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Y/n info
Age: 16
Teammate on Yellowjackets soccer team
Bestfriend: Misty Quigley
Traits: Loyal,Helpful,Kind
                                Y/N'S POV

I was sitting near the fire outside that me and the Team had built. Nat was sitting outside with me and we were talking about stupid things because we have been bored the past months we all have been stuck out here.

Misty had just now came outside. "Hey guys," she says. "Oh hey Misty," me and Nat reply. "Uhm y/n can I talk to you?" Misty asks. "Yeah what's up?" I tell her. "In private?" she asks. "Oh okay," Nat says before walking inside.

"So, what is it?" I say. "You promise you won't tell," Misty states. "Yeah I promise," I tell her.
"I think I'm in love with coach Ben, I've been having dreams about him," she mumbles with a smile.

"Misty he's gay and he probably only likes men," I say with a concerned look on my face.
"So you're saying that he probably doesn't like me back," she supposed with a sad look on her face.

"I'm sorry Misty, there will definitely be some one out there who will love you more than you ever could imagine," I say trying to reassure her. "Ok thanks, let's take a walk I wanna try to clear my mind," she says. "Ok let's go then," I state.

We take a walk Misty leading me through. I didn't have any idea of where we were going but I just followed her around being that she was my friend and I trusted her.

We ended up at a cliff which was weird but I didn't mind it. "Y/n thank you for being my friend, I've loved every moment we've spent together but all good people have to go at some point," She comments. "Wha-" I say before I feel a push on my chest causing my body to fall off of the sky high cliff.I screamed the fall to my death thinking of the fact my 'bestfriend' had killed me.

Once I fell to the bottom I felt weak but I didn't die and once I realized I tried to get up but I couldn't feel my body and or move it.

Soon later Misty came back with a shovel and an axe. "Misty please let me live I promise I won't tell anyone you did this," I plead. "Y/n you don't deserve to be living like this, and Van told me that we should get rid of you we're hungry and we need to eat of course but I love you and I'll see you soon," she says before lifting the axe over her head and hitting me in the stomach with it. "No, please," I plead once again but after she hit me in the chest with it causing me to take my last breath.

A/n: sorry for another angst story I will be doing some fluff soon also remember if you have anything you want me to write for you just comment it on the request chapter thank for reading until the end if you did.

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