Part 28 - In Your Face

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We arrived at the restaurant and got seated at our table.
"Here are your menus." The waiter handed us the menus.
We thanked the waiter and looked through the menu.
I wasn't really that hungry. Knowing me and Bojan were still split was really stressing me out.
But it was best for me right now.

The waiter came over with our drinks, and we ordered food.
I decided I would get pasta.
The rest of the boys got this fancy ass food, but I genuinely wasn't up for it.

Me and Bojan made the odd eye contact but didn't really speak much.
Jure and Kris made sure I was okay.
"You okay?" Kris mouthed to me.
I nodded my head back.
He raised his eyebrow, he knew something was up.
I just ignored it.
Jure put his arm around me and made small talk.
"are you excited for tomorrow?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I quickly replied.
That sentence got us into discussion about our UK tour.
Our flight was super early.
And i was not prepared.
I wasnt the biggest fan of flying.
It freaked me out how a literal vehicle can take us up in the fucking air.

But I was super excited to go back to the UK.
I was pretty sure that my father was still living in the UK, so I hoped that I wouldn't see him anywhere.
I hope he fucking rots in hell.


Our food came. It all looked delicious.
Even my pasta.
I started to eat when I suddenly had to urge to use the bathroom.
I excused myself and made my way to the bathroom.
Locked myself in a cubicle, and to my surprise, I got my fucking period.

I didnt have anything with me. At all.
"Shit." I put my hands on my face.
The least I would do just now was use toilet paper.
But I needed to go get stuff.
I walked out of the bathroom, or waddled you could say.
Me and Bojan met on my way back.
I decided to pull him to the side.

"Hey-?" He said confused.
"Bojan-" i whispered.
"Yeah?" Bojan put my hair behind my ear.
"I kind of just got my period." I told him.
"Shit." He said.
"That was my reaction exactly." I laughed.
"Do you-?" He started.
"No. And I don't know what to do." I said.

"I can go get stuff for you- if you want?" He asked.
"Yeah- yeah that would be great.." I replied, super awkward.
"Don't worry about it." He walked off to the men's bathroom.
Wow. Awkward. So awkward.
Wanted to shove my face into a car door after that conversation.
Casually I sat back at the table.

Especially when we weren't on the best terms, it made it even more awkward.
"Everything.. alright in there-?" Jan asked me.
"Yeah! Of course." I said.
I started eating my food again.
Bojan came back from the bathroom.

"Oh shit guys, I need to take this" he said.
His phone started ringing.
"Oh- okay.." jure said.
Bojan nodded his head and left the restaurant.
I looked at his phone, and it was on YouTube.
"Phone ringing sound iPhone"
I laughed.
"Huh-?" Nace said.
"Nothing" I tried my best not to laugh.

"Right I'm not joking, what is going on with you and Bojan." Jan asked me.
"Oh-." The question was finally asked.
"Well- uh.." i stuttered.
"We're still not like- back together.." I told the boys.
"But we're getting back on track." I finished my sentence.
"Hmm." Jan mumbled.
"What?" I said.
"I just feel like this is all for show." He said.

"You what now?" I replied, angry at his statement.
"It just seems like you're being mean to Bojan for attention." Jan uttered.
"Sorry? Attention? Are you fucking kidding me?" I said, getting angry.

"Woah- I never meant it in a bad way.." Jan told me.
"How am I meant to not take it in a bad way?" I made a point.
Right now was not the best time to argue with someone. My mood swings would go crazy.
Jan just shrugged.
"He kissed another girl Jan." I told him.
"Yeah- okay forget about it dont get so mad." He laughed.
"Fuck you Jan." I threw a drink in his face and left.

Oh shit.
I went to go find Bojan.
I went to the nearest store, surely he would be there.
And sure enough, there he was.
Talking to one of the workers.
I hid myself behind a stand.
"Uhh- so my girlf- FRIEND- i mean, asked me to get her like pads or something I don't know.." he stuttered.
I watched him grab the pads and go to the counter to buy them.
I decided to scare him when he came out.

"Boo!" I shouted.
"Holy shit." He flinched.
"Hahahah I got you!" I laughed.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me.
"Oh yeah- well I kind of threw a drink in Jans face." I told him.
"You what?!" He looked at me.
"Yeah- he was being a dickhead." I just blankly said.

"I dont really know what to say." He told me.
I could tell he got a little pissed off.
"Okay." I said.
He handed me the bag.
We entered the restaurant.
"Wait- I can't go back in there!!"
I yelled.
"That's your own fault darling" he said, opening the door.

I immediately ran to the bathroom.
And got changed.

Jan's POV
Well that wasn't fun, having a martini chucked in my face.
Maybe I was being a bit rude.
They had just sort of made up and I brought it up again.
Oh well, my eyes sting.
It was kinda hot tho.

This time she came back, but with Bojan.
Wonder if I would be attacked again.

Bojans POV
God I really love Zoé but seriously.
Now things were going to be awkward between me and Jan.
At least she can stick up for herself, kinda hot.

Zoe's POV
I changed into a pad and walked out of the cubicle.
I put on my red lipstick and walked out of the bathroom, blowing myself a kiss in the mirror before leaving.
I decided I would just act like nothing happened, unless someone brought it up.
Speaking of "bringing stuff up" What the fuck is wrong with Jan?
Anyways, I wasn't going to lose sleep over it.

"Hey" i said.
"Hi" everyone replied, apart from Jan.
Which was fair enough.
My food was cold, so I decided to not eat it.
I didn't feel well enough to.
I was going to pay for the bill anyway.


I went to the bar to pay for our meals.
"Thank you" i said.
"I Hope you enjoyed your meals." The waitress said, winking at me.
Women. Just women.
I went back to the table.

"Are you all ready to go?" I asked.
They all agreed.
"I'll go call an Uber." I said.
I walked out of the restaurant and called the Uber.
I was in the middle of booking it when someone tapped me.
It was Jan.

He noticed I was still booking it and waited until I was finished.
I put my phone back in my pocket and turned to him.
"Hey." He said.
"Hello." I replied.
"I'm really, really sorry about earlier." He told me.
"Mhm." I said bluntly.
"I know you wont want to forgive me right now, but I totally realize I was in the wrong." He started.
"I shouldn't have said that, or even brought it up for that matter." He said.
"I appreciate your apology, and for your understanding of your stupidity." I told him.

Jan laughed.
I decided to pat his head. I wasn't going to hug him. Wasn't feeling that energy rn..

We walked back into the restaurant until our Uber got here to take us back.

Authors Note
super boring chapter </3

words: 1327

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