𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞|| 𝐉.𝐌

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Y/n info
Age: 13
Traits: Kind, loyal, sweet, intelligent
Love interest: Javi Martinez
Jackie didn't die (I miss my J's don't judge)

Everyone had been playing a game and currently Lottie, Jackie and, Van were arguing about who the winners were. They all made it to the last round but there was a tie and they are trying to break it. Me and the others were just sitting silently because we all knew it would not be good if intervened.  

"Oh my god when are they going just break the tie already, it's been 30 minutes," I whisper yell in an annoyed tone. "I know, who do you think is gonna be the winner," I hear the black haired boy next to me whisper. "Probably Jackie, she gets her way in anything," I imply.

We all hear a noise and turn our heads to see Nat and Travis walking out of a room. The others were shaking their heads because we all knew what they were doing. Javi didn't know about Nat and Travis's relationship but I did.

I had to walk in on Travis and Natalie which was a very unpleasant experience just so you know. Neither did the others really know about the relationship except for my friend Jackie.

I had told her because she was my older bestfriend pretty much. She was there for me when Laura Lee had died which took a toll on me.

Travis looked at me and I looked in Javi's direction. Travis walked up to Javi and tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. " hey can we talk?" Travis whispers in Javi's ear but I don't think Travis knows how to whisper.

" uh, sure," Javi stands up tapping me on the hand which was our way of saying goodbye without actually saying it.

After a couple short minutes they both walk back into the room and I hear Jackie say "everyone we have made a decision on who the winner is, the winner is me," she says pridefully and everyone else does a clap so we could go to the next round.

Me and Javi didn't play this round so we sat behind everyone else near the fireplace as they were in the middle of the floor.

"Is everything ok?" I ask Javi. "Yeah he asked if you had told me anything," Javi answers. "Oh ok," I reply with a small smile.

"So what is it?" Javi asks. "What do you mean?" I ask back. "What are you not telling me?" Javi answers.

"I'll tell you later ok, I promise," I say holding out my pinkie and we intertwine both of our finger before intertwining our hands.

We sat chatting near the fireplace with our hands holding until they finished playing the game so we let go because we didn't want them to see.

We still haven't told them and it's been a few weeks but we just want it to be peaceful before they make it not peaceful I guess. They all are just kinda annoying when it comes to us and as much as I love Jackie it's mostly her.

Soon we all decided it was time to go to sleep and we all did just that. Except for 2 people, me and Javi.

We don't get a lot of sleep because at night when they go to sleep that's when we can actually enjoy like really enjoy hanging out.

"Javi," I whisper silently tip toeing towards him. "Hey," he says chuckling. "Hey," I say taking a breath knowing I made it without waking Anyone.

"Can I kiss you?" Javi asks one I have gone back to my normal breathing. " yeah," I say with a big smile plastered on my face.

We shared a soft and gentle kiss and after the couple seconds it was we broke away.

Soon we started talking and or whispering cause we had to be quiet. "Y/n can you tell me now," Javi asks.

"Alright, I think Natalie and Travis are dating," I say. "Really? How do you know?" He questions.

"Remember when everyone was screaming at me to go get them from the other room," I respond and Javi replies by nodding his head.

"Well, they were um making out and Natalie was on top of him, shirtless," I mumble remembering the absolute moment of horror.

"Oh that's disgusting," Javi replies. "Yeah it definitely was,"

We then went back to talking and soon we got tired. "I'm going back," I say. "Wait nooo, I don't want you to go," Javi answers.

"Well if I don't leave they'll see," I say.
"Alright fine," Javi replies in a sad tone.

"We can talk tomorrow ok," I say before giving him a kiss on the cheek and leaving back to where I slept.

A/n: should I make a part 3??? Also for @ilovequeentaylor.

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