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Captain of the cheerleading team
Sexuality: bisexual
Traits: funny,Intelligent,caring,creative
Dating: Kelley Winfield (Fc - Teenage Gabriella Wilde)
Real love interest: Lottie Matthews

Y/N'S INFO: Captain of the cheerleading team Sexuality: bisexual Traits: funny,Intelligent,caring,creative                             Dating: Kelley Winfield (Fc - Teenage Gabriella Wilde) Real love interest: Lottie Matthews

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No crash AU

                               LOTTIES POV
Me and Taissa were sitting on the field vigorously gulping our water down after practice while the other girls were talking to each other. "Oh my god why does Jackie make us practice solo hard for so long," I say taking a break from drinking my water. "Probably because Nationals is coming up and she hates losing," Taissa says taking a break from water as well. "Well if that's the reason I hope we get nationals over with and win so we don't have to practice like that anymore," I say catching my breath. "I'm with you on that," Taissa says as we falsely cheer our water bottles and take one last sip.

Me and Taissa are talking when she taps me. "Look," Taissa says and points to the back door of our school. The cheerleaders were walking out of practice. Everyone had a crush on at least one girl on their team but, the girl everyone has or had a crush on is y/n y/l/n. I mean come on she was absolutely stunning how could you not. "Looks like someone has a crush," Taissa says looking at me cause I was staring at y/n. "What,no definitely not," I say snapping out of my thoughts looking back at Taissa. "Come on everyone loves her," she says. "Ugh here comes Kelley," she says in an unpleased tone. Everyone hated Kelley because she was just annoying and mean. She was very possessive over y/n too and, I get it she's pretty and everyone loves her but it was a different type of possessive. She would get mad at y/n for just talking to a friend that seemed really happy to be in y/n's presence even IN A FRIEND WAY.

Me and the rest of the yellow jackets watch as Jackie ram up to y/n to ask her something is what I was assuming.

I was walking out of cheer practice with my cheer team when Jackie had run up to me. "Hey y/n!," she says and she seemed to be excited. I was too just because I was talking to someone other than my girlfriend for once. My girlfriend Kelley has become just too possessive and she isn't fair on the boundary rules of our relationship. She can talk to other girls as friends but I can't. She even flirts with other girls in which I wouldn't ever but she can't flirt with other girls and kiss them on the hand and cheek but I can't even talk to them. But anyways but back to Jackie. "Hey," I say with a smile. "Are you coming to Jeff's party tonight?" She asks. (the party is in the setting of the party they went to in episode 1). "Oh yeah the team is gonna be there," I say pointing to my cheer team. "Ok cool yeah all of the Yellowjackets will be there too," she says before Kelley walks up to us. "Hey Jackie me and y/n need to talk," Kelley says before dragging me away from the light orange haired girl.

"What are you gonna yell at me cause I was talking to someone again?" I say annoyed at how many times she's done this. "No you guys were flirting," she says. "Oh my god you're delusional we weren't flirting we were talking about the party tonight," I say trying to walk away but she pulls my wrist. "Don't you ever say that to me again you dumb virgin slut!" She yells. "How am I a slut if I'm a virgin?" I say now tears forming in my eyes not knowing what to comeback with. "You know what your a stupid whore I don't know why I'm still into you when all you do is flirt with other girls!" She yells before slapping me right across the face. It took me a moment to process but right after my whole body froze. She went pale realizing what she just did and she immediately regretted it. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to!" She repeatedly says. "We're over, screw you Kelley," I say as I run away. I see Jackie walking to her house with Shauna so I run over to them. "Oh my god what's wrong?" Shauna asks me being as my face was red and my eyes were red and puffy. "Me and Kelley broke up," I say. "Oh I'm so sorry, wanna come with us we're going to my house so we can get ready for the party?" Jackie says and Shauna nods in agreement. "Sure I just have to call my mom when we get there," I say. "Ok, come on," they say and we walk back to Jackie's talking and making jokes which makes me feel better.

We make it to Jackie's and go inside and into her bedroom. "You and Shauna can borrow my clothes and stuff for the party," Jackie says closing the door behind me and Shauna. "Ok, thanks," I say putting my school bag down next to her bed. "Is it ok if I ask what happened?" Shauna says sitting down on Jackie's bed patting the seat next to her for me. Then I had told them what Kelley had did and said and basically what had happened. "I'm sorry if I started anything," Jackie says. "No it's not ur fault and you shouldn't be sorry just because she got mad that I was talking to you and, I've been wanting to break up with her anyway I have my eye on someone else," I say smiling thinking of the girl I've had a crush on for 4 months. That girl was Lottie. Lottie matthews was the girl I liked, I just never asked her out cause I was scared she would reject me. She just seemed like the girl who didn't like anyone like in a crush way. To be honest I didn't even like Kelley but I decided to give her a chance and she still manipulated me and I'm pretty sure she cheated on me multiple times. "Ohh who is it?" Jackie says putting a cassette tape in her cassette player. "Are you guys sure you won't tell," I say nervous to tell them. "We won't," Shauna and Jackie say. "Lottie," I say quietly. "Lottie as in Lottie matthews!" Shauna says with a gasp. "No way," Shauna says in disbelief and excitement. "I didn't even like Kelley it's always been Lottie I just don't think she likes me like that," I say.  "Are you serious she's totally into you," Jackie says handing me  and Shauna something cute to wear for tonight. "Yeah, you have to ask her out tonight," Shauna says. "Maybe," I say hesitantly. "We'll introduce the team to you since you haven't been able to talk to anyone in the couple months you and Kelley have been dating," Jackie says happily.

A/n: I'll make a part 2 cause I don't want this to be super super long.

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