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Y/n info
13 years of age (I think that's how old Javi is)
Traits: funny,loyal,kind
Younger Sister of Jackie Taylor
Trigger warning ⚠️: depression and d3ath
I was currently running away from the other girls with Nat and my bestfriend might be crush Javi. The other girls wanted to kill Nat for food. I didn't want anyone to die so I had offered myself first and I know it seems pretty fucked up but I just wanted everyone who could to survive. They said no and that the wilderness would choose.

I'm being honest I might be starving but I'm never going to eat a human and when they did this with Jackie and ate her, of course I didn't eat her because she was my sister, I just starved and I'm pretty sure I'll starve again.

Javi had went further than me and Nat already but he had stopped and look at platform of ice he was on. Me and Nat were confused but we kept going but then the ice under javi had broken and he fell through and as soon as he did I had ram over to where he had fallen through. His hands were above the water trying to push himself up. I went to go help and I grabbed his hand and tried to pull him out of the water with Nat helping me but the others were getting closer.

I didn't notice when Tai was holding back Nat and the Van grabbed me from my arms and pulled me away. "No, please!" I screamed repeatedly but they didn't seem to listen. I started to kick and tried to move my arms around so they could let me go but they didn't care.

They didn't care about how I felt or how this would affect me. All they wanted was food and they were willing to take a life for it. They

"The wilderness chose," I heard van say from behind as Javi had now went unconscious and or dead. Van still kept hold of me as they pulled him out of the water.

Once Van had let me go I crawled to Javi's body and screamed with sadness and pain. I felt tears pour out of my eyes as I looked at his lifeless body.

I couldn't believe I that the one person I had loved and cared about was gone.I had already lost my sister and now I had to lose him too.

I got up rage had now filled my body as I now turned around to see them all with guilt now expressed all over their faces seeing how their action caused me that much sadness.

"Look y/n we're sorry but we have to eat, we didn't mean to hurt y-," Van had got cut off by me slapping her in the face and pushing her onto the cold platform. "Fuck you, Fuck all of you," I say running away from the group I thought I had known since my sister started high school but obviously I didn't. I heard "I'm sorry" and "come on it's not our fault" from them soon becoming completely faded once I had made it back to the cabin.

I walked inside to see coach Ben fiddling with something in his hand until he heard me. As soon as he looked up I quickly said sorry. "Oh no you're okay, what's wrong?" He asks. "You ask them," I say when the cabin door opens.

"Y/n, can we talk," Shauna says now that things have quieted down and I was in the other room sitting on a dresser by the window thinking back of the events in today.

"What do you want to talk about Shauna?" I say annoyed but with my voice cracking in the process as I start crying thinking about Javi. "We're all sorry but we have to eat, you don't want to die right?" Shauna asks expecting me to forgive her but I'm not going to and I don't think I ever will.

"I mean I don't know, I've wanted to die ever since Jackie has but when me Javi became friends it was different I felt like I had a purpose to be here," I say tears now running down my face.

"It's not my fault, they wanted me to do it and hunt Nat," she says. "Yes it is your fault, you could've helped him but instead you stood there, everyone did!" I scream at her.

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