We interupt this program for some funny content

482 12 43

*on the way to the raptor paddock*

Chris: He is such a crybaby. He's all...

Chris: *mocking Kenji* 'I'm telling. You know you're not supposed to leave camp after dark. I'll tell Dave and Roxie if you don't let me come.'

Brooklynn: Don't pick on him

Kenji: *sticking his tongue out at Chris*


Roxie: Did you have a good day?

Chris: Yes

Kenji: No

Chris: Shut up

Roxie: A good day?

Chris: Yes

Kenji: No

Chris: Shut. Up.

Roxie: *whispering* You were supposed take him to the spa

Chris: *whispering* I took him to the spa

Kenji: She put me in the vegetable steamer

Chris: It's the same thing!

Roxie: It is not the same thing

Chris: Yes it is. First it gets hot then it gets steamy then it goes DIIIIIIIING!

Kenji: Blue haired bastard


Roxie: We left Sammy and Chris alone in a room and they dumped two pounds of sugar in the dryer trying to make cotton candy


Dave: Did it work?


Chris: *asleep on the couch*

Sammy: * slowly entering room holding cymbals, poised to slam them together at any moment* And you're sure Chris said this was okay?

Kenji: Trust me, its what she wants


*Chris totally being a badass and defeating the Dimorphodon*

Kenji: I'm watching my tone, dun na na. I ain't talking back, no, why. Cause Imma get thrown, dun na ns


Kenji: As you're best friend...

Darius: Chris is my best friend




Chris: Why should I have to apologize!

Chris: *points to Ben holding onto Kenji* I saw gay, so I said gay! Dat ain't bullying, that's an astute observation!


Chris: You're stupid

Kenji: Well you're dumb


Chris: I don't like your hair

Kenji: *gasps*

Brookylnn at the other side of the room: Oh my god, she went there


Chris: You have exactly three seconds to explain why you just woke me up

Darius: Because it's morning and you should be awake

Chris: Huh, interesting. I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WANTED TO DIE TODAY!

Darius: Chris you can't kill me

Chris: Too late I already decided how


Ben: You're not coming to my tea party?



Brooklynn, an internet kid: Rest in pieces Kenji, I'll press F for you later

Dave, nodding and trying to be cool: To pay respects, yes, F in the message

Roxie: F?

Darius: F?

Chris: F?

Kenji: I'm not dead and this is a verbal conversation


How eveyone else sees Eddie:

How eveyone else sees Eddie:

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How Chris sees Eddie:

"He is standing at the window holding a human head

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"He is standing at the window holding a human head. HE IS STANDING AT THE WINDOW HOLDING A HUMAN HEAD!


Kenji: *yells at Darius*



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That's all folks! Please enjoy dragon bird before you leave

That's all folks! Please enjoy dragon bird before you leave

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Fulcrum Out!

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