Part 21 - Journey

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┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐

We got all ready to leave and we did.
I was so excited.
Although I did get car sick really really easily. But alcohol would sort that out.
I decided to sleep the whole travel to Zagreb, and so did Bojan.
We were both so tired from last night.

We felt the bus stop moving when we heard someone enter.
It was Kris.
"We're here by the way." He told us.
"Yayyyyy" i cheered.
"we're gonna play some drinking games if you two want to join.." he said.

"How could I say no to that?" I said.
"Hmm.. I don't know.." Bojan said.
"Don't be a pussy. Let's do it" I grabbed his arm.
"Fine." He agreed.

We went into the main lounge area to be met with the rest of the boys.
"What are we gonna do then?" I asked.
"Truth, dare or drink?" Jan asked.
"Sure, that's fun." I winked.
Bojan rolled his eyes. He clearly didn't want to play.
"Do you know how to play, Bojan?" I teased.

"Shut up Zoé" he shook his head.
"Oh dang, pretty boy is getting angry?" I continued to annoy him.
He just ignored me and we started the game.
"I want to go first" Jan said, calling dibs.
"Fine by me." I told him.
The boys just laughed.

Jan decided to ask Nace.
"Truth or dare, Nace." He said.
"Truth" he replied.
"I'll start off easy. Who was your favourite at the ESC" Jan asked.
"Hmm.. käärija or gustaph.." he answered. ((I genuinely don't know if that's what he would've picked just to clarify))
"I'll take that." Jan replied.

It was Naces turn.
He decided to ask Kris.
"Kris, truth or dare" He started.
"Dare.." he stated.
"I dare you to show us the last text message on your phone" he continued.
"Oh fuck.. hold on" Kris checked his phone.
"No deleting!" I told him.
Kris just looked at me.
He showed us, and it was from his mom.
It read,

"hey mom, hope you're well, we're on our way to Zagreb now. love you and see you soon hopefully❤️"
The boys laughed at the text.
"Aww stop it that's cute." I told them.

"Shut up.." Kris said.
We all laughed and then it was Kris' turn to ask.
"Zoé, truth or dare." He turned his head confidently.
Oh shit.
"Uhh.. dare..?" I said, immediately regretting my decision.
"I dare you, to kiss the person you're most attracted to." He said.
"I think we all already know the answer to that." Nace added.
"So?" Jan replied.

"Wow you are horny motherfuckers" i laughed.
I turned to Bojan and started kissing him.
I could tell it was turning him on with every single move of my lips.
I decided to tease him and bite his lip before I pulled away.
He put his hand on my inner thigh.
"Free porn" Jan said.
Jure just sat in shock while the rest of the boys laughed.

It was my turn to ask. I decided to ask Jure.
I turned my head to Jure.
He hid his face.
"Hmm.. truth or dare Jure."
"Uhh- erm.. truth?" He replied, sounding nervous.
"Whats a secret no one in here knows about you?" I asked.
Jure immediately took a shot.

"Woww, you're hiding something arent you" Nace said.
"What- no.." jure laughed.
It was Jures turn to ask and he chose Bojan.
"Bojan truth or dare?" He asked.
"Dare." He didn't hesitate.
"Confident, hm." I looked at him.
He winked at me.
"I dare you to.. kiss the neck of the person on your right."
Fortunately, i was the person on his right.
"God you really are desperate for free porn."

He did what he was dared.
As he started making out with my neck I immediately went so red.
Bojan ran his hands down to my hips and gripped onto them.
The boys watched as my face was turning into a strawberry and when Bojan pulled away he looked pleased with himself.

"Oh- uhhh" I struggled to speak.
"Everything okay, beautiful?" Bojan said seductively.
"Y-yeah im just gonna go use the b-b-bathroom" I stuttered.
I bolted to the bathroom.

"Holy fucking shit Bojan" Kris laughed.
"BOJAN" Nace acted like such a dad.
"Hahahah what?!" Bojan asked, knowing full well what he had done.
"I think you've made Zoé simply pass away" Jure told Bojan.
"Agreed" Jan said.
"It was your idea remember?" Bojan added.

I came back from the bathroom, still so shaky in my knees.
"Everything okay in there Zoé?" Kris asked
"Yeah- yeah no problem." I told him.

I sat back down and we continued.
It was Bojans turn, but he obviously had to pick Jan.
"Jan truth or dare." He asked.
"Truth" Jan uttered.
"Where is the riskiest place you've done it?"
Jan immediately took a shot.
"Too soon to tell." He gagged as he necked the shot.

We all had a couple more drinks, got wasted, and started talking about the most random and idiotic shit ever.
But still, Bojan was still sober.
I always wanted to know why.

Me on the other hand, was absolutely out of it.
After around 20 minutes, Bojan insisted I got to bed.
"Hey, Zoé I think you should go to bed now.. we have a big day tomorrow.."
Tomorrow was our first show.
I totally had forgotten about it.
"What are you even taaaaalking about I'm having soooo much funnnn" i said drunkly.

"Zoé, come on" He grabbed me.
"Wheeere are you taking meeeeeee" I yelled.
"I'm being kidnapped by a strange mannnn" I continued.
"He's kind of hoooot nevermind" I always had to joke.
Bojan laughed as he took me to our room.

He placed me on the bed.
"You need to get changed and take your makeup off." He told me.
"I'll do it in a minuteeeeeee" I said, slamming my head into my pillow.
"Please Zoé" he begged.
"I'll do it in a min-" i was interrupted.
Bojan turned me over and stripped me into my underwear and did it for me.
It was nothing sexual, he was just trying to make sure I was comfortable.

I cant say I remember much, but when I woke up the next morning I was in Bojans arms, like it always ends up.
I could hear his little snores.
I decided to wake him up by poking him.
Very childish but it would be funny.

"Wtfff-" i Heard bojan say as he started to wake up.
He rubbed his eyes and when he opened them he was greeted by me staring into his soul.
"Oh hi there?" He said.
"Hi Bojan 😁" i smiled.
He smiled back at me and we got up out of bed.

Today was a big day. Our first show.
This was it!

Authors note
hope u like this chapter it's really boring bc it's 3am but yuh

word count: 1155

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