ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝕥𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕖|| 𝕊.𝕊

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Y/n info
Age: 16
Traits: loyal,Elegant,caring
Love interest: Shauna Shipman
No crash AU
                          SHAUNA'S POV

I was talking to Jackie as the team was on the field because apparently our coaches had something to tell us. Coach Ben came outside and asked to speak with Jackie, so we said our goodbyes and she left.

When she came back she was with a girl. An absolutely gorgeous one. I know it sounds cliche but this girl was absolutely stunning.

"Everyone listen up!" Jackie hollers loud enough so everyone on the field can hear.

Everyone becomes silent and turns their head towards the center of the field where Jackie and the girl were standing.

"So we have a new girl joining our team since Allie decided she was too good for us, our new girl in school tried out for the team and made it," Jackie exclaims.

"Y/n the team, the team y/n," Jackie says trying to introduce everyone. Everyone says a hello and coach Ben comes outside.

Coach Ben tells us we're doing a scrimmage so he splits the team in two some got red things to put over their shirt and the others got to wear their regular shirt.

Y/n was on the original team with me, Jackie, Lottie,Van and, some others.

Tai had the ball and was running towards the goal but before she made it to the goal y/n had ran in front of her and stole the ball.

She made it halfway to the goal and kicked it, the goalie tried to block it but the ball had already made behind her.

The team did a couple more rounds before coach Ben gave us time to play and basically do whatever activities we wanted that had to do with soccer.

I saw y/n kicking her soccer ball around by herself. I decided to walk over and ask if she wanted to pass the ball around for a bit.

"Yeah," she happily agrees. We started kicking the ball to each other not moving around to much just doing simple kicking back and forth.

We had gotten to know each other a bit and we learned that we shared a lot of the same interests. Soon it was time to go home from practice.

Me and y/n said our goodbyes but, I still wanted to talk with her more when I went home but I would always walk home with Jackie and we would do our homework together.

"Hey Jackie," I say walking up to my bestfriend. "Hey Shipman, I saw you getting close with
Y/n," Jackie teases in a flirty tone.

"Ok, shut up," I say chuckling and playfully hitting her shoulder. "She is good isn't she?" Jackie exclaims packing up her stuff.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go get the rest of my stuff and then we can walk home," I lie walking away and going back to y/n.

"Hey," I say. "Oh, hey Shauna," she says putting her bag on her shoulder. "I was wondering if I could get ur phone number?" I ask.

"Oh sure I'll write it down for you," she smiles.
"Ok," I say as she quickly writes the number down. "Call me," she says before walking over to Lottie and walking away with her.

I had been guessing she had talked to her too and maybe they live close together. Forgetting about that I look down on the paper she gave me which read '***-***-****' in amazing handwriting.

"Going to get your stuff huh," I hear the familiar voice of Jackie say behind me. "Oh no I uh- we were just uh-," I stutter before Jackie cuts me off.

"Shauna, you know I don't care if you have other friends, right?" Jackie implies before grabbing my hand and dragging me off the field.

"Yeah, right," I say knowing that I had some type of feeling for y/n that was different. It felt romantic like I had a crush on her or something.

Soon it was late in the nighttime and Jackie had left earlier. I was about to go to bed but I realized it wasn't time for me to go to bed so I decided to kill some time and call y/n.

I dialed up the number and heard the ring 3 times until I heard y/n's soft voice from the other side of the phone.

"Hey, sorry I didn't call you earlier I was with Jackie," I apologize. "Don't apologize I wasn't expecting a call right away any way.

"Oh ok," I say. Then I started going on and on about soccer and school and me and y/n got into deep conversation until it was time for both of us to go to bed and we got on call at 6:49 pm and got off of the phone at 9:28 pm.
A/n: let me know if you guys want a part 2 and also I just realized I haven't done a Shauna one before. I might not be publishing a lot because I think I sprained my ankle and I'm going to the doctors tomorrow so I'll let u guys know in an a/n tomorrow luv you bye.

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