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Y/n info
Age: 16
Traits: loyal, helpful, kind
Dating: Mari
Teammate on Yellowjackets soccer team
                                Y/N'S POV

I was currently reading one of the books I had from my suitcase. I was extremely cold as it was winter and we all were out in the wilderness.

My girlfriend Mari had been sitting next to me watching everyone in the room. I was reading the next line when I heard Mari in an irritated tone shout something.

I mark my page and close the book to see why she was screaming.

Apparently Nat said something about how everyone was sitting on their ass and not doing anything while her and Travis were out hunting for food and basically doing all of the work.

So of course Mari being herself had shout 'fuck you' back. "Mari come on you know it's fucking true, you guys do nothing," Nat adds.

"Nat are you actually serious, all you do is go out for like a couple hours and come back with nothing are you just taking long walks," Gen says.

"Ok, what have you done at all today? All of you what is one fucking thing any of you have done to help today," Nat yells.

"Nat what the fuck is wrong?" I ask walking up to her. "Everyone just doesn't do anything," she speaks and or yells at me which had made Mari even more annoyed.

"Don't you fucking yell at her like that!" Mari gets up and pushes Nat making her fall into the wall. "Babe stop," I say trying to walk her away but before I can Nat gets up and hits Mari in the face.

Travis had now gotten up and went to hold Nat back as I walked Mari away into the other room as coach Ben wasn't in there.

"Relax, it's ok she is probably just mad about something else and is just taking it out on everyone," I say walking Mari over to the bed and sitting her down.

"Yeah sure or maybe she was just being a bitch like always," Mari tells me in an annoyed tone. "Babe, stop I mean it," I say to her as I sit on the bed as well and hold on to her arm.

"Fine but, if she starts again I promise I am going to punch her," Mari says in a confident tone. "No you are not," I tell her.

"And why not?" Mari questions. "Because I am going to stop you," I say. "Whatever," Mari says leaning her head on my shoulder.

"I'm really lucky," Mari tells me. "And why is that," I ask smiling. "Because I have you, and you're also my girlfriend," Mari speaks. "Well I'm lucky to have you too," I say.

Soon we had fallen asleep from talking for a couple hours and ended up skipping dinner.

A/n: sorry I haven't published in so long I had to keep going to the doctors for my ankle and I've been sleeping a lot because the pain is so bad that I'm just trying to sleep it off but I will be in publishing more and I luv you all❤️.

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