part 17 - Countdown to Tour

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The Next Morning
I decided to call Mia. Bojan was still sleeping.
I still hadn't told Mia the news and I didn't know how she would take it, hopefully in a good way.

mia pia 🤮🤮

Mia: hey zozo!
Zoé: hey mia
Mia: is everything okay?
Zoé: yes, everythings fine!
Mia: then why did you call me?
Zoé: well i have some news.
Mia: keep going girl

Zoé: so you see how I was going over to Bojans to record some songs?
Mia: yes..
Zoé: so uh.. they kind of asked me-
Mia: don't pause..
Zoé: if i wanted to go on tour with them..

Zoé: I KNOW *zoe puts her finger over her mouth to signal she needs yo be quiet*
Zoé: I know it is. It's a world tour so we wont see each other for a while...
Mia: yeah there is that.. but I'm so happy for you.
Zoé: i really hope this doesn't ruin our friendship.. i just moved in..
Mia: Zozo dont be silly! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! And I'll be with you the whole way, no matter what.

Zoé: i love you mia.
Mia: i love you too zozo, i take it you'll come back today to see me?
Zoé: of course! the tour isn't for another week.. shit that's soon isnt it.
Mia: honestly don't worry. We'll just spend as much time as we can together
Zoé: I agree. I love you to pieces Mia.
Mia: I love you more.

The call ended at that.
I then scrolled on instagram, the first thing that popped up on my feed was this.

I then scrolled on instagram, the first thing that popped up on my feed was this

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@ jan_peteh
it's crazy it's party..

@ krisgusti: i do not have any memory of this photo
↪️@  jan_peteh: sure you don't

@ nacejordan: me and Kris look dead
↪️ @ jan_peteh: peace out i guess

@ bojan.lover4: wheres bojan?
↪️ @ jok3r_.out: probably with his new gf

@ user77: Bojans new gf is so ugly
@ user56898: shut ur big mouth user77 u play fortnite

@ user468: she's not even Bojans gf.. and even if she was what did she ever do to deserve the hate.
Liked by creator

@ jokeroutislife: anyone talking about the guy in the back

load 7,574 more comments..


As i looked through the comments, they got worse and worse. I never did anything to deserve this, but at the end of the day it didn't matter what anyone said. I was happy with Bojan.

I turned over, and saw Bojan staring directly at me.
"HOLY FUCK" i yelled, flinching.
"Hahahaha" he laughed.
"THATS NOT FUNNY I GOT SO SCARED" I said, rolling my eyes.
"You're hot when you roll your eyes." He told me.
"Oh shush Bojan."
"I know you love me." He said teasing me.
He got out of bed, and went to go find the boys.
He looked at me and winked as he left.

"I know you love me" Holy god.
This man was doing stuff to me. And I couldn't complain.
I was truly so excited to be going on tour with them. Sure it would mean maybe more hate, but hopefully some people would be supporting me.
Don't get me wrong, I was nervous. I had never performed in front of everyone. No one had ever heard of me, so it will be a shock to me about what everyone thinks.
But i knew Bojan and the boys were going to support me.

Bojan came back into the room.
"I made you an iced coffee." He smiled at me, looking proud of himself.
"You're the best." I told him.
He came back into bed and just cuddled me.
"I'm so so so excited for you to come on tour with us. I'm happy to show you to the world." He told me. I could feel myself blushing by the second.
"Show me to the world huh?" I looked at him.
"Yes. Only if that's okay with you."
"Of course." I replied.
"Uh and also.. I saw the comments on Jans post and I really hope they aren't getting to you." Bojan held my hand.
"Yeah- They aren't really.. I'm going to have to expect it when we go on tour." I stated.
"We're all here for you and we will do anything to make sure you feel happy." He gave me a peck.

"You're such a softie, Bojan." I laughed.
"What no I'm not! We've been over this!!" He laughed back.
We cuddled for another 5 minutes until Bojans phone got a notification.
"Shit that's the producer, We still need to organize all of the dates and the cities.." Bojan told me.
"Do they know that you asked me to come on tour?" I said, kind of freaking out.
"Yes- of course." Bojan said.

It was around an hour later, and I was waiting for Mia to pick me up.
I heard someone knock on the door.
"Come in" i said.
"Hey Zoé, can we talk for a second?" Nace asked me.
"S-sure?" I was confused.
Nace brought me into the kitchen.
"Listen, I know and have seen how much Bojan likes you, and I've never seen him as happy as he is right now- I take it you know everything about what happened..?" He asked.
"Yeah- I do" i said back.
"Well this is a big step for him and I just want you to let me know if you actually like him. I cant have what happened last time happen again. It totally wrecked Bojans mental health and physical health" He stated.
I understood what Nace was saying and I appreciated how much he cared for Bojan.
"Of course. Trust me, I do really really like Bojan and I don't ever want to hurt him" I assured him.
"I really hope that's the truth." He replied.
"It is." I nodded.
We left it at that and I headed back up to Bojans room.

The door rang around 10 minutes later.
"That must be Mia." I told Bojan.
"I'm gonna miss, sexy" He winked.
I laughed.
"I'll miss you too, it's only a weeks wait though."
"Too long without seeing you or having your touch." He said.
"Jesus man how horny do you get in the morning?" I joked to Bojan.
"You never know." He replied.
We went downstairs and I said goodbye to everyone.
"Goodbye everyone, and thank you so much for everything, I'll see you all in a weeks time!" I blew a kiss.
"Bye darling." Jan flirted.
Bojan gave him an angry look.
"Bye Zoé!" Jure said.
Kris hugged me.
Nace just waved at me, things seemed pretty awkward between me and him now.
"Bye bye pretty girl" Bojan hugged me and kissed me on my forehead.

I opened the door to see Mia.
She waved at everyone quickly and then we left.
We got into her car.
"BITTTCH TELL ME EVERYTHING" Mia shouted, cheering.

Authors Note:
This is such a shitty chapter I apologise sm but I need ideas of what to do for the next week (in the story) until they go on tour 🫶🏻🫶🏻
New chapters tomorrow ♥️
i love you all
I also want to thank Verena103 for how much they've helped me improve with my writing❤️

words: 1190

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