Part 22 - Pre-show

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Me and Bojan both got out of bed and decided to go to the kitchen area of the tour bus.
"You took good care of me last night" I told him.
"You remember that?" He asked.
"Not all of it. But I do remember the part when you stripped me." I laughed.
"I didn't want you to sleep in cargos, I can't imagine it's comfy." He told me.
"Cant say I've ever tried it."
I sat down on the couch in the living room.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked me.
"I'll just have toast" I told Bojan.
"Okay pretty girl." He exited.
I was so excited for today.
Before I did anything though I texted Mia.

hey! how's everything !!🥰

mia pia 🤮🤮
oh my god hiii!! everythings fine, i miss u tho😒

i miss you loads😩😩

mia pia 🤮🤮
I bet you're pumped for the show tonight though!!

oh my god yes! I'm nervous though..

mia pia 🤮🤮
don't be! you're great!

the show starts at 8pm, so it's gonna be a loooong night.

mia pia 🤮🤮
not anything you're not used to though.

fair enough.😭

mia pia 🤮🤮
The dogs miss you too
They're as sad as I am

*(mia pia 🤮🤮) has sent 2 attachments*

aww stop it i miss the house so much

mia pia 🤮🤮
you'll be home before you know it, I'll see you soon and please enjoy tonight, I'll be watching💝

i love you so much mia pia 😌😌
(♥️) reacted

I truly did miss her, dearly.
But this was such a big opportunity for me.

Bojan came back with my toast.
"Why thank you" I smiled.
"You're really cute by the way" i told him.
"Is that so?" He teased.
"It is actually." I laughed.
He kissed me on my forehead and went to go wake the other boys up.

authors quick note : u cant import videos but if you've seen that video where Jan and bojan wake up jure pls pretend that's here😭😭

Bojan came back with the boys.
They looked so tired, which was fair enough.
But we were quite stupid to drink the night before our first performance.
"You okay?" I asked Jan, as he looked the worst out of all of them.
"I'm okay" he replied, yawning.
I was afraid they wouldn't be able to perform.

They boys stayed in the kitchen while I went to shower.
I made sure I had a towel, did not want what happened last time to happen again.🫣
I got into the shower and put on my music.
I made sure I knew all of the lyrics to the songs I would be featuring in.
The adrenaline I had was unreal.
I was so excited for tonight.

I was mid way through singing when I dropped the fucking shampoo bottle.
I heard someone rush through the bedroom.
"ZOÉ" Bojans voice uttered.
"I- it.. Shampoo bottle." Was all i said in the moment.
"Oh- okay" Bojan laughed.
At least I knew he still had some energy in him.

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