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                                   Y/n's POV
I was currently in the car with Jackie and Shauna. I was in the passenger seat next to Shauna and Jackie was in the back. We all were singing to a song. It was the first time in a couple months I had felt happy with people other than my family. "Y/n I'm happy that you're not in that toxic relationship anymore," Shauna q says. "Me too and, thanks for being so nice," I say to Jackie and Shauna. "No problem you're nice, we're nice.," Jackie's says before we all go back singing happily to the song.

Once we got to the party Jackie practically ran to get a drink. "Come on let's introduce you to the team," Shauna tells me before dragging me by over to the 'Yellowjackets'. "Hey guys," Shauna says to the team. "Hey, oh and hey y/n," van says. "Hey y/n, where is Kelley?" Taissa says.
"I don't know why?" I reply. "Oh it's just she's always on your tail just basically being super annoying," Taissa says. "Oh we broke up," I say. "Oh I'm so sorry are you ok?"  Taissa says. "I'm ok, plus I'm the one who ended things she got super possessive and was flirting with multiple other girls," I say awkwardly. "Good for you I guess?" Taissa says. "Yeah it's fine and I have my eye on someone else anyway," I say. "Who?" Taissa asks. "Ok no need to be an interrogation station," Laura Lee says. Then you guys just talked and they all got to know me better.

Later everyone was talking in pairs and me Shauna and Jackie ended up talking. "Hey wanna go get a drink with me?" Lottie comes up to me and asks. I feel a blush creep up in my face just by her presence and I look at Jackie and Shauna for reassurance and they both nod their heads at me to go. "Sure," I say with a smile as we head to the drinks. "If you don't mind me asking why did you date Kelley if you didn't like her?" Lottie asks. "Oh well I don't know I just wanted to give her a chance," I say. "So I know we just finally talked without Kelley running up and interrupti-" Lottie says before getting interrupted by the devil herself Kelley. "Y/n can I talk to you?" Kelley asks. "You can talk to me right here right now," I say not wanting to deal with her bs. "Y/n please I wanna get back together," she asks. "Well me and- uhm Lottie are going out," I say grabbing Lottie's hand. "Uhm yeah.." Lottie's says hesitantly. "Whatever you're a slutty bitch anyway," she says annoyed. "Oh yeah, we'll at least I'm not you," I say and she walks away annoyed that her plan to get me back had failed. I let go of Lottie's hand a say a quick sorry. "No, that's what I was saying before, I like you in a crush way and I was wondering if you wanna hang out sometime?" Lottie asks nervously. "Yes, I uhm I like you too and I've liked you for a long time and I told Jackie and Shauna and they wanted me to ask you out," I say happily. "Well I asked you," she says laughing and holding out her hand which I happily take and we go in with our night.

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