Part 27 - I'm sorry

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I left the bus, in tears.
Once again.
I genuinely thought we would work things out.
I did not expect him to be as mean as he was.
It was 3pm, and I decided to take a walk, to try and calm myself down.

Bojans POV
Oh my god. Why the fuck did I do that?
Now she's going to think I don't care..
Of course I care.
She's the only person i care about like this.
I love her.
I needed to go out and find her.

Zoé's POV
I took a walk around the city, and found a spot, in the kind of centre, where I could sit.
I had my bag with me.
They had my headphones in it.
I thought that if i listened to music, it would calm me down a bit.

I put my playlist on shuffle, and of course the first song to come on would be a joker out song.
Fuck the headphones then..
I took them off, and just decided i would watch people.
Not in a creepy way, but what else was i going to do..
I sat there for ages.

Bojans POV
I walked out of the bus and decided to start my search for Zoé. Luckily I was half Serbian, so i knew the area, ish.
I went through the place where I asked Zoé to be my girlfriend, but no sight of her.
But I found something that looked like paper.
It was scrunched up.

I grabbed it, and opened it.
It read,

'I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you

Her initials. What the fuck did I do.
I had caused this.
I had put the page in my pocket and proceeded to search for her.

I went to the main part of the city, and looked in every shop, or cafe, or bar i could find.
Until I noticed someone, sitting on a bench.
There she was, sitting there.
With tears in her eyes.
I ran over to the bench.
I didn't want to seem like I was stalking her, but I needed to get her attention.
Me, being stupid, decided to walk past her 26278 times, she didn't notice me.
Until I finally had the guts to just tap her on the shoulder.

She turned around.
"For fucks sake, what do you even want? Are you just gonna cuss my whole bloodline out again?" She rolled her eyes, wiping away her tears.
"No, I'm here to apologize." I told her.
"I dont want to hear it." Zoé said.
"Please, just hear me out." I begged of her.
"Go on" she said.

"Last night, when you left I decided to get one more drink, and come home. But when I walked to the bar someone pinned me to the wall, and when I turned around it was Abyi." I said.

"She was trying to get me back, by talking to me in a way she thought was seductive."
"And then before I knew it she was kissing me..."
Zoé shook her head.
"I was so out of it, I was shocked and drunk that I couldn't manage to get the strength to push her away, and everytime I told her to stop she didn't stop. I told her I didn't want to."

Zoé's POV
I saw how emotional Bojan got telling me.
Maybe he was telling the truth, but it didn't make it right, still.
I kind of felt bad for ignoring him, but I needed time to take it all in.

"I still really don't forgive you, but i appreciate you telling me" I told Bojan.
"So-" bojan started.
"No, this does not mean we're back together. You need to earn my trust back." I told him.
"Fuck.. I mean- fair enough.." he said, putting his head down.

I hugged Bojan.
He seemed really upset.
As much as I wanted to just forget about it, and be his girlfriend again, I wasn't there when it happened, so he could've been lying.
For now we would stay friends, maybe with benefits.

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