Part 25 - Belgrade

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A/N: Before you read, this will be a longggg chapter.

We had finally arrived in Belgrade, Serbia.
We were woken up by Jan.
"We're here." He slammed the door shut.
"What the fuck is wrong with him?" Bojan asked.
"I don't know.. maybe about his fun night."
Bojan laughed.

Me and Bojan got out of bed and went to confront Jan, once again.
I opened his room door and knocked as I walked in.
"Go away" His head was slammed into his pillow.
"No." I stayed.
Jan looked up at me.
"What do you actually want?" He asked.
"What's wrong with you." Bojan added.

"Well, it was last night." Jan started.
I looked at Bojan.
"I met this girl after the show last night.."
"Oh?" I mumbled.
"We hooked up and she wanted to take so many photos with me, and she posted them on her instagram"
Me and Bojan were getting worried about what he would tell us next.

"And I realised she used me for fucking clout." He put his hands over his face, feeling stupid.
Me and Bojan looked at each other, surprised.
I put my arm over Jan.
We knew something like this would happen..

"Now I'm all over instagram getting dmed about her non stop.." he told us.
I didnt really know what to say.. I wasn't really good with this stuff..
I just decided to hug Jan and tell him we were all here for him.
"I just feel so stupid.." he told us.
"Dont! It's not your fault." Bojan assured him.

I decided to leave Jan and Bojan so they could talk on their own.
Using someone for clout.. that's fucking messed up.
I decided to go on instagram to see if anything was dmed to me.

I was greeted with 100+ dms, tagging me in the same post.
It was a photo of Jan that she had took with him holding his hands up in the air.
She captioned it,
'Mine ❤️😍'
I rolled my eyes and decided to block the girl.

Jan didn't deserve this.
The time was now 3pm, our concert was in 5 hours.
I decided to watch Netflix for a while, until my decision was interrupted by Bojan entering the room.
"Hey?" I said.
"Hello." He replied.
"Hey so I heard there's a cute walk around here.." he told me.
"Continue" i fixed my eyes on him.
"Come with me." He grabbed my arm.

"I don't even have shoes on!!" I laughed.
Bojan threw me my converse and we went out.
He took me to this woods, kind of looking place.
He was right, it was super beautiful here.
There was flowers surrounding the whole place, and there was a river, with a bridge over it that we crossed.

"Zoé, you know how much I like you, right?" He asked.
"Sure." I said, getting really confused.
"I was wondering.. if maybe.. you wanted to be my girlfriend..?" He admitted.
I was in shock.
"It's okay if you don't" he assured.
"OH MY GOD, YES! YES YES YES!" I jumped into his arms.
"Really?!" I asked.
"Of course!" He kissed me.

I was waiting for this for so long.
Everything we had done, everything we had talked about..
It was meant to be.


It was now 6pm, 2 hours until our concert.
We decided to head back to the tour bus, to tell everyone the good news.
As me and Bojan entered the bus, we were welcomed by the boys cheering.
They clearly knew this was happening.
"Did she say yes?" Kris asked.
"I sure did." I told him.
They all cheered for us.
I was so happy to finally be his.

After 10 minutes I went into the shower again, before our show.

Bojans POV
I went to go see the boys while Zo was in the shower.
"Dude you have a girlfriend" Kris said.
I just laughed at the comment.
"We're really happy for you." Nace said to me.
"Thanks." I added.
I was so happy that me and Zo were finally together.
She was mine.

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