going to do? I cant put that dress back on!
I looked to my left to find one of Bojans t shirts.
I tried it on and it was perfect. It was massive on me. At least I had shorts to put under it.
"This'll do."
I was going to dry my hair but i genuinely could not be bothered.
I then made my way into the kitchen.
"Oh he-" "is that my t shirt?!"
"Yes. It is."

Bojans POV
She looked so cute in my t shirt. It was my Beatles t shirt. It was massive on her. She looked perfect. I can't wait to make her mine- fuck.. how
I catching feelings so fast, we've only been out twice..

(The t shirt)_________________________________

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(The t shirt)

"I made you waffles." Bojan smiled.
"I love waffles" I hugged Bojan.
"Thank Mia." He said.
"MIAAA" i screamed.
"You're cute when you're excited." Bojan hugged me back.

We both ate and Bojan offered to take me home.
"Are you sure? I can get Mia to pick me up."
"I'll take you home."
"If you insist, Bojci."
We both went back into his room and I got my stuff.
I sat down on my bed and immediately fell on it and magically started laying down.
"Heyy, I don't have to go yettttt"
Bojan chucked a pillow at my head.
"As much as i would love to get into bed and cuddle, we need to-" i cut bojan off by grabbing him to lay next to me.
"Okay fine. You caught me" he said.
"Sure I did." I smiled, putting my hands under my chin.
"God you're cute." Bojan giggled shaking his head.
"Bojan have you got my charger?" Nace came into the room.
"Oh my fucking god- that's the second time I've done that in under 24 hours."
Me and Bojan started laughing.
"Will you two quit being lovey dovey for 5 minutes?" Nace shrugged.
"No" i said.
"What she said." Bojan agreed, clicking his tongue at Nace.
"Whatever, do you have my guitar picks?"
"No? I dont think so, ask Jan."
"Alright, sorry for interrupting once again." (poor nace😭)

I fell asleep in Bojans arms, once again.
I was woken up what seemed like 1 second later, but really was 30 minutes.
Me and Bojan both heard the door go.
We had both fallen asleep.

"Who tf is that then?"
I checked my phone to see the time.
"Fuck, it's 3, i was meant to be back for 2:30!"
"That must be Mia then."
I was still in Bojans t-shirt.
Me and Bojan answered the door.
"Hi- is Zoé her- oh hello STRANGER." Mia said, looking me up and down, clearly noticing the t shirt.
"I'm sorry- i fell asleep."
"You need to come home." Mia said, acting like a mom.
"Fine." I agreed.
I got my stuff from Bojans room, he came with.
"I'm gonna miss you Bojci." I kissed Bojan on the cheek.
"I'll miss you too Zo, we'll see each other again soon. I promise." Bojan said.
"Good." I replied.
We walked back to the front door, and I said my goodbyes.
Bojan winked at me and i winked back.

I was going to miss him.

Authors Note
words: 1298

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